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About localfamily

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  1. localfamily

    Custom fsm file for animals

    Then should I make my own mod to override or edit above class?
  2. localfamily

    Custom fsm file for animals

    I'm now making my own FSM script for Goat,Sheep or other animals. I found config.cpp at exile_client pbo. there are classes which include Exile_Animal unit classes like Exile_Animal_Goat,Exile_Animal_Sheep etc.. animal unit class looks like below. class Exile_Animal_Goat { name = "Goat Main Task"; fsm = "\exile_client\fsm\Exile_Animal_Goat.fsm"; condition = "\A3\animals_f\Data\scripts\createSingleTask.sqf"; description = ""; destination = ""; resources[] = {}; }; class Exile_Animal_Sheep { name = "Sheep Main Task"; fsm = "\exile_client\fsm\Exile_Animal_Sheep.fsm"; condition = "\A3\animals_f\Data\scripts\createSingleTask.sqf"; description = ""; destination = ""; resources[] = {}; }; I want to change that fsm. I don't want to edit config.cpp file at exilemod. How can I change that path. at the mission pbo or server side?? Anyone have an idea?
  3. localfamily

    serverside play3D problem

    I'm making a AI behavior script which is at serverside. Whenver AI attack the player I put say3D command to make a hit sound. However It doesn't seem to work. Should I send a network message to make a 3D sound? Serverside : //When player got hit [_sessionID, "PlayerUnderAttack", [_PredetorObject]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to; ClientSide : _PredetorObject say3D "HitSound1";
  4. localfamily

    chernarus winter map setting problem..

    yeah Thanks!! It worked!
  5. localfamily

    chernarus winter map setting problem..

    I used above link mission file to open a chernarus winter map. however when I launched a server and joined the game, current map is not a winter map. I used @cup_core,@cup_map.@cheranrus_winter and @exile mod my launch parameter is below.. and my mission.sqm file is below.. Do I miss anything?? Chernarus map works fine. but only winter map is problem.. I already checked server config file for a right mission location.