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Everything posted by Stoll

  1. Stoll

    Delete marker with trigger

    Hey there, I know it has to be very simple, but I'm stuck on this atm. Maybe someone can give me a push in the right direction. I want to place a global marker and want to delete it again with a trigger, when a player activates the trigger. So that's what I got so far: _marker = createMarker ["BOX", _object]; _marker setMarkerType "hd_start"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", "getMarkerPos _marker"]; _trigger setTriggerArea [5, 5, 0, false]; _trigger setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", true]; _trigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "deleteMarker _marker", ""]; I'm pretty sure that the error(s) are in these 2 lines: _trigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", "getMarkerPos _marker"]; _trigger setTriggerStatements ["this", "deleteMarker _marker", ""]; I'm not sure what to put in as string code for deactivation. Trigger should be deleted as well of course, after the marker is deleted. Thanks in advance.
  2. Stoll

    Rednecks Legendary WWII Survival

    Unique World War II setting on Chernarus Winter. PvE! Official Promo Video Release Video Mods: @WY_Snow_Winter_Effects_and_Retexture_Pack IFA3_AIO_LITE GEISTA3L Sabres Fighters Extended_Base_Mod Ryanzombies Mozzie Mod Enhanced Movement Addons & Scrips: Almost 1500 new objects added to the map Persistant weather, time and seasons! (winters are damn cold here!) In combat only 1st person view (doesn't apply to vehicles and planes) No Safezone(s) DMS with customized missions Customized Static Mission inside a cave Zed Mission with radiation zone on Skalisty Island Occupations of towns Roaming AI: Infantry, ground vehicles and planes! (and hell yes planes attack) Random bombing raids on towns R3F Towing Fishing with a boat (right shift to start) Sell from crates Airdrop Assistance Custom Crafting Different time acceleration for day and night 40 additional flags Radiation outside the map Recover Corpses from wrecks (little) Paycheques Persistant Tree Logging Cheers, Stoll
  3. Stoll

    SNOW TIME - v 0.9.8 -[updated 31-08-2017]

    @W4lly A question about the wreck removement script. It stops after 36% even when I dont move. I use different wrecks. Has that ever happened to someone else or is it reproducible?
  4. Stoll

    [Release] TNT - Terrible Nuke Territory

    Well, it should be called this way btw and not what I posted above: _bomber addMagazineCargoGlobal ["60Rnd_CMFlareMagazine",1]; _bomber addWeaponCargoGlobal ["CMFlareLauncher",1]; But I played around with that a bit and didn't get it working either.
  5. Stoll

    Need help with wages code

    Thanks, finally something that works right away!
  6. Stoll

    Need help with wages code

    No one?
  7. Stoll

    Need help with wages code

    Having a question about this little nice script: It works fine when I add the #include "wages.sqf" part on top of the initPlayerLocal.sqf. But then the rest of the init file is ignored and therefore my traders aren't loaded. When I put the include part at the bottom of the initPlayerLocal.sqf the script isn't executed anymore. So, what I'm supposed to do instead?
  8. I defined loot positions for over 200 buildings, so I know what I'm doing But the building (CUP_A1_Tovarna1) refuses to spawn loot I use CUP Terrains - Core with Chernarus_Winter_A3 , IFA3_AIO_LITE beside some other mods. All other buildings are spawning loot. The LootTables and ItemGroups are defined correctly, I double checked that. Any help would be appreciated. Thx!
  9. Stoll

    [SOLVED] Loot does not spawn with A1 building

    Seems to have to do with the A1 buildings at all. Found others who refuse to spawn loot. For above example I got it working changing it to "Land_Tovarna1", which is the same building...
  10. Stoll


    I wanted to change that as well, so I had a look at it and succeded on this Unpack the A3XAI.pbo and open the compile folder. Find the A3XAI_sendKillResponse.sqf and open it. Scroll down to the end of the file, you will see this: and change it to this: Repack, load it up again and enjoy
  11. Stoll

