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About xFRYx

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  1. xFRYx

    Complete inventory disappearing

    Hi, im a admin at ralfingersLP exile server and i get reports that complete inventory from vehicles are disappearing. Now first i thought they are fooling us to get easy pop tabs etc.. But yesterday my complete inventory from my humminbird, just disappeard.... 0o . 1 Minute ago, it was there, then it was empty. Nothing on the ground or in the near area, hocuspocus gone Maybe its same issue as disappearing ammunition, i dont know, just reporting it. HF with searching, lol Grtz
  2. xFRYx

    Drones and Frequens Mhz

    Hello, well today my mate got a drone and his terminal. he puts his drone on the ground, want to lock on with his terminal, but just before that. it flys away.... bb It seems that somebody else on the map, far far away, just wanted to do the same thing and locked on to our drone, not knowing that. Maybe put in a lock sequence to drones, like Mhz frequence on to it, to avoid that people just use other mans drones... they are very expensive and this bug.... is very annoying. Grtz fry
  3. xFRYx

    Unlock/Lock display

    nice, why not, each type of lock for car, heli, safe, door, gate, each an other color.
  4. xFRYx


    uhm server name pls? and version is 0.9.35?
  5. xFRYx


    1000m is not far. Pff i used to play with up to 3k for spotting etc and even higher for usig the hellcat. It has no use anymore to play this mod in my eyes, if its only close-combat range. I mean why have all this stuff in the game, that use long range options, when exile is limiting it. To bad, realy mod is nice etc. but this is killing for me the fun of it. Why go spotting to see whats going on, when u cant see anything......
  6. xFRYx


    Hello, i have noticed, that the visibility range from objects has been reduced to 1000m on lots of servers, almost all where i joined. I was wondering if this a server-files integrated, or do the srv-admins this on purpuse to get bether server performance? If it is from the server-files that the devs release, wouldnt it be bether to stock it up to 2000m? So weapons that u can use and scopes etc... can be realy used. Not only shooting from a weapon till 800-1000m. I have for example DLC package with the Sniper stuff. Realy cant use it anymore, no use the have scopes bether then a DMS. Rangefinder? Why need it. after 2-3 shots u can make the kill without any scope on a MXM for example. Your opinion pls. And my opionion is let me use scopes to get kills from 1500m and more... Regards, Fry
  7. xFRYx

    Support for cba a3

    Yeah a CBA sound mod or something, bether bangs etc are always welcome....
  8. xFRYx

    Vehicle locking from Inside

    Yeah almost perfect But ejecting people out of the vehicle? My name is Bond, Fry Bond and i push the RED BUTTON , rofl.... I will drive then to get 100km/h then eject them, to see the blood on the streets. lol Or bether lets get a chopper lift the car and then eject them. Lets use them as smal Grease bombs, 0o etc....
  9. xFRYx

    Vehicle locking from Inside

    Oke build in then a scroll option, SMASH WINDOW PULL Driver out. Or something. But only locking from outside is shity
  10. He, i would love to see the feature that you can lock your vehicle from inside! Not only from outside. Would be great wenn people r trying to sneak in ur chopper etc....
  11. He guys, well the new pincode screen, has a RJ45 plug?! Is there now a tool out yet for in the game, to hack the pincodes from locks and vehicles? When not, make one, that u cant buy, only lootable and max 2 each server round and after server restart its gone. Otherwise the locks wont mather anymore. When everyone has one... Greetz Fry