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Everything posted by dadirusso

  1. dadirusso

    RHS Grenades not work!

    Yeah You can do it. You just need to debinarise config make edit, then binarise and put it back inside exile_client
  2. dadirusso

    RHS Grenades not work!

    Hi! I'm trying to find a way to make this without mod. In which file Ii must make this edit, because i cant find it
  3. Hi guys! Few days I'm trying to come out with this problem. I want turn off party names in green on and waypoints. How can I do it?
  4. dadirusso

    Hide server files(mission file)

    Hi guys! I've heared that there is a possibility to hide server files from players to prevent "steal ideas", exactly move mission loading on server. How can I do it or how can I move just some files out? config.cpp description.ext initPlayerLocal.sqf initServer.sqf mission.sqm
  5. dadirusso

    Hide server files(mission file)

    Thank You! Will try
  6. dadirusso


    How can I add there "_floodLights = _portableGenerator nearObjects ["Exile_Construction_FloodLight_Static", 50];" other type of lights? I've tried all ways but cant figure how can I do it. Portable generator starts but light doesnt turn on.
  7. dadirusso


    But if Iwant change code so inside game I can turn on all lights that I want (example floodlight and shabby), how can I do it? Because I dont want place it by mapping, I wanna craft them
  8. Hi @kuplion! Tried to substitute old exilez 2.0 with yours and add new feature, helicrashes. There was few zombies with the same configurations, maybe next time will test it better. Now I've reinstalled for players old exilez 2.0 and loot doesnt want spawn or spawns few of them. Maybe the error started with the modification in CfgExileCustomCode?
  9. dadirusso

    Finding huntable animals - or spawning them

    I've setuped new server but there arent any animal class or configs inside config.cpp
  10. dadirusso

    Chernarus Redux Loot Spawns

    Try with this. For me I've solved with this post
  11. dadirusso

    Cannot load texture ivy01_edge.paa freezes game.

    How can I deactivate it on server side so noone will see this error on connection? map chernarusredux
  12. dadirusso

    Where can i find arma 3 exile items list

    And how it's called flag item? I wanna put it in spawn
  13. dadirusso

    Chernarus Redux Loot Spawns

    Have you added rhs to the loottable? Can you see it?
  14. dadirusso

    Chernarus Redux Loot Spawns

    Hi at All! I've got very interesting trouble. I've done all positions for maybe 70% of buildings for redux, will fix them after and share if you want, in all of them spawn only arma weapons and equipment, but I removed it all and added RHS items. Rhs items doesnt spawn but arma still spawn without problem. How it possible? And this isn't my first server
  15. dadirusso

    CreateClan Player interaction

    I want to add player interaction called CreateClan, so it will be saved in database and players wont need to go to the TZ. How can I do it?
  16. dadirusso

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Hi guys! Is it possible to fix naked npc on mission?
  17. dadirusso

    What do you think about Vcom AI

    I've tried 2 different ways to install it, but no differences with ai:( what I need to do for let it work? (install guide)
  18. dadirusso

    SC: Player "blablabla" kicked off

    I think that in the first ex he has got problem of ping on his machine, but in the second? there are a lot of guys that trying to connect and disconnect at the same time
  19. dadirusso

    SC: Player "blablabla" kicked off

    A lot of times server kicks players when they trying to connect. I've tried to solve this problem by deleting battleye but nothing... They are only missing mods or there can be other motivation why server does so?
  20. dadirusso

    [SOLVED] GPS doesn't work

    I've restarted my old server with same configs. Works anything but not gps How can I solve it or where I need to search for solve it?
  21. Hi! How can I do spawn on the beach in random position on all map?
  22. Восстановил свой старый сервер, файлам всего лишь три месяца. На сервер всё работает отлично, где надо подкрутил, но когда начинаю что-то строить, объекты спавняться уже кривыми(под углом) и ещё не работают команды для стройки: повернуть, поднять и тд (все не работают, могу только поставить объект).
  23. dadirusso

    [CLOSED]Стройка не работает
  24. dadirusso


    Hi guys! Anyone can help me with adding markers on map? I wanna drow them for notice player that there are a bridge. I've build my personal bridge for Tanoa, but I have problems with markers .