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About walker1701

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  1. walker1701

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Cheers for the reply @Paul ahh ok i thought it was forcing a player that may have picked up a uniform from a mission to loose it but if its just forcing an ai unit not to wear it then thats cool.
  2. walker1701

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    ok so i reinstalled it like suggested. Nothing in the files changed ofcourse but it fixed one error but for some reason now i get this error which i never had before :00 ERROR: Switch uniform! Uniform is not supported by soldier 9:28:00 Uniform U_OG_leader is not allowed for soldier class O_G_Sharpshooter_F 9:28:00 soldier[O_G_Sharpshooter_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 9:28:00 soldier[O_G_Sharpshooter_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? probably nothing to do with vemf but if someone could shed some light into where i get rid of these uniform restrictions?
  3. walker1701

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    this is the most recent version yes and i installed it correctly yes. Ive not changed any files so i dunno why it would be doing it?
  4. walker1701

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Hey im getting this error and i really do not know what i need to change could someone please help me. ERROR 8:58:09 Error in expression <),("RockArea"),("ViewPoint")] }; _arr = nearestLocations [(_this2),(_t),(if (_ms> 8:58:09 Error position: <nearestLocations [(_this2),(_t),(if (_ms> 8:58:09 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected 8:58:09 File a3_vemf_reloaded\fn\fn_findPos.sqf, line 47 and this is what i have from line 42 on to 62 if (_this0 isEqualTo "loc") then { // Get a list of locations close to _this2 (position of player) _t = [("CityCenter"),("Strategic"),("StrongpointArea"),("NameVillage"),("NameCity"),("NameCityCapital")]; if (_s0 isEqualTo "yes") then { _t append [("nameLocal"),("Area"),("BorderCrossing"),("Hill"),("fakeTown"),("Name"),("RockArea"),("ViewPoint")] }; _arr = nearestLocations [(_this2),(_t),(if (_ms0 > 0) then {_ms0*2} else {worldSize})]; if ((count _arr) > 0) then { _maps = "isClass _x" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVemfReloaded" >> "blacklists" >> "locations"); { _maps set [_forEachIndex, toLower (configName _x)] } forEach _maps; if ((toLower worldName) in _maps) then { _bad = ([[("blacklists"),("locations"),(worldName)],["names"]] call VEMFr_fnc_config) select 0 } else { _bad = ([[("blacklists"),("locations"),("Other")],["names"]] call VEMFr_fnc_config) select 0 }; _bin = []; _used = uiNamespace getVariable [("VEMFrUsedLocs"),([])]; any help would be much apreciated because this constantly repeats on my server log every 2-3 seconds
  5. walker1701

    [Release] (Bounties) Most Wanted

    so you will now stop moaning about how rubbish arma is? or your still going to do so? lol
  6. walker1701

    Copy and Paste Cup Vehicles 1.3

    You use Virtual Arsenal, Its very time consuming hence why i did it. You basically load the game with the CUP Mod then you go threw the Virtual Arsenal and choose the thing you want the name for then you export it. Then once you paste it to notepad you will see the list of names for that vehicle,weapon,unit if there's more than one skin there will be a couple of names.
  7. walker1701

    Mi5 Security

    Hey guys and gals check our website out it is updated on a regular basis and its got news on all Arma 3 and exile intentions, updates, and other things related www.mi5security.co.uk
  8. walker1701

    Copy and Paste Cup Vehicles 1.3

    True That To be honest the vehicles was the first of these Scripts I made for people so I believe there will most likely be a lot more errors in this post than the other 2 as by the time I got to the second 2 posts I had kinda got the hang of it lol.
  9. walker1701

    Copy and Paste Cup Vehicles 1.3

    Done!!! Dont know why but for some reason I had a Chopper in the mix there.
  10. walker1701

    Copy and Paste Cup Vehicles 1.3

    gimmie just a sec im updating boats that list is mega wrong i must of been drunk when i first made it lol
  11. walker1701

    Copy and Paste Cup Vehicles 1.3

    Ok i've Updated the list and corrected the suggestions you made but also like I said the boat list is not big at all that's all the cup boats there is.
  12. walker1701

    Copy and Paste Cup Vehicles 1.3

    I know the boat list aint that big for cup.
  13. walker1701

    Copy and Paste Cup Vehicles 1.3

    I can do this yes sorry didn't realise I hadn't added them I do have the list. But unfortunately you'll have to wait till Monday as I'm not at home at my PC. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  14. walker1701


    Not Quick to fix problems pointed out. DEV just takes a huff and hates people picking faults with his work. Very easy to get loot can see there being quite a few millionaires on this server so if that's your thing this is the server for you
  15. walker1701

    Copy and Paste Cup Weapons 1.6

    Your Welcome Bro