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Everything posted by leonardos1978

  1. leonardos1978

    Infistar esp requests

    Hi, i have a question to the developers. Any cheet and any external cheet have access to esp. Can you remake ID-based requests checking from clients? Map-hack bypasses your check.
  2. leonardos1978

    Cyrillic (Russian) text characters in logs

  3. leonardos1978

    PVP mod idea.

    I have any idea, if any killed near Safe-Zone some radius, then flash to head killer)))))
  4. leonardos1978

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    I see. Opened with winrar)
  5. leonardos1978

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    I try to open with 7z. winrar forever))))
  6. leonardos1978

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    Archive is broken(((((((((((((((
  7. leonardos1978

    ExAd v1.0.4

    CfgFunctions.cpp class ExAd { tag = "ExAd"; #include "Core\CfgFunctions.cpp" #include "VirtualGarage\CfgFunctions.cpp" // #include "StatsBar\CfgFunctions.cpp" // #include "JxUnitScanner\CfgFunctions.cpp" //#include "AdminEvents\CfgFunctions.cpp" //#include "Hacking\CfgFunctions.cpp" //#include "Grinding\CfgFunctions.cpp" //#include "HaloParachute\CfgFunctions.cpp" #include "XM8\CfgFunctions.cpp" };
  8. leonardos1978

    ExAd v1.0.4

    Does the VG hack work?
  9. Hi, i have any errors when i try update deleted terrytory from backup damp Error Code: 1062. Duplicate entry '241786' for key 'PRIMARY' I call to datebase please help me)
  10. leonardos1978

    Update insert id from backup damp ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE LAST_INSERT_ID

    The question is more than simple, if I make a query to the database, then I can rename the id to the new numbering value and everything goes smoothly bypassing auto-numbering INSERT INTO `construction` ( `class`,` account_uid`, `spawned_at`,` position_x`, `position_y`,` position_z`, `direction_x`,` direction_y`, `direction_z`,` up_x`, `up_x`, `up_y`,` up_z`, `is_locked`,` pin_code`, `повреждение`,` территория_id, `last_updated_at`,` Удаленный_кат`) VALUES ('Exile_Construction_WoodGate_Static', '76561198048299857', '2018-03-13 19: 25: 02 ', 13794.481445,6825.724609, -500,0,448578,0,893744,0,0,0,1,0,' 000000 ', 0,0,' 2018-03-13 19: 25: 02 ', NULL ) ; But i want make it without "dance with tambourine" using a secure database merge. P.S. It's all right with merge, without ID, null errors.
  11. leonardos1978

    Update insert id from backup damp ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE LAST_INSERT_ID

    I meen, when territory is deleted and i restore territory, constructions, containers and more from dump.
  12. leonardos1978

    Update insert id from backup damp ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE LAST_INSERT_ID

    Auto answer: Without ID on this schema damp writed into database.
  13. leonardos1978

    [RELEASE] Assassination Mission

    I have any problem)))))))) Nikos is spawn, but not go to end point.
  14. I want to have players be able to 'claim' mission vehicles.
  15. leonardos1978

    [Updated] Claim Non-Persistent Vehicles

    Hi, did anybody try to make a function "claimed vehicles" for mission's car from ? P.S. _veh setVariable ["ExileIsPersistent", false]; at GMS_fnc_spawnVehiclePatrol.sqf is not work
  16. Hi, did anybody try to make a function "claimed vehicles" for mission's car ? I try this _veh setVariable ["ExileIsPersistent", false]; at GMS_fnc_spawnVehiclePatrol.sqf
  17. Hi. i have any problems with freeze AI. Player penalties - all false, but AI freezing when player sit into any vehicles. P.S. It work from new version, but https://yadi.sk/i/ERvnNP0CiSz4Lw and privatVars is miss
  18. leonardos1978


    fn_spawnDeployableVehicle.sqf default { _spawnPos = _player modelToWorld [0,6,0];// "6" distance from player _usePositionATL = true; };
  19. We hope and believe, and then all together their will check)
  20. Thnks. That's all configs and rpt https://yadi.sk/d/bX0MKlrDGx8gjw
  21. I change to blck_missionEndCondition = "allUnitsKilled"; not completing dinamic missions
  22. I have error: 6:39:13 Error in expression <0]; if (count _players > 0) then { if !(simulationEnabled _x) then { { _x enable> 6:39:13 Error position: <simulationEnabled _x) then { { _x enable> 6:39:13 Error simulationenabled: Type Group, expected Object 6:39:13 File q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Groups\GMS_fnc_missionGroupMonitor.sqf, line 147 Anybody have it? Where to dig? and i find error from \custom_server\Missions\Blue\default2.sqf ["Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F",[-20.1367,11.7539,0],90.8565,1,0,[],"","",true,false]], // missed "[" I can't start dinamic missions on a circle No more errors
  23. All dynamic Missions not respawn when they are complited.