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  1. slay

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    This is not answer. This is issue and solution. ;-)
  2. slay

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    I found one more error: setDate ExileServerStartTime; if !(_useO> 5:04:59 Error position: <setDate ExileServerStartTime; if !(_useO> 5:04:59 Error 6 elements provided, 5 expected [04:59:39 +02:00] [Thread 1215] extDB3: Input from Server: 9:LOCAL_TIME [04:59:39 +02:00] [Thread 1215] extDB3: Output to Server: [1,[2017,03,24,04,59,39]] Array [2017,03,24,04,59,39] is used in setDate function but it needs only 5 arguments. Fix for ExileServer_system_database_connect (line 37): ExileServerStartTime = ((parseSimpleArray ("extDB3" callExtension "9:LOCAL_TIME")) select 1) select [0,5];
  3. slay

    [CLOSED] Exile app not compatible with Samsung S3

    @Eichi some stats. I think this is bad to not support over 50% of android smartphones.
  4. slay

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    @CameraChick Try to remove call to DMS_fnc_SetGroupBehavior.
  5. slay

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    @CameraChick Do not use waypoints and buildings scan, if unit must stand on one place. Call DMS_fnc_SetGroupBehavior before block with disableAI.
  6. slay

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    _group = createGroup "EAST"; _unit = [_group,_spawnPosition,"sniper","random","bandit","soldier"] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAISoldier; _unit disableAI "MOVE"; //or for each unit _group = [_spawnPosition, _aiCount, _difficulty, "random", "bandit"] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup; { _unit = _x; _unit disableAI "MOVE"; }foreach units _group; Somethink like this.
  7. slay

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    @CameraChick Only for each _unit, not for _group.
  8. slay

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    @IT07 I think, i found bug related to ai unit cleanup. MPkilled event sometimes executed after ai drops weapons. Weapons not linked with ai unit and therefore no weapon cleanup. This applies mainly to removeLauncher setting and aiDeathRemovalEffect setting. I think, to fix this bug, LootWeaponHolder/GroundWeaponHolder/WeaponHolderSimulated near killed unit must be checked at cleanup.
  9. Fix for issue "timer on screen after revive" is: In Exile_RevivePlayer.sqf (on server) Replace: EnigmaRevive = []; _ownerID publicVariableClient "EnigmaRevive"; With: EnigmaRevive = [_player]; _ownerID publicVariableClient "EnigmaRevive";
  10. slay

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    @IT07 This is possible when other mod offload ai to client or other mod has own event handler on ai kill. You can see a lot of "bugs" mentioned there in following server setup: dms + a3_exile_occupation + a3_vemf_reloaded. Your code has no serious errors, but some times incorrect server setup + conflcts with other mods creates magic. ;-) @NeverAgain Also code on server under heavy load can not run fast and some times you can take items before cleanup.
  11. slay

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    @Zer07 a3_vemf_reloaded does not have CUP classnames in config out of the box. You can add plenty of CUP classenames to the VEMF config files. There is recomendation to use a3_vemf_reloaded_config.
  12. slay

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    @IT07 @[FCS-DE]^oo^[Linux] I found that conflict exists with another addon a3_exile_occupation. After disabling it all missions worked!!!
  13. slay

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    @[FCS-DE]^oo^[Linux] Do you use arma3 linux server? I have "mission never completed" issue on linux arma server. Maybe execVM -> scriptDone are broken only on linux server? @IT07 Do you test your addon only on windows arma 3 server?
  14. slay

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    I am trying to undestand what is wrong with latest a3_vemf_reloaded. I found that line diag_log "VEMF_R Mission completed"; (this is my debug line) after waitUntil is never executed in my tests. Script killedMonitor executes fine and exits after killing all ai, but nothing happens next. // Wait for Mission Completion _h = [_nts] execVM ("killedMonitor" call VEMFr_fnc_scriptPath); waitUntil { if (scriptDone _h) then {true} else {uiSleep 1; false} }; diag_log "VEMF_R Mission completed"; Syntax of following code is ok. Logic is as in bistudio example It can be arma problem, problem with enviroment, problem with code structure of a3_vemf_reloaded. Any suggestions?
  15. @MrDell Пока что лучше что есть это Intelij Idea c плагином Это по крайней мере застрахует тебя от синтаксических ошибок. Ну а чтобы проверить код на ошибки логики нужно тестировать в игре. Чтобы делать это быстро пишут бат файлы, которые автоматически закрывает клиент армы, запаковывают код в пбо, отправляют пбо на сервер, перезапускают сервер, запускают клиент с автоматическим подключением к серверу. Лучше потратить время на такой скрипт, чтобы потом экономить время на перезапусках. Также маленькие сценарии лучше тестировать в редакторе, там попроще, но это только для клиентских сценариев. Клиентсерверную логику так не отдебажить.