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Everything posted by THE_H4DES

  1. Hi, could you please enable/enforce HTTPS for this website?
  2. THE_H4DES

    Multiple doors in buildings

    Hello folks, i experience an issue with the m3ditor. If i place an object (airport building / shed / barrack etc.) there a multiple doors, instead of one. Does anybody know, how i can fix this issue? Thanks in advance,
  3. THE_H4DES

    Add "No Build" Zones

    Hello, is there any way, to add "No Build"-Zones via the ARMA 3 Editor? Also i want to output a Text/Message, if a player is present. Thanks!
  4. THE_H4DES

    Search for a Debian 7 (Exile Restart Script)

    Try this. maybe it works.
  5. THE_H4DES

    Kriege einen dauerhaften fehler in meinem RPT Log

    Nur als (sinnvoller) Nachtrag: Die Lösung kann hier gefunden werden ->
  6. THE_H4DES

    Latenz steigt .

    Besser spät als nie... Bei mir führte das "statusBar"-Script zu einem Latenzanstieg. Nach dem entfernen konnte man problemlos mehrere Stunden spielen, davor waren maximal 15min möglich, bis die Ping-Spikes einsetzten.
  7. THE_H4DES

    Script restriction #12

    Read this post.
  8. THE_H4DES

    Military Shield

    This one?
  9. THE_H4DES

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Hello, is there any know-bug regaring mysql? If i upload the a3_dms.pbo file to my server, the mysql-server won´t come up again. No matter, where i place the .pbo file. i tried in the root-dir of arma3, where '@ExileServer' is located... also i tried 'mpmissions/a3_dms.pbo' Map: Chernarus extDB-Log: extDB2: Version: 70 extDB2: extDB2: Windows Version Message: All development for extDB2 is done on a Linux Dedicated Server Message: If you would like to Donate to extDB2 Development Message: Message: Also leave a message if there is any particular feature you would like to see added. Message: Thanks for all the people that have donated. Message: Torndeco: 20/02/15 extDB2: Found extdb-conf.ini extDB2: Detected 32 Cores, Setting up 6 Worker Threads [21:35:07:673540 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: Database Type: MySQL [21:35:07:703357 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: Database Session Pool Started [21:35:07:715442 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Loading Template Filename: X:\arma3\extDB\sql_custom_v2\exile.ini [21:35:07:716022 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Version 12 Detected, Latest Version 12 Available [21:35:17:286158 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:ADD_DATABASE_PROTOCOL:exile:SQL_CUSTOM_V2:174614:exile [21:35:17:289438 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:SHUTDOWN [21:35:17:289861 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:SHUTDOWN [21:35:19:179963 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:ADD_DATABASE_PROTOCOL:exile:SQL_CUSTOM_V2:743818:exile [21:35:19:183406 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:SHUTDOWN [21:35:19:183782 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:SHUTDOWN [21:35:21:035523 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:ADD_DATABASE_PROTOCOL:exile:SQL_CUSTOM_V2:403911:exile [21:35:21:039426 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:SHUTDOWN [21:35:21:039795 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:SHUTDOWN [21:35:22:972523 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:ADD_DATABASE_PROTOCOL:exile:SQL_CUSTOM_V2:617380:exile [21:35:22:977082 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:SHUTDOWN [21:35:22:977505 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: Error Invalid Format: 9:SHUTDOWN [TRUNCATED] [21:40:00:575712 +02:00] [Thread 21524] extDB2: Stopping ...