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Everything posted by Monkeynutz

  1. Monkeynutz

    Remove certain ammo from vehicles.

    The script is self explanatory. Ammo is removed and so are the weapons when you get in the vehicle, so when you buy it from trader, you don't even notice. The Readme on GITHUB explains all. Thanks to those who helped: @wombdilator for helping me with the jets configs. and @eraser1 for the help with Event handler configs earlier on this year! and @MGTDB for his work on this and @kuplion for the pointers! Link:
  2. Sell crates at the Waste Dump with this new and improved script. Features: Sells the crate instantly and adds the Pop Tabs and the Respect to the player. Deletes the crate after the sale so that they are cleared up. (Less Lag and no empty crates can be used for trolling). Trolls can't steal the money from the crate like the original script. Exile Toast displays in funky colours telling you about how much you earned. Configurable "Convenience" Charges. This allows for you to set a percentage to deduct from the earned pop tabs and respect because it's far easier to sell the whole crate rather than sell each item individually like they usually would. For example, the script is currently set to take 10% from the crate in tabs and a further 20% from the respect so the players don't earn respect too quickly because of this and because they are lazy and didn't sell each item individually, lose some money on it. They don't know that though, its purely for balancing out the economy of the server. List of Crates is defined so people don't sell other things by accident, since this script does not total in the price of the object being carried as it's intended for crates, some people sell vehicles by accident so this prevents that. Credit to original script: Download my version with all these cool new features here: Also, Credit to the Exile Groupies whom helped me. I think i had some input from @MGTDB, @Vishpala and @StokesMagee. The first two for pointing me in the right direction and Stokes for Fixing what i had Further Credit: @Andrew_S90 for teaching me the money saving And @kuplionfor sorting the Public Variable Nonsense.
  3. Monkeynutz

    Fix combat storing for Virtual Garage.

    The script: ExileClient_gui_virtualGarageDialog_event_onConfirmButtonClicked.sqf is broken and also has backwards config in the config.cpp of the mission file. And since it won't be fixed any time soon, I am here to help! Basically the variable name is wrong and the 1 or 0 is the wrong way around according to the instructions, should the name be right. Quickest fix is the following: Change 'canAccessGarageInCombat' to 'canUseGarageInCombat' in your config.cpp of your mission file and also do the opposite of what it tells you. E.g. it says 0 means you cannot store in combat, set it to 1 instead. And set it to 0 if you wish to allow storing in combat. Enjoy.
  4. Monkeynutz

    Fix combat storing for Virtual Garage.

    You've done something wrong with something else which affects this.
  5. Monkeynutz

    Fix combat storing for Virtual Garage.

    Says who? I would much rather change one variable than add a new file and override blah blah
  6. Monkeynutz

    Fix combat storing for Virtual Garage.

    Indeed but changing a variable file already in the mission pbo rather than adding a new file to then add more code to override it, is much more lightweight and quicker
  7. Monkeynutz

    [Release] Satan's Bridge For Malden

    Here is a simple Awesome looking bridge by [GADD]lords8n coplete with road markers for the map by [GADD]Monkeynutz. Instructions are in the Thanks for the help @MGTDB on the dynamic sim edits. Lights are now Dynamic and there is also a version for people to use that comes without lights. Enjoy! Edit - 16/05/2018: Edited OP to say thanks to Dave! And also made a few edits to the Git worth Mentioning. - Fixed config file so it no longer requires Exile - Fixed init file so it actually works now - Must have buggered it in last upload as i upload from different files not the pbo it's supposed to be cuz i'm like that.
  8. Monkeynutz

    GADDvent Calendar

    GADDvent Calendar Simple script.... It's an Advent calendar for Christmas! It's been a while since i gave you all something. I spent the past few days creating this. Follow the instructions, shoot me a message on Discord if you need help! Update: Added day check to success messages to no longer display "Come back tomorrow" if it's Christmas day. Just merge your ClaimGift.sqf with the new one. Update: Fixed ExileServerStartTime variable not defined. Please re-read the instructions all the way to the bottom if you see this issue. You will need to download the addon again and grab the files from the mission side of the addon. Update: Fixed description.ext to include missing sound file. Update: Added a configurable option to weapons where you can have it spawn with magazines and also choose the number of mags it will spawn with. To update, merge your ClaimGift.sqf. Update: You can now choose the quantity of the items you wish to give players.
  9. Monkeynutz

    [RELEASE] Use DLC vehicles without the DLC.

