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Everything posted by B.A.D.

  1. B.A.D.

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Well Check dms for side and relations then
  2. B.A.D.

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    What heli class Name Do you use? If its from cfgvehicles West it can lead to this
  3. B.A.D.

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Ahh dammit, too much desolation redux in the last months. Fn_checkside Sorry
  4. B.A.D.

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Fn_whichmod.sqf in Vemf Set every Case to east
  5. B.A.D.


    it will,believe me.ANixon denied permission to use it when i asked him on our public discord (desolation redux one).people will upload it again and it will be taken down,repeat.pointless.reminds me of tavi ;(
  6. B.A.D.


    well i actually HAD a Napf server that just started populating with players ,running Desolation Redux on it. problem is there is NOTHING like it put Panthera on the DSR server,leaving the exile one Chernarus and making the malden an escape one. Arma deffo needs more maps or someone that can finish chernobyl zone map.anyone?please!
  7. B.A.D.


    napf was taken down by anixon so napf servers wont make sense anymore.
  8. B.A.D.

    Spieler sucht Head-Administrator Stelle ! ^^

    Wer den Job,den du dir vorstellst,machen will muss bei mir so viele Stunden im Editor haben wie du im game hast. Bewirb dich doch erst mal irgendwo als Supporter oder CoAdmin.wenn dann einer sieht dass du wirklich was auf dem Kasten hast wirst du automatisch mehr Wirkungsbereich haben. Nur so ein Tipp am Rande
  9. cmon guys,we all know its about time to make the loadscreen image changeable. is there an option in 1.04 to get rid of the axe and stuff images? pretty please^^
  10. B.A.D.

    Suche ein DEV

    vor allem,nen server erstellen den danach womöglich keiner pflegt...dauert je nach downloadgeschindigkeit für die mods zw. 10 und 30 minuten wenn man nach simplen tutorials geht. bis man was hat was attraktiv für die verwöhnten exile player von 2017 ist muss man mit was aufwarten können.ergo scriptingerfahrung etc. und selbst dann:ich zb hab neben grossen wie ccg mit die meisten sachen wie scripts usw laufen,teilweise selber geschriebene.teilweise stuff den nur ich laufen hab. und meine server sind weitestgehend leer seit ich wegen einem der dort geklaute scripts laufen hatte ne community verlassen hab.und so wirds den meisten gehen die einfach nur nen server haben wollen ohne ne webseite und sponsoring im a3launcher und und und zu betreiben.server aufsetzen?kann ich blind und mit 2 promille.ne community oben halten ist weit mehr als das.
  11. B.A.D.

    Halv's Paintshop ported to Exile

    well for me the new file does nothing no,i am not unexperienced when it comes to that stuff edit: well got it to work by adapting the code to some changes i already made through some overrides in exile_server. thanks a lot.
  12. B.A.D.

    Halv's Paintshop ported to Exile

    @KnatteAnka nice nice,thanks for that,but i want the game to deduct money for every texture,not only vehicles.so that a player will paint his uniform/backpack and it will also cost poptabs also your way of doing this kicks you for setvariable "exilemoney" which is baaaad to allow
  13. B.A.D.

    Halv's Paintshop ported to Exile

    i dont care about the size of my mission files,if you have a clue of jpeg compressing/exporting png and stuff a texture is like 50kb players being invisible is what i´d care about... noone´s got a clue on taking money for texturing stuff?
  14. B.A.D.

    Halv's Paintshop ported to Exile

    side note:sometimes you will relog and be invisible when using backpack/uniform texturing.infistar doesnt recognize this so its a massive problem.we tested this and its like every few times you relog.
  15. B.A.D.

    Halv's Paintshop ported to Exile

    +1 on this! just the opportunity to take playermoney for the painting of a vehicle. just needs to be simple as f. fixed price of say 500 pt for every texture you apply. any ideas on this?
  16. B.A.D.

    Kill All Humans Exile Malden

    Server has scripted custom skilled AI and tons of map additions. Start Gear is Custom also. Mods: -Exile (obviously), -Zombies & Demons, -CBA_A3, -Cup Weapons, -Units, -Vehicles -Maps Core Scripts: -Deploy Bike -Base Payment Notifications -Sell Crates at Traders (R3F) -Igiload -Virtual Garage -Adjustable View Distance -Custom Status Bar -Ejecting Bodies from Vehicles when dead -Towing,Lifting with balanced Classes, Advanced Slingloading Addons: -VEMF Mission System,Custom AI -DMS Mission System,Custom AI (with selfmade Missions) -ExileZ 2 Map is full of stuff me and my wonderful fiancée added,feel free to enjoy the dark atmosphere the server was made for. Last but not least theres something very very special on the server only some people will manage to find out.check the biggest dms mission on the server to get a clue well thats it
  17. Hi there theres igiload and r3f installed on my server to allow for taking /selling crates. i updated infistar and arma @ last update and since then the menus for "take crate","load into vehicle" and even other stuff like "deploy cargo ropes" arent working no rpt or extdb errors,infistar idd list is complete getting nuts here hope someone experienced this also and found a fix help much apprechiated thanks in advance B.A.D.
  18. B.A.D.

    Suche Hoster + Scripter für Exile-Hardcore Server

    exile will survive! ich hab nen taunus server aufgemacht,die mod hat gefälligst zu überdauern^^ aber um mich mal selbst zu unterstreichen -overpile:einzigartiges konzept und regelwerk -scriptlastig,errorfrei weil da immer sofort einer fixt (ich) -active admin (ich jeden abend) -neuer server bugfrei bevors die map,auf der er läuft überhaupt ist -server leer,1-8 spieler,die 8 eher sonntags. läuft bei exile
  19. B.A.D.

    Kicked off for no reason, any Exile server.

    first,you always join servers that have massive problems in terms of unqualified staff (sorry but does nobody else but me and mgt see that haha) second,why not only load vanilla exile,start game,check server browser for servers that have only exile running,join one?just to make sure its not one of the like 20 mods youre loading at game start^^
  20. B.A.D.

    Kicked off for no reason, any Exile server.

    did you check your client side rpt logs? users/your username/appdata/local/arma3 you need to check "show hidden files" or something like that in your explorer for appdata to show up
  21. B.A.D.

    Do Server Threads reduce performance?

    if you have 5 fps with 20 threads running your problem is the machine the server is hosted on or massive errors,check your rpt
  22. B.A.D.

    Problem mit der Installation eines Servers

    okay darunter kann ich mir was vorstellen.sieht aus als ob deine clientfiles nicht vollständig geladen werden. rpt dateien liegen im config ordner.welcher das ist hast du in deinen startparametern angegeben
  23. B.A.D.

    Problem mit der Installation eines Servers

    root server oder hosted? falls root hat deine mysql installation irgendwo ne "my.ini" in program data. task manager>dienste>mysql dienst stoppen,dann my.ini aufmachen und unter sql_mode gucken,da darf nicht strict enthalten sein. also sql_mode= "" danach speichern und dienst wieder starten. des weiteren hast du in @exileserver/extdb/logs die möglichkeit logs zu checken,was bei der fehlersuche helfen kann
  24. B.A.D.

    How to make safezones for traders?

    open up the mission in eden again and save it,unchecking "binaryze mission file"