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About AFC~Gagi2~

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  • Birthday 09/26/1979

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  1. AFC~Gagi2~

    triggers... a never ending story

    hey there.... a short question about "how to fuck around with triggers" for our exile server i wanted to split chernarus in half for pvp zone and pve zone... and want to get the players a message when they enter the red zone or leave it.... now when one player enters... all players get the message... not only the one who enters _ZoneTrigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [3500,8200,0], false]; _ZoneTrigger setTriggerActivation ["ANYPLAYER", "PRESENT", true]; _ZoneTrigger setTriggerArea [3500, 8200, 0, true, 500]; _ZoneTrigger setTriggerStatements [ "this", "['ErrorTitleAndText', ['PVP-Zone', 'Du bist nun in der PVP-Zone! Feuer Frei!!']] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;", "['SuccessTitleAndText', ['PVE-Zone', 'Du bist nun in der PVE-Zone! Pass auf worauf du schiesst!!']] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;" ]; ideas? also i set the trigger to LOCAL with the false in the first line... where true would be global... at least thats what the wiki says... EDIT: got a solution in BIS forums now... _ZoneTrigger = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [3500,8200,0], false]; _ZoneTrigger setTriggerActivation ["ANYPLAYER", "PRESENT", true]; // or what you want (not used) _ZoneTrigger setTriggerArea [3500, 8200, 0, true, 500]; _ZoneTrigger setTriggerStatements [ "player inArea thisTrigger", "['ErrorTitleAndText', ['PVP-Zone', 'Du bist nun in der PVP-Zone! Feuer Frei!!']] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;", "['SuccessTitleAndText', ['PVE-Zone', 'Du bist nun in der PVE-Zone! Pass auf worauf du schiesst!!']] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;" ]; did the trick
  2. AFC~Gagi2~

    ExAd statusbar bug

    well it has been a while since last post... i installed exad on my 1.0.4 server too and have the same problems.. and i can assure you its installed correctly following the install instructions... many others have the same problem so its not a problem of a single user... or wrong modification... also the settings like position height and color etc are saved in your player profile... reinstalling the whole thing on your server wont fix anything because its not changing anything in your profile... all you can do is make a new profile... and never touch the settings of the exad bar... which is not a solution at all imho...
  3. AFC~Gagi2~

    ExAd v1.0.4

    hey guys i installed exile fresh from the start now (had a server more than a year ago and kicked it out when 1.0.4 arrived) so now i installed this exad version an hour ago and i guess i know why i havent done it before... its a real disaster atm about the statusbar: i cant move it up to the upper border or left border of my screen.. it stops around 2/3 look at the screenshot but i could move it to the left and down a few kilometers i guess... look at the settings - this would be about 10% maybe and its already in the lower right corner aaand last but not least when i try to change the margin parameters i get an error and then its totally fucked any ideas whats wrong here? any other serveradmins with similar problems? or am i the only one...
  4. AFC~Gagi2~

    Battleye Portfreigabeproblem

    wenn der battleye ordner im SC ordner ist aus dem er das profil lädt kann man sich das sparen.. die config.cfg und basic.cfg legt man "normalerweise" auch dort ab... und die logs etc sollten ja auch dort drin landen
  5. AFC~Gagi2~

    What happened to Taviana?

    well... i already knew it wont happen the minute they wrote it its all about the money...
  6. AFC~Gagi2~

    What happened to Taviana?

    the map on steamworkshop is gone already... it will be re-uploaded many times... as it was done already... because people never learn and it will be deleted every time... because the original maker asks steam to protect his copyright
  7. AFC~Gagi2~

    Non-steam server

    so why the heck do you want to make a non steam server when the game is steam only? what should this be good for?
  8. AFC~Gagi2~

    Death Loop is annoying! :P

    Player is Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer for too long - either not correctly loaded in or trying to run around as a ghost (invisible player object) still happens this time it was on a fresh player who connected the first time to our server... so no chance for any bad db entry to cause that
  9. AFC~Gagi2~

    What about the other Infistar logfiles?

    1. be filters have nothing to do with infistar 2. in addmagazinecargo or createvehicle for example you can blacklist items (magazines or vehicles) where battleye kicks you if you spawn one of these (legal or illegal spawning doesnt matter)
  10. AFC~Gagi2~

    am verzweifeln

    hast du für BEC auch deine Windows Hosts Datei angepasst? die findest du unter C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc da steht folgendes bereits drin # localhost # ::1 localhost und das fügst du hinzu RConIP "server ip " lass mal aus der be server cfg raus welchen gameport hat der server und welchen rcon port hast du dazu gesetzt? wenn der server zb auf 2302 rennt kannst du den rcon port zb auf 2306 setzen 2303 - 2305 sind reserviert
  11. AFC~Gagi2~

    Players having difficultly spawning?

    same problem here... from time to time... and the cba stuff was already set to 1 from the beginning so this cant be the problem
  12. AFC~Gagi2~

    Exile mod based on player unknow battlegrounds

    shut up and take my money
  13. AFC~Gagi2~

    New Order Gaming

    eine gaming community NO GAMING zu nennen is schon hart grenzwertig imho ^^ aber jedem das seine
  14. AFC~Gagi2~

    I'll piad if any fixed my server Exile Mod bug respon problem

    as long as extdb isnt sending any shit over rcon it may work... but it doesnt mean its done right...
  15. AFC~Gagi2~

    I'll piad if any fixed my server Exile Mod bug respon problem

    things like [Rcon] Port = 2302 are just wrong... you need to set a rcon port higher than 2305 because if you use 2302 as gameport 2302, 2303, 2304 and 2305 are hardcoded and reserved for other stuff like query and steam port etc... so set it in your be server config to 2306 for example and edit it in your extdb cfg to the same startparameter: use -servermod for exile_server instead of -mod