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  1. DONAR

    69WASTED Admin Menu for ExAd

    @Powerstriker46 Please try if the error exists if you disable the mods and try if one Mod cause the problem.
  2. DONAR

    69WASTED Admin Menu for ExAd

    In the log file are no errors witch should cause the problem. To be clear, you see the player selectbox and other players (not AI) are on the server? I am not sure what you mean with your second question. The debug console you can open is not from me, is made by BE.
  3. DONAR

    69WASTED Admin Menu for ExAd

    The log file is generated when you start Arma. Have you changed the location in the launcher?
  4. DONAR

    69WASTED Admin Menu for ExAd

  5. DONAR

    69WASTED Admin Menu for ExAd

    @Powerstriker46 You send me your Server Log, but the app is only client side. By the way there are errors in the log file but not from my code
  6. DONAR

    69WASTED Admin Menu for ExAd

    @Powerstriker46 Do you have any errors in your Client RPT log?
  7. DONAR

    69WASTED Admin Menu for ExAd

    @jismark You have to log in as admin in Arma. #login password
  8. DONAR

    69WASTED Admin Menu for ExAd

    @SneakyDuServer The source code must be anywhere in Arma. This could be the mission file, a server based addon or a client side mod. The first scenario is used in this app. In the second case the functions would be published by the Server with a publicVarable, so every client has the code and it would not add any security feature. It is only security by obscurity (only if he wont find the Gitlab Repro ). In the third case the functions would be in a client side mod. Because it has to be whitelisted on the server any player can load it, even the "bad guys". So the only way to protect your server is to check in every function if the player is allowed to execute the function. In my App it is done by the isAdmin function.
  9. DONAR

    69WASTED Admin Menu for ExAd

    @SneakyDuServer You can use Username / Password Authentication or the Steam ID. If a script kiddy has a injector he can execute code anyway. So you must only restrict the use of your functions, anything else would be an anti hack system. Also the use of the Steam ID is in my opinion saver, because the admin menu is linked with your account and the password can not be told a third party.
  10. DONAR

    69WASTED Admin Menu for ExAd

    @SneakyDuServer Yea, I have such thing in mind, but it has to be server side for security reasons.
  11. DONAR

    69WASTED Admin Menu for ExAd

    I am working on a way to hide the app from non admins. You see the "Sorry nothing to see here" if you are not logged in as admin in Arma 3. Use the command #login YourSecretPasswort and open the app again.
  12. DONAR

    69WASTED Admin Menu for ExAd

    Update Changes: Add refuel car button Add all building kits an other items Changed: Teleport player with his car Removed not existing item from item spawner Fixed: remove AI in teleport list Fixed: wrong UI element Fixed: infinite map teleport Update: replace config.sqf and onLoad.sqf with he new version Download AdEx 69Admin
  13. DONAR

    69WASTED Admin Menu for ExAd

    @Super Jerome I found only one bug, but this should not cause your problem. But please check if the problem disappears with the new version. Two other errors are from bAdmin: and ExAd Virtual Garage: To get a minimal RPT do this: Start Exile, join your server and open 69WASTED Admin App. After you have done this close arma and send me this RPT log ( that one with the latest date in the name). Do you have the same problem with vanilla exile (without mods)?
  14. DONAR

    69WASTED Admin Menu for ExAd

    @Super Jerome C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Arma 3
  15. DONAR

    69WASTED Admin Menu for ExAd

    @Super Jerome You posted your server log file. The script is at the moment only client side, so I need your client RPT file.