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  1. Rom

    THANK YOU Exile Team.

    also shoutout to JamieKG cuz he's a cool dude
  2. Exactly, become "Notorious" status, fits perfect in the Exile theme!
  3. Rom


    HEAR! HEAR! Sure it's all good fun when you are settled but what if you start fresh in a settled server? Try and get your 10k for a safe together without a way to store it, good luck. Physical money will only add a tedious task, it is NOT a solution
  4. Rom

    Exile @Taviana Sector B

    No wonder you get 5 FPS
  5. Rom

    Stamina System and Thermalnerv

    Stamina systems are terrible, esspecially if you play on maps like altis, it just takes too much time to get around. I love the current system! And as for thermals, i would say they are a bit OP atm, having them zoomed in more (when zoomed out to the max), would make it more blanced.
  6. Rom

    Hold a key to see teammates names

    If you limit it as a feature that works on holding a key down, there is absolutly no need to use it for players that don't want this. A toggle would be nice too :-)
  7. Is there is anything that is said alot on our teamspeak while playing Exile it's "Who is". I'd love to see a key you can hold down so you can see player names above their head like in the trader zone.. even over longer distances. It's kind of annoying that nearly all of the communications start with Who is here or Who is there, esspecially in larger groups. Would make Exile life alot easier imo