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  1. How can I add full ARSENAL? I tried to add in ExileMod.sqf extension (@AdminToolkitServer\addons\admintoolkit_servercfg\extension): case 'exile_arsenal': { ["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; [_playerObject, "toastRequest", ["SuccessTitleOnly", [format["Arsenal opened!"] ]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_to; }; and mpmissions\Exile.Altis\atk\extension\ExileMod.sqf: case "exile_arsenal": { ['exile_arsenal', ""] call AdminToolkit_doAction; }; Toast worked but arsenal NOT open. Maybe I do somthing wrong?
  2. anybody know how fix this kick? #31 "B_ICON_PLAYERS] call ExAd_fnc_formatSBImage; _text = count allPlayers; [[_img, _text]] call ExAd_fnc_formatSBOutput;" Im already use !="B_ICON_PLAYERS] call ExAd_fnc_formatSBImage;\n_text = count allPlayers;\n\n[[_img, _text]] call ExAd_fnc_formatSBOutput;\"" in 33 line but it doest work. Find , that need change "allPlayers" to "playableUnits" BUT after add filter it not work too. Any idea?
  3. How can I create button, which will execute code from "message field". I tried it: in mission in config.cpp --> QuickButtons[] = { /* send a chat message to selected player containing 'Test 123' */ {"Chat", "['message', [AdminToolkit_Player, 'Test 123']] call AdminToolkit_doAction"}, /* send a message to everyone using the parameter text field */ {"Msg To All", "['messageall', AdminToolkit_Params] call AdminToolkit_doAction"}, /* Quickly get a Helicopter */ {"Heli", "['getvehicle', 'B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F'] call AdminToolkit_doAction"}, /*4 button*/ {"Execute", "['myext_execute', AdminToolkit_Params] call AdminToolkit_doAction"} // <<<--- THERE!!! }; THEN in Arma 3 Server\@AdminToolkitServer\addons\admintoolkit_server\code\AdminToolkit_network_receiveRequest.sqf ADD case 'myext_execute': { _message = _params select 1; _code = compile _message; call _code; systemChat format["executed %1", str _message]; }; But its not work, maybe someone can help with creating execute option?
  4. Ghosto

    Enigma Exile RandomSpawns

    @marcelotk About remove, just set all respawn markers are alpha 0% in editor. Another question, @happydayz , I tried put my respawn markers on all beatch of Altis, and set them alpha 0, then set SpawnRadius in exile_server_config config.cpp to 20 (is this important?!??) BUT script always spawn me in towns... I need spawn on beatch. I understood my mistake. I place another marker on beatch. But circle respawn markers were in city. Need just move them. Another question. Script go to each point and then choose random to spawn. When had a lot spawn zone it took very long time. How change this, that script go to some random N points (not each _spawnpoints) ? { _mapControl ctrlMapAnimAdd [1.5, 0.4, (getmarkerpos _x)]; ctrlMapAnimCommit _mapControl; uisleep 1.5; }forEach _spawnpoints;