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Everything posted by Pistashio

  1. Hey all, CUP Weapons Price List and Class Names for CUP Weapons 1.5 Enjoy
  2. Well I did this a good 2 years ago, so it would need probably need a good overhaul but try it
  3. Pistashio

    Cup vehicle error

    Hi all. I get this error when i start my Servers with cup vehicles. The error requires a button to be pushed so when I try to load cup via hosting server it won't load. I'm curious if anyone knows a way around this error? 21:50:06 Warning Message: Addon 'CUP_AirVehicles_CH53E' requires addon 'CUP_Creatures_Military_USMC' I also took out the CH53F and tried without it on a local server and another vehicle threw the same error. I was planning to report this to CUP's website but they will not allow me to sign up (error)
  4. Pistashio

    Bad vehicle type

    I have been trying to install the lastest cup weapons on my server today and I get the error Bad vehicle type as well as mission images at trader. I did a read up and said something about infistar causing issues but i don't have infistar installed yet. Can anyone give me a clue of what going on?
  5. Pistashio

    Vehicle disappearing

    This thread has been rather old but player have been complaining about helis blowing up if placed on base wood structures. seems to be happening since the Arma 3 update for me. In some case they go boom and in other cases they just vanish. It really started to concern me when an entire base just vanished last night. what the hell is going on?
  6. Pistashio

    ETG Helicrash and Drop Script

    It works but is buggy, today i found a crate floating 50m with a smoke canister going off. I cant be positive but all heli are crashed on reboot if placed base structure. I love the script but too buggy to keep. Heli on base structure is NOT true (tested)
  7. That helped a lot. either that or sniping would need to have been done from town. which is a better idea anyway while close combat team moves up.
  8. I just played it (in god mod) the approach is hard unless you decide to swim in. The whole mission requires team work. the island looks much better than the bare flat island. great addition to dms. thanks for the hard work
  9. Awesome went in without issues.
  10. Pistashio

    Outload script

    Is it possible to provide a bambi with a crate that is dropped in by parachute (close to but not exactly on/by the bambi player) that has a smoke canister going off for 30 seconds. If the bambi player choose to open this crate the bambi state ends. Crate can be activate by phone and will land with in a defined radius of the player or spawn point. would this be hard to do? I mean i seen things activate by phone, i know there is heli drop scripts and i know there is a way to fill a crate and place it on the map. would anyone be interested in working this script?
  11. Pistashio

    ExileZ 2

    thank you
  12. Pistashio

    ExileZ 2

    I see this in server logs and two players were plastered with zombies hordes last night and they loved it. In fact they asked other player in the air to come do airstrikes, by the time the chopper got there the guys were pushed back about 1000m from their vehicles. They said it was most intense fun they had on an exile server ever! I need to ask what makes a player valid?
  13. Pistashio

    ETG Helicrash and Drop Script

    well that would kind of defeat the purpose if making a script when almost every server has infistar
  14. Pistashio

    ETG Helicrash and Drop Script

    Yeah does, 5 airdrops and only one is marked. great script though
  15. Pistashio

    zombie problems

    mpeventhandler log has been reporting a lot of activity recently and im having issues stopping it. Everytime a zombies dies it gets logged. I tried filtering this and it appear every zombie is different therefore i need to use a "if is in" filter i believe I have tried: !"Killed" !"RemoteExec Restriction" !"RyanZombieC" The bastards keep coming. Anyone able to help?
  16. Pistashio

    Help Init.sqf

    You and me both, Thanks for asking
  17. Pistashio

    gun swaping

    Since Arma 3, I can kill and AI (DMS and A3XAI) and if I try right clicking on their weapon my current weapons vanishes completely however if I drag to the weapon spot the weapon is removed and placed on the ground. I'm not sure if this is exile bug or Arma 3 bug but i figured it would be an idea to let everyone know.
  18. Pistashio

    Dead at Respawn

    has happened to me a few time since Arma 3 update. I respawn dead on the ground then respawn without a spawn zone screen and sometimes with a spawn zone screen and sometime it corrects itself but i get blurred dead person vision and sometimes it just corrects iyself
  19. Pistashio

    ExileZ 2

    Im going to assume since my question was not answered a horde is the red zone and that we will not see 50 zombies in a group walking towards us
  20. Pistashio

    ExileZ 2

    I have had this script for about a week and i have two players begging me to dump a horde on them. Now i have been though horde settings but none of us are finding a horde. i have reduce the horde spawn time between 1 and 5 mins and horde size to 50 so we can find it easy. So how does it happen? how does this script active a horde?
  21. Pistashio

    Rocket Launchers

    @SWEENNDAWG not much i can do sorry
  22. Pistashio

    Rocket Launchers

    Really i got it in on first go. Might be conflicting with another script. You understand the steps @SWEENNDAWG? @Valeriy_tc there is one bug I came across. I put an RPG7 in and everytime someone buys the RPG and the HE round they lose the optic on their rifle.
  23. Sorry everyone I will no longer be updating this list due to the amount of bugs in CUP. I really did like the cup packs but it is full of bugs and causes a lot of TCAgame kicks. My work... take it, use it, update it, i do not care for credit
  24. Pistashio

    Rocket Launchers

    1. go to your mpmissions folder 2. un-pbo your Exile.Altis.pbo 3. open config.cpp in notepad++ 4. find CfgExileCustomCode 5. add ExileClient_util_playerEquipment_add = "Exile_Client_edits\ExileClient_util_playerEquipment_add.sqf"; 6. save 7. create a folder in your un-pbo'ed Exlie.Altis folder called, "Exile_Client_edits" 8. make a new text file and add the code above. 9. Choose Saveas and use the file name, "ExileClient_util_playerEquipment_add.sqf" 10. Right click on your Exile.Altis folder and make pbo 11. Back up your Exile.Altis.pbo on your server, upload this one and test.
  25. Pistashio

    ExileZ 2

    I can't off remember off hand but i think i set it to 0. so if it is suppose to be -1 then it is my fault