    [Release] TNT - Terrible Nuke Territory

    @NFGCaboose-1 I just had a look at the script again. The stuff that may spawn with the bomber is deleted by the script: clearWeaponCargoGlobal _bomber; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _bomber; Maybe the flare launcher has to be added itself as well. Try to add these lines: _bomber addMagazineCargoGlobal "60Rnd_CMFlareMagazine"; _bomber WeaponCargoGlobal "CMFlareLauncher"; right after: // Create jet + pilot /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _aigroup2 = createGroup civilian; _aigroup2 setVariable ["DMS_AllowFreezing",false]; _bomber = createVehicle [_jetModel,_jetStart, [], 100, "FLY"]; _jetPilot = _aigroup2 createUnit ["B_T_Pilot_F",getPos _bomber, [], 100, "FORM"]; _jetPilot assignAsDriver _bomber; _jetPilot moveInDriver _bomber; _bomber setFuel 1; _jetPilot setSkill 1; [_jetPilot] joinSilent _aigroup2; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _bomber; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _bomber; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _bomber; clearItemCargoGlobal _bomber; Than add this line at the start/end bombing section of the script and test it again. _bomber fire "CMFlareLauncher";
  12. Stoll

    [Release] TNT - Terrible Nuke Territory

    @NFGCaboose-1 I think so. Try to implement this into the script: _bomber fire "CMFlareLauncher";
  13. Stoll

    [Release] TNT - Terrible Nuke Territory

    Still works fine for me. Here is my file:
  14. I tested the bandit groups again. Sometimes they act normal, others shoot the shit out of their heads. Well, I didn't touch the settings at all, so it should work with the default ones. It's only happening with the random spawns. But nvm, I only use occupations, heli and crate spawns (which are working) and got back to good old A3XAI...
  15. Okay, relating to my problem described here I found out that this only happens when spawning survivor and bandit groups. If I only let bandits spawn they don't kill each other. Does nobody else have this problem?
  16. HUGE PROBLEM Well, I used DMS and Occupation together in the past already without any problems. So far it's all fine, now I'm using the latest DMS and Occupation version again...but I recognized now that bandit groups spawning in towns (I'm not using military spawning AI) killing each other! This doesn't happen with survivor groups! My DMS settings: My Occupation settings: I already checked some relating files: fnc_spawnStatics.sqf and occupationRandomSpawn.sqf and thought that in the random spawn file the join silent argument is missing. But even after I added it like it's written in the spawn statics file bandits kill each other. Any clue why this is happening? Thanks in advance!
  17. Check these files: occupationLootCrates.sqf and occupationHeliCrashes.sqf for _event_marker setMarkerType "ExileMissionStrongholdIcon"; and _heli_marker setMarkerType "c_air";
  18. Okay, I solved it myself... 1) _bodyTemp = [(ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 5),1] call ExileClient_util_math_round; 2) _ambient = [ExileClientEnvironmentTemperature, 1] call ExileClient_util_math_round; The 1 after the comma indicates the amount of decimals.
  19. Two questions: 1) Relating to a statusbar, you can read the body temperature from the ExileClientPlayerAttributes. Normally it's rounded so you don't have any decimal place: _bodyTemp = round (ExileClientPlayerAttributes select 5); I would like to have it rounded to one decimal place, but don't know how. I didn't find something in the wikis about it... 2) How would I be able to display the environment temperature as well? Guess I have to get the daytimeTemperature but how?
  20. Stoll

    [Update] PTWS - Persistent Time and Weather System

    I call it with an XM8 app. In addition I googled for a pretty icon and using a calender now to click on. Now I know why it's snowing, because I'm told that it's winter lol
  21. Stoll

    [Update] PTWS - Persistent Time and Weather System

    I played around a bit more with this... I merged some snippets from the PTWS ExileClient_object_player_stats_updateTemperature.sqf with the above little script to display the season as well: That was what I finally wanted
  22. Stoll

    [Update] PTWS - Persistent Time and Weather System

    I've gotten some more grey hairs, but finally I found a way to display the date. I played around a lot with this little script I've found somewhere in the internet: I realized that the date is fast by 99 years and 1 day (in my case). The month was correct. My intension then was always to get the correct date from the database on which I failed totally. So, in the end the solution was simple, but I needed some time that it occurred to me: This will display the year, month, day and time in the right lower corner.
  23. Stoll

    [Update] PTWS - Persistent Time and Weather System

    bump Well, see below...
  24. Stoll

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I'm using DMS and Occupation and just found out when checking an occupation, that the bandits are spawning with NVG's, what I really don't want. There are not defined in the config file, so I wonder why they spawn with them. I know there is an option to remove them on death, but I don't want them to spawn at all. Possible?
  25. Stoll

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Check the dms config.sqf for these values: If the values are too high, there might be no place to spawn the missions.