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Everything posted by InsertCoins

  1. InsertCoins

    Snow inside buildings

    Maybe this has been addressed already, but snow seems to not care that it should stop at the roof in the arma 2 barracks. Is this a Namalsk issue or JBAD buildings issue?
  2. Hi, I've been reading up but can't get this to work. I want players to spawn at random locations, i.e. no spawnpoint selection. I've set parachutespawn to 0, but still get the spawnselect window etc. What am I doing wrong?
  3. InsertCoins


    oh god
  4. InsertCoins


    I rank up in levels. Im a real life lvl 90 warlock.
  5. InsertCoins

    disable waypoints

    Hi, how does one disable the new waypoints using a custom difficulty? Already set waypoints = 0 but to no avail
  6. InsertCoins

    Tanoa Tips & Tricks?

    Don't eat the pretty leaves of the tree with the red berrielike fruits.
  7. InsertCoins


    1. Missed chance not using GnR in the video with that title. 2. Sneaking in a bush and checking around in 3rd person. For shame.
  8. InsertCoins

    "TANOA Exile - First look" Ambushes, teamwork and foliage galore

    you almost don't sound like a dutch person at all
  9. InsertCoins

    setting time for my namalsk server

    is it a hosted one or a dedicated server? As for the time multiplier, use exile occupation by @second_coming.
  10. InsertCoins

    Chernarus Building Replacement Script (Updated Dec 2017)

    mission pbo
  11. InsertCoins

    Add Balanced Navid/Spmg versions

    I only use them on Liberation
  12. InsertCoins

    Add Balanced Navid/Spmg versions

    navid all day every day
  13. InsertCoins

    Should Exile have an AI Antagonist?

    we're only 40 years apart, I can work with that.
  14. InsertCoins

    Should Exile have an AI Antagonist?

    Thinking of Radioactive STD riddled undead hookers from mars , how's the missus?
  15. InsertCoins

    Should Exile have an AI Antagonist?

    Radioactive STD riddled undead hookers from mars Yes.
  16. InsertCoins

    Mods on server's?

    Probably Kerama or Tanoa. Really like the jungle aspect and with 1st person only the jungle warfare will be epic.
  17. InsertCoins

    Mods on server's?

    will run vanilla, just waiting on the update now
  18. InsertCoins

    Problems with Namalsk in the 3D Editor?!

    This has nothing to do with the namalsk map. Do a search for A3customs
  19. InsertCoins

    Server Restart Required?

    Remember the namalsk test server running for a couple of days without any lag
  20. InsertCoins

    Tanoa Discussion

    I'm curious on how the AI will behave in the jungle. Will they be predator like all seeing machines or more likely to not see you when you can't see them through the foliage
  21. InsertCoins

    Tanoa Discussion

    tanoa doesn't like me. Wanted to check it out but steam is updating arma again, and for some reason my dl speed is 22kb
  22. InsertCoins

    Discussion - HC Competitive Exile Server

    which map will you be running?
  23. InsertCoins

    Tanoa Screenshots - Add yours

    Hard and moist my friend, hard and moist.