    Lmfao, people kicking off BI are stupid enough too add the commands to move people into vehicles and try and make people pay. If they send me an email asking me to remove it, i'll tell them where they can go.
  10. Monkeynutz

    Vehicle Salvage

    Hello, It's been a while so here is something simple... I was going to make this a default part of ExAd originally but i decided to close ExAd for the greater good and made this and forgot to release it. Scroll wheel on a blown up vehicle to start salvaging it. It gives a progress bar on the screen and Junk metal arrives at your feet along with the body/bodies of the people in the wreck of the vehicle! It is a very simple, very lightweight script that does what it says on the tin! Link: Update v1.0.0: Added, an option to require a tool to salvage the vehicle. Added, an array to define multiple tools. Added, an option to define whether junk is given in return. Added, an option to set the percentage chance for each junk item to drop. Added, Junk given array for you to define. Added, a few if functions to state different things depending on your settings. Added, The script will check for the vehicle's name and tell you it in the Exile toast. Thanks to @El Rabito For the testing help and suggestions to the script. More to come! Update v1.0.1 Added, Option to require different tool sets depending on the type of vehicle. (Car, Tank, Air, Boat.) Added, Option for different junk to drop depending on type of vehicle. Changed, Configs for the script moved into separate file now called "Customize.sqf" Update v1.0.2 Fixed a spelling error. Capital letters matter! Changed a couple if funtions to work better. More stuff i forgot about or CBA to explain. Enjoy!
  11. Monkeynutz

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    I updated the script without testing it tbf. If you could pastebin your RPT files and stuff i'm sure we could fix it.
  12. Monkeynutz

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    You didn't fix it. You removed the server and databse updating
  13. Monkeynutz

    [RELEASE] Missile warning for all vehicles

    Okay stone mage.
  14. A while true loop inside of a while true loop... FPS will get hit hard with this stuff, I’ll write this better for you when I get time and show you a neat trick.
  15. Monkeynutz

    [RELEASE] Missile warning for all vehicles

    Oh dear... a while true poop. That’s rough... I will download this later and show you a better, less laggy way of doing this.
  16. Monkeynutz

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    Would you care to share your fix so other people can use it?
  17. Monkeynutz

    GADDvent Calendar

    Another update to add quantities to the items you give.
  18. Monkeynutz

    GADDvent Calendar

    Updated. Added a configurable option to weapons where you can have it spawn with magazines and also choose the number of mags it will spawn with.
  19. Monkeynutz

    GADDvent Calendar

    All fixed! Thank you!!
  20. Monkeynutz

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    Thanks, I’ll look into it.
  21. Monkeynutz

    GADDvent Calendar

    I didn’t see much point in adding cash because you could just add a very expensive item instead. But the multiple item can be done easily. I will add it to my list of things to do.
  22. Monkeynutz

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    Hello, I have updated this script to be faster and less hackable. It's now using native Exile commands. Feel free to clear the other files and update to these ones and get back to me with feedback.
  23. Monkeynutz

    GADDvent Calendar

    Updated to fix Variable ExileServerStartTime missing. Some users who do not use status bars might experience an error where the variable is undefined. You will need to define it using the overrides provided in the repo. Thanks @kuplion for the swift fix
  24. Monkeynutz

    GADDvent Calendar

    Updated the script. Please all update your ClaimGift.sqf to the new version. Just copy and paste your gift lists into the new file.
  25. Monkeynutz

    GADDvent Calendar

    Description.ext Network Messages need adding.