While creating maps for servers, I keep running into a common problem which I know there must be a solution for. Any string of code put into the Initialization field of an object, such as a simple lock vehicle script, will work in editor, but not when put onto a server. I assume this is because it is not being initialized properly through the server, and there must be some other place to put it.
Another problem I'm having is trying to place weapons and equipment as props for traders, but can't get them to be JUST props. I've messed around with all the simple object options and disabling and enabling simulation, but the weapon is either usable, or disappears in game. I'm guessing there is a script to add to them to make them behave as wanted, but I then run into the above problem again: It won't initialize on the server.
I get the feeling there is a simple solution to this, but scripting/coding are not my strong suit. If any one knows how to get around this, I would really appreciate the help.