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Everything posted by rb19810507

  1. rb19810507

    Dynamic multi convoy for EXILE

    Hello.For me it works,thanks for the script.I have 1 problem i want the vehicle to be claimable but its working with every vehicle on the server only the convoy vehicles not.It says the vehicle is already claimed but it is not.Where and how can i change the vehicle spawn to be claimable?
  2. rb19810507

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    Here is the trader setup for NIArms_allin pack. Enjoy it.:P https://gist.github.com/rb1981/03baf5a516c30d3be08401d3b37fef42
  3. rb19810507

    Chernarus 2035

    Sorry i was busy I uploaded the loot positions: https://gist.github.com/rb1981/7e0387e769d771c5fd987006390f97bf
  4. rb19810507

    DMS Mission addon Contents page

    I have some errors in my rpt,can you help please? I have all files on there place,mission and objects to,in mapconfig i have all placed corectly. sorry for my english. 11:24:28 "DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E_Static with invalid file/filepath: donmd | _export: <null>" 11:24:28 Error in expression < file/filepath: %1 | _export: %2",_file,_export]; [] }; private _objs = _export> 11:24:28 Error position: <_export]; [] }; private _objs = _export> 11:24:28 Error Undefined variable in expression: _export 11:24:28 File \x\addons\dms\scripts\fn_ImportFromM3E_Static.sqf [DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E_Static], line 42 11:24:28 SW keep height animation used for a3\structures_f_epb\civ\accessories\woodpile_large_f.p3d 11:24:28 "DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E_Static with invalid file/filepath: opwolfsbau | _export: <null>" 11:24:28 Error in expression < file/filepath: %1 | _export: %2",_file,_export]; [] }; private _objs = _export> 11:24:28 Error position: <_export]; [] }; private _objs = _export> 11:24:28 Error Undefined variable in expression: _export 11:24:28 File \x\addons\dms\scripts\fn_ImportFromM3E_Static.sqf [DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E_Static], line 42 11:24:28 "DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E_Static with invalid file/filepath: check | _export: <null>" 11:24:28 Error in expression < file/filepath: %1 | _export: %2",_file,_export]; [] }; private _objs = _export> 11:24:28 Error position: <_export]; [] }; private _objs = _export> 11:24:28 Error Undefined variable in expression: _export 11:24:28 File \x\addons\dms\scripts\fn_ImportFromM3E_Static.sqf [DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E_Static], line 42 11:24:29 Strange convex component26 in a3\drones_f\air_f_gamma\uav_02\uav_02_f.p3d:geometryView 11:24:29 O_UAV_02_F: hideweapons - unknown animation source hideweapons 11:24:29 "DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E_Static with invalid file/filepath: kweis | _export: <null>" 11:24:29 Error in expression < file/filepath: %1 | _export: %2",_file,_export]; [] }; private _objs = _export> 11:24:29 Error position: <_export]; [] }; private _objs = _export> 11:24:29 Error Undefined variable in expression: _export 11:24:29 File \x\addons\dms\scripts\fn_ImportFromM3E_Static.sqf [DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E_Static], line 42
  5. rb19810507

    Chernarus 2035 Loot Buildings / Posistions

    Thanks for the share,nice job! But do i something wrong or the north airfield loot is not implemented yet?Balota works.
  6. rb19810507

    Chernarus 2035

    This is my,its working for me. http://www.filedropper.com/exilechernarus2035_5 the traders are from noelite,i edited the mission.sqm added the needed addons to get it work. I hope it helps.
  7. rb19810507

    Change vehicle plate

    Can somebody help me with install?Where do i have to put this in config.ccp? class CfgVehiclePlateSettings { enable = true; cost = 1000; onlyDonators = false; uidDonators[] = {""}; };
  8. rb19810507

    Vehicle Wreck Salvage (Obsolete)

    thanks for reply.I look at it.
  9. rb19810507

    Vehicle Wreck Salvage (Obsolete)

    How can i change this so i can salvage not only "dead" vehicles?I any way to get the parts in random number after salvaging?Thanks for your nice work!!!!!
  10. rb19810507

    Adding Pop Tabs to DMS mission crates

    In fn_fillcrate.sqf put this: // (Maybe) Add money _moneyLootChance = 100; if(random 100 < _moneyLootChance) then { _money = round(random [500,1000,2500]); _crate setVariable ["ExileMoney",_money ,true]; }; in there: if ((_lootValues isEqualType []) && {!((_lootValues select 1) isEqualType {})}) then { // Weapons private _wepValues = _lootValues select 0; private _wepCount = 0; private _weps = if (_wepValues isEqualType []) then { _wepCount = _wepValues select 0; _wepValues select 1 } else { _wepCount = _wepValues; DMS_boxWeapons }; // Items private _itemValues = _lootValues select 1; private _itemCount = 0; private _items = if (_itemValues isEqualType []) then { _itemCount = _itemValues select 0; _itemValues select 1 } else { _itemCount = _itemValues; DMS_boxItems }; // Backpacks private _backpackValues = _lootValues select 2; private _backpackCount = 0; private _backpacks = if (_backpackValues isEqualType []) then { _backpackCount = _backpackValues select 0; _backpackValues select 1 } else { _backpackCount = _backpackValues; DMS_boxBackpacks }; // (Maybe) Add money _moneyLootChance = 100; if(random 100 < _moneyLootChance) then { _money = round(random [500,1000,2500]); _crate setVariable ["ExileMoney",_money ,true]; }; if (DMS_DEBUG) then { (format["FillCrate :: Filling %4 with %1 guns, %2 items and %3 backpacks",_wepCount,_itemCount,_backpackCount,_crate]) call DMS_fnc_DebugLog; };
  11. rb19810507

