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About Joshi120

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  1. Joshi120

    Tree Respawn in territory

    ah alright Yea i knew about the remove part to make it via cords just hoped it may be possible to attach it to something without Perf. loss and ofc for everyone to see anyway thanks for clearing that up :3
  2. Joshi120

    One Vehicle to randomly spawn in the server

    Awesome! Thanks a lot :3
  3. Joshi120

    One Vehicle to randomly spawn in the server

    one of each VTOL's so once Blackfish and the other one Y-32 Xi'an
  4. Joshi120

    One Vehicle to randomly spawn in the server

    oh my .... thats perfect Thanks! just talked with my bud about something like this a few hours ago heh but... could you maybe make a version wich takes 1 Vehicle from a list of possible vehicles ? duno if thats possible tho >.>
  5. Hey there :3 After playing a while on Tanoa i realized it is a damn pain to find a good "open" place to build now to the question itself. i know you can remove map objects in the editor but how about attaching a script to a buildable object on the server would that be possible ?