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  1. Munken

    {SOLVED} Drone Range

    Tried this, still freezing I tried removing DMS, but the drone still freeze at 7-900 meter, so my guess is, that the change made in config.sqf, is just luck?
  2. Munken

    {SOLVED} Drone Range

    I tried the same settings, but it still freezing at around 7-900 meters
  3. Munken

    {SOLVED} Drone Range

    I tried setting DMS_ai_allowFreezing = false, and no effect, still freezing. DMS_ai_freeze_Only_DMS_AI = false/true has no effect
  4. Munken

    {SOLVED} Drone Range

    Nope, just reinstalled my server, but the UAV (MQ-12 Falcon) just freeze in the air, but when teleported to it, it continues, but only for 7-900 meters. The way i use the MQ-12, is by add the "HACK UAV" option anybody found a solution?
  5. Munken

    {SOLVED} Drone Range

    What was the problem? i have the same issue now
  6. Munken

    {SOLVED} Drone Range

    I have the same issue now, but my DMS "DMS_ai_allowFreezing" and "DMS_ai_freeze_Only_DMS_AI" both are set to false, how do you turn it off? isnt false = off?
  7. Munken

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    Is there any guide to add the vehicles from APEX?
  8. Hi, i love the raiding group (cops) but is there any way to have several loadouts, and distance? The cops should stay as they are, but i want to add a SWAT team , and a Spec Ops team, and a lone sniper. I added them in fnc_selectGear.sqf where i took a copy of the cops loadout, renamed them. I also took a copy of the intire section in occupationRandomSpawn.sqf where the cops are spawning, but i wont work, the guys are showing up, but the dont have any gear. If anybody have made several groups, or if it will be implemented at a later point, i would be very gratefull
  9. Munken

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I have 1 question, and 1 wish. Question: How do i make 1 single mission last until serverrestart (12 hours)? I dont want it to be affected by "DMS_StaticMissionTimeOut"? Wish: A mission, where you capture a car, but at the moment you complete the mission, a new secondary mission starts, where a group of AI will hunt the the player that activated the mission complete trigger. Perhabs it could be implemented in all missions, like a setting called "DMSMissionRetribution = true;" or something like that. It would make looting more thrilling, and other players could follow the "horde" of AI walking towards a player that are able to comple missions, and thereby finding his base. I dont have enough coding skills to do it myself, i only have the skills to ajust, and change the existing files.
  10. I have 1 question, and 1 wish. Question: How do i make 1 single mission last until serverrestart (12 hours)? I dont want it to be affected by "DMS_StaticMissionTimeOut"? Wish: A mission, where you capture a car, but at the moment you complete the mission, a new secondary mission starts, where a group of AI will hunt the the player that activated the mission complete trigger. Perhabs it could be implemented in all missions, like a setting called "DMSMissionRetribution = true;" or something like that. It would make looting more thrilling, and other players could follow the "horde" of AI walking towards a player that are able to comple missions, and thereby finding his base. I dont have enough coding skills to do it myself, i only have the skills to ajust, and change the existing files.
  11. Munken

    Adding Sledgehammer to Trader

    I got the same problem, but try correcting the classname form Exile_Melee_SledgeHammmer to Exile_Melee_SledgeHammer . It worked for me :-) I belive it is a typo in the config file
  12. Munken

    Cant remove buildingparts

    Well, i tried to use the vanilla mission .pbo, and then it worked, so i have messed something up... Now starts the search :-) Thanks!
  13. Munken

    Cant remove buildingparts

    Just tried it, no luck, but i can open doors, but the menu (upgrade, remove, move) does not show :-(
  14. Munken

    Cant remove buildingparts

    I cant remove any buildingparts, wood or concrete, the menu dont show. It is my territory :-) The menu shows with tents, and safes, but i cant lock the safe, or give it a pin code. The menu (scroll) show with cars. Any help?