Hello all,
So I keep crashing every time I try to connect to an Exile server, and I have no idea why. Please see below for full details on this issue.
When does it crash for you?
It crashes pretty much instantly after I connect to the server. It comes up with a few loading messages as it always does, and then it crashes. Here is a screenshot of the error: https://gyazo.com/060a40008f70421693dfce3e1b42512d
What was the last thing you have seen before it crashed?
This is the last thing I see before my game crashes: https://gyazo.com/060a40008f70421693dfce3e1b42512d
Does it crash every time or just sometimes?
It crashes every time I connect without fail.
Which Arma version and branch (Stable, Dev, RC/Sneak Peak) are you running?
I am running on the latest version of Arma 3 (which is currently 1.64 as of making this thread), and I'm on the stable branch of the game.
Which Arma DLCs do you own? Karts? Marksmen? APEX? Helicopters? Zeus?
I own all of the Arma 3 DLC.
Which operating system are you using?
I am running Windows 10 Pro 64 bit.
Are you using a custom memory allocator? (-malloc start-up parameter).
No, I am not.
Please let off some steam here
I've had this problem for a long time now, and I'm talking probably months, and I have no idea how to fix it, so after ages of searching, I found partial and temporary fixes, but nothing that actually fixes it for long enough to play the game properly.
If possible, please show us your .rpt file, e.g. via Pastebin.
Here is the link to my latest .rpt file: http://pastebin.com/6YWaN2PU
If possible, upload the last "Minidump" (.bidmp and .mdmp files) here. You can find them next to the .rpt.
Please find my latest .bidmp and .mdmp files by clicking here.
Nathan Turner