    [TUTO] How to craft Weapons !

    Hello.I love the mod, i use CDAH to on my server.I want to ask is any chance to implement this in cdah or can we get a crafting box like cdah and a craft unit for this?
  12. rb19810507

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    I get the fums missions without HC to work(true, // Enable FuMS missions to run on the main server.),but with HC it dont works.The hc connets but nothing happens,What do i wrong? I have this error in rpt: 21:19:43 "<FuMS:vExile.1> HasAdminAccess: R Alpha 1-2:1 (Reaper) REMOTE is not in AdminData.sqf.
  13. rb19810507

    [XM8 App] Apoc's Airdrop Assistance

    Guys what do i need to add to CfgRemoteExec.hpp?I have this error in my rpt: "21:47:32 Scripting function 'exadserver_fnc_clientrequest' is not allowed to be remotely executed" I don't find it on github or here.Can somebody help me?I find hereonly i have to ad this "exadserver_fnc_clientrequest".Need it to be add like this? class CfgRemoteExec { class Functions { mode = 1; jip = 0; class fnc_AdminReq { allowedTargets=2; }; class exadserver_fnc_clientrequest { allowedTargets=2;}; class ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets=2; }; class CDAH_fnc_CDAH_Workshop_Gui { allowedTargets=0; }; class ExileClient_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets=1; }; }; class Commands { mode=0; jip=0; }; }; is it right?
  14. rb19810507

    [XM8 APP] BRAma Cookbook [UPDATED]

    Thanks,nice job!
  15. rb19810507

    [XM8 APP] BRAma Cookbook [UPDATED]

    Hy guys.How can i integret CDAH rescepies in 1 category in brama? sorry for my english:(
  16. rb19810507

    Anti-PVP script

    I see the playervsplayer block damage is integrated in infi.Is any way to make a script to disable it only in pvp zones.To when a player going in the pvp area you become a message "you are in pvp zone,player damage is enabled".like this,and player can shoot each other only in this area.Can someone help me with this? Sorry for my english.....
  17. rb19810507

    R3F Exile

    Hello How can i disable the towing off the hemmt ammo truck?I removed it from the list in the config,but this one ammo truck shows the towing menu.Is it in a another file too?Can somebody help me please?
  18. rb19810507

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    I tried to get it to work without headless but i have these error msg in my rpt: 10:14:08 "<FuMS>: ControlLoop:Theme:1 waiting on server FPS of 3 to become greater than :15" 10:14:08 "<FuMS>: ControlLoop:Theme:2 waiting on server FPS of 3 to become greater than :15" 10:14:08 "<FuMS>: ControlLoop:Theme:3 waiting on server FPS of 3 to become greater than :15" 10:14:08 "<FuMS>: ControlLoop:Theme:8 waiting on server FPS of 3 to become greater than :15" 10:14:11 "<FuMS>: ControlLoop:Theme:5 waiting on server FPS of 3 to become greater than :15" 10:14:11 "<FuMS>: ControlLoop:Theme:7 waiting on server FPS of 3 to become greater than :15" 10:14:11 "<FuMS>: ControlLoop:Theme:9 waiting on server FPS of 3 to become greater than :15" 10:14:11 "<FuMS>: ControlLoop:Theme:10 waiting on server FPS of 3 to become greater than :15" 10:14:11 "<FuMS>: ControlLoop:Theme:4 waiting on server FPS of 3 to become greater than :15" 10:14:11 "<FuMS>: ControlLoop:Theme:6 waiting on server FPS of 3 to become greater than :15" can someone help me please? my server fps is 40-50....
  19. rb19810507

    Exile mod Loading map error

    In the config/server.cfg change the map to template = Exile.Altis; when you play on altis.It's on stratis i don't know why........ Now i get to download mission file but my arma quit whit an error message....... sorry for my english:P
  20. thanks for help,teh mission is realy good,my players love it:P
  21. rb19810507

    Starting Money

    where is the what i need to edit?
  22. I have a bug,i have 5 ai-s spawned in the rock,can you help me with this?
  23. rb19810507

    DMS Mission addon Contents page

    I will try Both.thank for help!
  24. rb19810507

    DMS Mission addon Contents page

    It works,thanks man:PPP