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  1. Vercetti

    AGN Namalsk Exile 0.9.6/1.56

    Changelog 13/03/16 Added extra trade zones in Added extra boat traders in
  2. Vercetti

    AGN Namalsk Exile 0.9.6/1.56

    BASED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM Are you looking for a quick and simple server to join? Then this might be the server for you! Specifically based around PVP, we do have AI Missions, Cap Points and Increased loot spots for you entertainment. Please make sure you have the following add on's installed in your Arma 3 directory Exile & Namalsk (You can find these mods on the Exile Download Page or A3Launcher) It is highly recommended that you verify your downloads otherwise you might not be able to join! DOWNLOAD THE LATEST EXILE AND NAMALSK! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MANY PLAYERS JOIN WITH THE WRONG VERSION! Scripts / Add on's DMS AI Missions Zupa Cap Points Additional scripts and add on's will be added soon! Features Stable FPS: 60+ Increased Range Status Bar 5,000 Pop Tab Start 200 Respect Start 10,000 Pop Tabs when you join our Teamspeak x1 Builders Box when you sign up to our forums Connect See you there!
  3. It seems a little unfair that the front page posts are getting all this air time and other servers are not. Especially the one which was last posted on. Not cool
  4. Exactly the way it's supposed to run
  5. I have done it how you have set it up. I have put the files in the right areas.
  6. Not yet, I will shortly Ill keep you posted
  7. Root, it doesn't have its own folder. Its just in Exile.Namalsk.pbo
  8. namalsk.pbo named as ZCP.sqf
  9. @Hell Raiser @Zupa from the Mission file
  10. Yo bud, the prompts on the screen do not work still.
  11. Vercetti

    [SOLVED] How do traders work now?

    My traders do not work regardless... pastebin: PS. _trader setVariable ["ExileTraderType","Exile_Trader_X"]; is in my code. EDIT: Fixed it
  12. I have added some traders to the Namalsk map but for some reason, they won't load in? am I doing something wrong? it worked before the update came out. Here is my file in the initServer:
  13. Vercetti

    Namalsk Map Problems

    I forgot to ask, how do I implement this into the mission.sqm in my servers mpmission folder?
  14. Vercetti

    Territory Setup Kicks From The Game

    Never mind, found the fix: //new 1 "" !"Exile_" !"Count" !"Restriction" !"2:" !"Exile_Construction_" 7 Exile_Unit_Player
  15. Vercetti

    Territory Setup Kicks From The Game

    I have no idea why I am still being kicked. I have fixed the setpos problem in the battleye filters with: !="Exile_Construction_Flag_Preview" but it doesn't work. Highly frustrating