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Everything posted by Runewulv

  1. Runewulv

    Dynamic Air patrol / Interceptor event [Updated]

    ive always wanted to integrate FuMS onto my server but I've never used headless clients
  2. yeah its just an item. Does not go into your hand. Just keep it in ur inventory and mouse wheel on your mine object.
  3. Runewulv

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    yup thats why its not installed on my server. if they glitch out it stops saving vehicle locations from the point of the glitch onwards. This was a problem with DMS and Occupation but they've fixed it as of a few months ago. This script has not had the same fix.
  4. Runewulv

    Dynamic Air patrol / Interceptor event [Updated]

    lol Knocks job hunt went just a little longer than expected apparently.
  5. Runewulv

    [Release] Recruit Ai Bodyguards

    my server utilizes the BWMod. I discovered today that if you purchase the Navipad and equip it, then change your keybinds to something other than default. Once you open it, it will show your recruit AIs location on the Navipad map. Very handy tool.
  6. Runewulv

    [Release] Recruit Ai Bodyguards

    dont feel bad Aussie. In all honesty, there are a ton of scripts that require you to put KCM to false so most of us would've already done this.
  7. Runewulv

    [Release] Recruit Ai Bodyguards

    awesome! happy to contribute.
  8. Runewulv

    [Release] Recruit Ai Bodyguards

    I've done extensive testing with them and love them. Hogansheroes here is a tutorial I posted on my server forums. It should help you understand the full scope of how good they are.
  9. Runewulv

    [Release] Recruit Ai Bodyguards

    Brenner I believe that last one was solved on a previous page.
  10. Runewulv

    [Release] Recruit Ai Bodyguards

    thanks again. honestly beautiful improvement. And replacing the server info tab (which i dont use anyway) with xm8 apps has literally allowed me to bring back all the apps i had to drop thanks to the update that changed xm8s. Plus a pre-set-up XM8 Security app? amazing. thank you again.
  11. Runewulv

    [Release] Recruit Ai Bodyguards

    hey Aussie, I really like your version of the script. Was just curious how I can make it so they have to be near a "Statue" to deploy the AI (I actually use a satellite antenna instead). I uncommented the statue portion in each Guard.sqf file but I can still spawn them any where. Again this is for your version of the script, not the ExAd version.
  12. Runewulv

    [Release] Recruit Ai Bodyguards

    thanks mate I was late to reading this late in the forums and didn't notice the main page had updated. Well done.
  13. Runewulv

    [Release] Recruit Ai Bodyguards

    how's the update coming Aussie?
  14. works great, always thought this info would be handy.
  15. Runewulv

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    yeah big shame. These were really popular on my server but the database saving issues (which DMS AND Occupation both had and fixed themselves) was the only thing keeping them off my server.
  16. Runewulv

    GTX Gaming Experience

    I've been on GTX since I switched from GamingDeluxe some years back. Customer support has always been top notch. Usually get to you within 10 mins at most. Never waited longer than that. 90% of the staff are extremely helpful though a couple of them do sometimes feel like they just try to brush you off. It is very rare I get this though. I run a x64 Extdb PVE server with a lot of mods, a lot of AI, a lot of scripts, and hordes of zombies. Only people that suffer are those playing on potatoes, but those people are going to have issues on most servers that become popular. I go with GTX over others hands down.
  17. Runewulv

    Base light overhaul (+EBM) (Updated 04.03)

    i'd like to make it so the Diesel Generator works in the same way but i want it to work at 150m range (base wide) how would I do this?
  18. Runewulv

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    so I've been using convoys since you released the script and I love it. I've run into an issue though that has caused me to have to remove it. When advancing on a convoy, if you say destroy the middle vehicle, or dont destroy all the vehicles and then you yourself die. When you come back the AI will have bugged a bit, despawning the AI that were left including any vehicles not destroyed. This then triggers a save issue in the database where convoy markers, and other mission completion markers will now refuse to fade. Upon restarting the server there will be a massive roll back on vehicles to where they had been saved some times hours prior. I do not run Occupation as I removed it thinking it was the culprit, and DMS is completely up to date. Server works no problem for days on end without convoys, as soon as I add them back the issue will crop up again. It isn't every time either, this would happen once a day and cause frustration among players to say the least. Love this script, hope we can get this figured out.
  19. Runewulv

    Crash Loot

    works great. Love this idea and so do my players. My question, is it supposed to pack it into a visible box? Cause as of now you have to search the ground of an invisible container.
  20. Runewulv

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Yeah I'd like to bump this also. Would love for these vehicles to be claimable with either code lock or pin code swap.
  21. Runewulv

    [Release] xsSpawn | Ground Spawn or Halo Selection

    I am on Altis map. Having an issue where if people choose Base Spawn, they sometimes get spawned in the NW ocean and have to suicide to respawn. Anyone know how to fix this?
  22. Runewulv

    Base walls disappear and appear after restart

    do you have earthquakes enabled? earthquakes will wreck random walls, which restore upon restart.
  23. Runewulv

    Expanded Base Building

    thats awesome. Modded or script based?
  24. Runewulv

    HAP Bag/Weight Limit

    I utilize the HAP mod on my server and have recently added the large weapon crafting bag. I dont use it for the weapon crafting, but it does have a nice 2.5k capacity. The problem is there is a weight limit on arma, so once that bar gets full you have to drag items into your inventory one at a time. I was just curious if it was possible to disable the weight limit? I dont have the stamina system enabled, so that isnt an issue.
  25. Runewulv

    HAP Bag/Weight Limit

    thank you for your assistance. I kind of expected that nothing could really be done with it, but one could only hope. Only reason I posted was because I was finding absolutely no information on it.