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About Diizane

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  1. Diizane

    Disconnect Messages?

    I can see in the .CFG that there's a variable for when users connect/disconnect. Is there a way to set up so that, when a player disconnects/connects it gives a message / pop up similar to if one was kicked? Basically, i want the people who are joining and are disconnecting due to missing addons to receive a popup with a message telling them where they can go to download the addons. Is this possible? onUserConnected = ""; onUserDisconnected = "";
  2. Diizane

    Character Creation Timeout

    I did fix it myself by completely redoing mySQL and wiping the data stored.
  3. Diizane

    Construction not working

    It appears to not be an issue with the addons.
  4. Diizane

    Construction not working

    When i'm trying to place the floor tiles, it's green. The workbench doesn't change color. Neither of them place though despite the placement mode
  5. Diizane

    Construction not working

    Mods i'm using on the server = @ASDG_JR;@Exile;@HLC AK Pack;@HLC AR15 Pack;@HLC AWM Pack;@HLC Core;@HLC FAL Pack;@HLC G3 Pack;@HLC M14 Pack;@HLC M60 Pack;@HLC MP5 Pack;@HLC SAW Pack;@Ryanzombies Currently i am able to place the Flag, next i try to place a work bench (alot of other items too) and the preview shows up for where to place it but when i press spacebar, nothing happens. Any help would be great Edit; I've disabled all of the addons and the issue still persists. Can't place any construction items besides the flag.
  6. Diizane

    Loading mission.sqm into editor

    I've been trying endlessly to try and load my Exile.Altis.pbo / mission.sqm into the editor so i can add alternative safe zones.. Every attempt i make, the editor just simply shows a blank map. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  7. Diizane

    Creating safe zones?

    Is there a way you can create new safe zones without using a 3rd party addon?
  8. Diizane

    Creating safe zones?

    Really needing info on this.
  9. Diizane

    Creating safe zones?

    How would one create a safe zone ?
  10. I managed to fix it, once i've figured out how to create safe zones within the map, i'll let you know how i fixed it.
  11. Diizane

    Character Creation Timeout

    It was working fine, and then i installed Infinistar and this became an issue. Loads in, and gets stuck at "Downloading Character". Then becomes "Character Creation Timeout" tried uninstalling infinistar to test but the issue persists.
  12. So you're saying the exile one couldn't process the HCL modded weapons?
  13. Is it possible to have HLC weapons "SPAWN"? I've tried just about everything. I can buy things from the store, drop items, pick up etc. but no matter what, they DO NOT SPAWN.