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About alexslx

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  • Birthday 04/07/1990

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  1. @second_coming Yesterday I had an error in my server after some time... 22:39:36 "ExileServer - Job with handle 11371 added." 22:39:37 Error in expression <n"; _locationArray = _locationArray - _vehLocation; }forEach SC_liveHelisA> 22:39:37 Error position: <_vehLocation; }forEach SC_liveHelisA> 22:39:37 Error Undefined variable in expression: _vehlocation 22:39:37 File x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\occupationSky.sqf, line 79 22:39:37 Error in expression <hicleSpawnLocation"; _locationArray = _locationArray - _vehLocation; }forE> 22:39:37 Error position: <_locationArray - _vehLocation; }forE> 22:39:37 Error Undefined variable in expression: _locationarray 22:39:37 File x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\occupationSky.sqf, line 79 22:39:37 Error in expression <hicleSpawnLocation"; _locationArray = _locationArray - _vehLocation; }forE> 22:39:37 Error position: <_locationArray - _vehLocation; }forE> 22:39:37 Error Undefined variable in expression: _locationarray 22:39:37 File x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\occupationSky.sqf, line 79 22:39:37 Error in expression <hicleSpawnLocation"; _locationArray = _locationArray - _vehLocation; }forE> 22:39:37 Error position: <_locationArray - _vehLocation; }forE> 22:39:37 Error Undefined variable in expression: _locationarray 22:39:37 File x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\occupationSky.sqf, line 79 22:39:37 Error in expression <hicleSpawnLocation"; _locationArray = _locationArray - _vehLocation; }forE> And it repeats forever. And here is my configuration:
  2. I'll try to get the logs for both client and server when this happens. I have another question. I had setup boat patrols however they are going to shore with their boats... There is any way to stop that?
  3. Since you closed my issue on I'll post here so hopefully someone will have the same problem and you gonna believe me. When I use A3 occupation I get randomly a issue where I lose control of my camera (I can't look around) while driving or piloting and when I leave the vehicle, I get a blackscreen. I need to reconnect to fix that. If I disable A3 Occupation it gets fixed and If I disable random vehicle roaming I get this error less than with this activated. Regards, Alex.
  4. It is possible to configure to spawn some soldiers in heli crashes? Or better yet, trigger with a random change the IA come to you with a vehicle or on foot when you get near the heli crash?
  5. alexslx

    Extended Base Mod

    Camonets are impossible to move or remove, can't find the menu. Also, there are some itens which when you finish putting it, it goes down to the floor.
  6. alexslx

    Need Chernarus misson file

    May I have it as well? Cheers!
  7. alexslx

    [Release] Specific Item Build Restriction

    Yeah, I've used both EBM and DP Addon and had the same feeling about some items which are nice, but can turn the server into trash if some base owner decide to spawn it 100 times. Feel free to share your limits
  8. alexslx


    Why do not use the box below player list to reach out players to comment on that? Like @Eichi did with the Namalsk test server. Put some announcement there and link to an official pool. It won't hurt anyone right?
  9. Hi, As my first contribution, I would like to share a few edits which I have added to prevent abuse of territory owners. I really like the additions of some mods like Extended Base Mod or DP Addon, however, some items might be to overpower or just annoying if added a lot to bases. In order to prevent this, I came with the idea of limiting the item building based on territory level and/or item count. There are two files you gonna need to override: ExileClient_util_world_canBuildHere.sqf ExileServer_object_construction_network_buildConstructionRequest.sqf DOWNLOAD: To override these files, you just need to copy my already edited files to a folder like "Custom\Overrides" inside of your missionfolder and then, add the following likes to the section named "CfgExileCustomCode" in your config file. Example below: class CfgExileCustomCode { // Build Restriction ExileServer_object_construction_network_buildConstructionRequest = "Custom\Overrides\ExileServer_object_construction_network_buildConstructionRequest.sqf" ExileClient_util_world_canBuildHere = "Custom\Overrides\ExileClient_util_world_canBuildHere.sqf" }; After that, just add the following into your CfgTerritories section: buildRestrictions[] = { // Classname Base Level, Max Objects {"Land_Cargo_House_V2_F", 1, 1}, {"Land_Cargo40_light_green_F", 1, 1} }; Done.
  10. alexslx

    [XM8 APP] Enigma XM8 Security

    Suggestion: Being able to open door/gates where the camera is point at? After a big raid, some players stay at our base securing the perimeter and looking around for enemies within the cameras... being able to control doors would be nice to remote manage it.
  11. alexslx

    Extended Base Mod

    Thats okay, I just commented out as a funny thing, not a critic Nice work!
  12. alexslx

    Extended Base Mod

    Let me ask another question, why do you add the ugly versions of the containers,bases,tower? hahahah
  13. alexslx

    Extended Base Mod

    @Ninja2dan Exactly these two lights I was thinking about. Would be a nice addition.
  14. alexslx

    Extended Base Mod

    Hi, I have two suggestions: 1) Can you add on the config files a comment like // Added in x.y.z? Makes easier to update server files (if we have changed something). 2) If you can add some light others sources for the following versions? I know you do not want to add 1903903131 items, but I think light sources are useful in several situations. I suggest some lamppost / light pole. and one question: Where there are some recipes commented out? Balancing issue?