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About erenior

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  1. erenior

    A word to server owners

    i go ahead and correct this: i am not looking for HARDCORE survival. i am looking for something balanced, e.g. not nearly everybody running around with those ridicioulos powerful weapons. for me, personally, 5.56 weapons should be the most common and most frequently used weapons, lower chance for 7.62 and a very low chance for everything above that. but most servers offer everything in sheer masses and there is simply no sense in playing with lower "tier" weapons. i bet it would alter the firefights in a way. edit: after reading the other posts here i have to totally agree with @John .... many players sort the server browser by population. i think most players tend to say "if there are many players the server must be good". ive been on nearly all the most populated servers, and they are all the same (more or less). They only differ in used modifications and used map. Again, this is not a rant against these servers, for there might be players that like to find everything they want in a short period of time. For me it is just boring. and ofc i accept that it might be the majority of players. but thats just me. i do understand that the majority of players like to have it the easy way. but hey, what are you fighting for (besides the well known "haha gotcha")? on those servers i dont really care about death, you dont lose much, a bit respect, thats it.
  2. erenior

    A word to server owners

    thanks for your reply. i will take a look on this later this day
  3. erenior

    A word to server owners

    Hello, first off, this is not meant as a rant. i would like to hear opinions of others and of server owners if possible, there are dozens and dozens of servers running exile. i wonder why the most servers feel like i play of any server. they dont differ much. i personally tested 25 different servers so far. they differ in chosen map and in chosen mods. some run CUP addons. Some run RHS. but they all share the fact that i usually play 10 to 15 minutes and i am full equipped. running into any kind of military building usually offers me plenty of high end weapons, ranging from DMR over Cyrus up to Navid. In other words: One shot weapons. yes, i know you can also one shot someone with a 5.56, but its harder, especially on longer distances. those weapons are only used to sell them. I, personally, am bored when i play on a server and feel like i am in paradise: walk several hundred meters and feel like you gave command to the operator in the matrix movies that you need "a hell lot of guns". whats the point in raiding someone elses base? i go loot and got everything i need in merely a blink of an eye. also, there are many servers that offer starting money, starting gear etc. WHY? yeah, i know, you would like to attract players. but i think there are many players like me that are bored if they got everything in a short time period... and then its boring as fck. there are usually no interactions between players besides the common "uh, i got oneshotted" from someone using a silenced <insert high calibre weapon> about 1000m away (or something like that). sniping is and will be part of any arma game, this is absolutely okay for me... but why should someone play with a lower calibre rifle? why is it that many servers tend to run the "weapon paradise"? afaik there are several .cfg files that could be adjusted. i would like to see myself if i find something very rare. i remember the very early arma 2 dayz mod and my first heli crash site. i found a FN FAL and i was like "OH YEAH BOY" and enjoyed it a lot. for me exile is something i like to play on the "long run" but on most servers i get my hands on everything i could imagine in very short time. and this is boring. so, what do you guys think? perhaps some server owners would like to respond as well? so far erenior p.s.: apologies for my english, its not my default language
  4. erenior

    Hold a key to see teammates names

    rom i think the same way. this is stadard in wasteland for example, using the windows button to see player names. i really think this would be an improvement.
  5. erenior


    hello everyone, first of i want to thank any dev who is working on exile mod, it is pretty good so far. but i would like to give some "advice" to improve the mod. no parachute spawn. yes i know it is kind of part for the story of exile but i played on different servers and although i land with speed between 0 and 12 i die so many times it isnt funny anymore (and yes i land on flat ground, no trees or stuff around). and the same goes for a friend of mine, so this problem isnt bound to my account. either fixing this or make it a normal ground spawn will do better imo. go on with this good mod. cheers.