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  1. Xine

    [Release] Purchased vehicles spawn at specific location

    I actualy tried using conditions for diffrent helipads but it would not work so i dropped the idea. As for the range we are limited due to nearestObject, wiki: "Hardcoded radius is 50 meters.". Now there are a few things you can try to fix your heli spawning. Find: if (_disableCheck isEqualTo 1) then { switch (true) do { case (_vehicleClass isKindOf "Ship"): { _vehicleObject = [_vehicleClass, _position, _dirShip, false, _pinCode] call ExileServer_object_vehicle_createPersistentVehicle; }; case (_vehicleClass isKindOf "Air"): { _vehicleObject = [_vehicleClass, _position, _dirAir, true, _pinCode] call ExileServer_object_vehicle_createPersistentVehicle; }; default { _vehicleObject = [_vehicleClass, _position, _dirOther, true, _pinCode] call ExileServer_object_vehicle_createPersistentVehicle; }; }; } And change: case (_vehicleClass isKindOf "Air"): { _vehicleObject = [_vehicleClass, _position, _dirAir, true, _pinCode] call ExileServer_object_vehicle_createPersistentVehicle; }; To: case (_vehicleClass isKindOf "Air"): { _vehicleObject = [_vehicleClass, _position, _dirAir, false, _pinCode] call ExileServer_object_vehicle_createPersistentVehicle; }; Other things you can try is with this line: _position = getPos _nObject; Try changing getPos _nObject; to any of the following: getPos _nObject; // [2412.01, 6036.33, -0.839965] getPosATL _nObject; // [2412.01, 6036.33, 19.4266] getPosASL _nObject; // [2412.01, 6036.33, -0.920066] getPosASLW _nObject; // [2412.01, 6036.33, -0.865981] visiblePosition _nObject; // [2412.02, 6036.33, -0.837952] visiblePositionASL _nObject; // [2412.02, 6036.33, -0.91798] position _nObject; // [2412.01, 6036.33, -0.839965]
  2. Xine

    [Release] Purchased vehicles spawn at specific location

    You can try this, find _vehicleObject = [_vehicleClass, _position, _dirAir, true, _pinCode] call ExileServer_object_vehicle_createPersistentVehicle; And change true to false. That might fix your problem. Gl and let us know ☺
  3. I have rewritten the vehicle reqeust script to have more functionality, it can be found as a comment in the original topic, feel free to add it
  4. Xine

    [Release] Purchased vehicles spawn at specific location

    Updated again: - added parameters for directions - changed the code to use switches (prettier code, easier to add new functionilty) - fixed 2 bugs, default exile errors weren't showing and there was a statement missing when _disableCheck was 1. Feedback appreciated, feel free to reqeust functionality. Ps. currently, when there is no room to spawn a vehicle safely, this is shown: If anyone knows how to stop the script from executing besides using 'trow 1' or how to disable the throw message let me know, it will look prettier. I tried using a if statement in the catch but it stopped all default errors from popping up. (this won't effect funcionality, it still works as it should) I have fixed this issue, only the 'there is no room' notification pops up now.
  5. Xine

    [Release] Purchased vehicles spawn at specific location

    I have updated my version of this script: Added: Checks a defined radius around the object, if no safe spawn can be found it will throw a custom error message. Added parameters so you can enable/disable my changes as you desire. Error is shown as: Example of increasing the radius:
  6. Xine

    [Release] Purchased vehicles spawn at specific location

    Have you tried my version of the script? In my testing boats spawned where i wanted them to spawn, above the water.
  7. Xine

    [Release] Purchased vehicles spawn at specific location

    You could try changing: _nObject = nearestObject [(getPosATL _playerObject), "Land_HelipadEmpty_F"]; To: _nObject = nearestObjects [(getPosATL _playerObject), ["Land_HelipadEmpty_F"], 50] And: _position = getPos _nObject; To: _random = selectRandom _nObject; _position = getPos _random; I haven't tested it and i'm not sure how it will behave as 'nearestObject' returns a 3d coord and 'nearestObjects' return a 2d coord.
  8. Xine

