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About ArnieGAMES4U

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  1. ArnieGAMES4U

    Exile DB

    did anyone find a solution for this?
  2. ArnieGAMES4U

    Help Please

    So there is no way to salvage my current database? I have to restart?
  3. ArnieGAMES4U

    PVP Arena add-on

    @Patrix87 I'm not sure if this is still something you want to do...but I would like to contribute...I've been working on my own framework for this exact idea.
  4. ArnieGAMES4U

    ExileZ 2

    Use the vanilla Bohemia arma 3 launcher, right click on the mod and click show in folder.
  5. ArnieGAMES4U

    ExileZ 2

    As @Chronus said, the folders can be whatever they want as long as they don't contain spaces. Just remove the space and make sure it matches your command line and you should be good.
  6. ArnieGAMES4U

    ExileZ 2

    Can you post the complete .RPT....I want to see if the mods are launching... In the meantime... Try renaming your mod folders to the following and adjust your commandline accordingly... @BG21 French Uniform Pack ----> @BG21_French_Uniform_Pack @Zombies and Demons ---> @Zombies_and_Demons //You can use @Ryanzombies or @Zombies_and_Demons I personally use @Ryanzombies @Exile;@NATO_Rus_Weapons;@NATO_Rus_Vehicle;@CBA_A3;@R3F_ARMES;@extendedbase;@a3_dms;@A3XAI;@task_force_radio;@BG21_French_Uniform_Pack;@Ryanzombies;
  7. ArnieGAMES4U

    ExileZ 2

    Post your command line and server.rpt. I've seen this before and it was because the mod wasn't launching properly due to a space.
  8. ArnieGAMES4U

    ExileZ 2

    Make sure you don't have any spaces in your command line for -mod=
  9. ArnieGAMES4U

    ExileZ 2

    To put it simply..
  10. ArnieGAMES4U

    XM8 Apps Repository

    I don't think it works that way. You should place the test.sqf in your mission file directory and do... execVM "test.sqf";
  11. ArnieGAMES4U

    ExileZ 2

    Yes it is
  12. ArnieGAMES4U

    Service point issue

    This is identical to mine Your script rearms your Marshall Cannon?
  13. ArnieGAMES4U

    Service point issue

    Awesome! I will give this a shot in a few hours.
  14. ArnieGAMES4U

    Service point issue

    Do you mind sharing it?