    ExileZ 2

    Becouse you don't need the class items, like the parent class indicates 'class AddonsMetaData' it merely adds the meta data, which isn't required.
  9. ExileZ Replace your current coordinate of Georgetown in 'TriggerPositions.sqf' with: //[5681,10331,500], // Georgetown [5865,10695,200], // Georgetown 1 [6038,10268,250], // Georgetown 2 [5568,9987,275], // Georgetown 3 Add the following safezone coord in 'fn_init.sqf': SafeZonePositions = [// [[Coordinates],Radius] // You can Get the safezone information directly from your mission.sqm under class Markers [[9383,6203],200], [[2265,8596],200], [[11670,4106],200], [[12190,8167],200], [[7991,12411],200], [[5606,10422],200] // Georgetown ];
  10. Custom vehicle spawn points: The spawn points for this trader city, add the following to 'untTraderCityGeorgetown_server.sqf' add the bottom of the 'private _vehicles' array ["Land_WaterCooler_01_old_F", [5640.41, 10383.7, 2.95562], [-0.932284, 0.361727, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_Shed_02_F", [5648.63, 10404.4, 3.11566], [0.422618, 0.906308, 0], [0, 0, 1], true], // add this comma ["Land_HelipadEmpty_F", [5667.36, 10415.9, 2.21], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], // add this line ["Land_HelipadEmpty_F", [5598.94, 10457.8, 1.68983], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], false] // add this line ];
  11. Xine

    [Release] Purchased vehicles spawn at specific location

    Thanks for this script and idea. I have rewritten it, based on Exile 1.0.0 and tested on Tanoa (but should work on all maps). Biggest diffrence being that it falls back to the Exile way of spawning vehicles if it can't find 'Land_HelipadEmpty_F', this way you dont have to place them for every vehicle trader but only for the ones you want. Same instructions as the OP, but i use 'Land_HelipadEmpty_F' for all (can be changed in the parameters), just place a visible helipad on top if u want one. Updated it some more: Checks a defined radius around the object, if no safe spawn can be found it will throw a custom error message. Added parameters so you can enable/disable some of my changes. Error is shown as: Example of increasing the radius (to 12 in this case, default is 5, which is pretty much right on the object): Parameters: _spawnObject = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F"; // the object you want to use for spawning, can't be a simple object _safeRadius = 5; // radius around the spawn object where it looks for room, must be 5 or higher _disableCheck = 0; // set to 1 if you don't want to check if there is a vehicle near the spawn object _disableRadius = 0; // set to 1 if you want vehicles to only spawn at the exact coords of your spawn object, not recommended _dirShip = (random 360); // set rotation of ship vehicle spawning, default = random _dirAir = (random 360); // set rotation of air vehicle spawning, default = random _dirOther = (random 360); // set rotation of all other vehicles spawning, default = random _errorMessage = "There is no room to safely spawn this vehicle!"; // (toast)message to player when there is no room to spawn ExileServer_system_trading_network_purchaseVehicleRequest.sqf If you're using the Exile 3DEN plugin, set simulation to on, than after exporting change true to false (for performance): ["Land_HelipadEmpty_F", [5667.36, 10415.9, 2.21], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], Should work with any export format, as long as it's not a simple object (should be in the vehicle class).
  12. I hereby share my Georgetown Trader City. Mods used: 3DEN Plugin ( & M3Editor ( - Used simple objects where possible - Lights for nightime - All traders apart from Specops and Air traders. Image gallery: Download: Installation: place the 'custom' folder in your mission and read the comments in the other files.
  13. Xine

    Exile 3DEN Plugin

    Brilliant plugin, using this with Maca's M3Editor makes it all so easy.
  14. Thanks for this addon, i'm loving it! I have one qeustion however, there is a bunch of (usualy 3) jets flying above my ass constantly, i think this addon spawns them but i can't find where to turn them off?