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About tkcjesse

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  1. tkcjesse

    extDB Repository Removed?

    Anyone know why Torndeco removed his github repo for extDB2? Just trying to figure out if he's doing something new in replacement or if we're all going to be possibly looking for something newer later in life.
  2. tkcjesse

    New Website Theme Problems

    No problem. It's on this page. Bottom of the page when you're not logged in.
  3. tkcjesse

    Trading Prevented Due To Item Space Bug?

    Oh yeah, that's also an issue. Have noticed it seems to be if you become completely full then sell it. I believe it also typically involves the "swing" item from the axe... If i recall.
  4. tkcjesse

    New Website Theme Problems

    Might wanna fix this...
  5. tkcjesse

    Exile - Ryanzombies

    The first one you posted isn't the complete log. Please include up to the last ". Heres for the last one though, insert on line 30. !="cal _x;\n}\nforEach ExileClientPartyMapMarkers;\n{\n_marker = createMarkerLocal [format ["ExilePartyMarker%1", _forEachIndex], getPo" Try doing the last one yourself maybe? It's simple. I learned from:
  6. tkcjesse

    Access Violation (Server stops) Feedback recently given from BI.
  7. tkcjesse

    DeleteVehicle Restriction #0

    7 "" !"NVG_Target" !"Shot" !"Exile_Unit_Player" !"_Preview" just use that. It'll solve your problem. Why'd you put: !="[0-9].[0-9]*e\+[0-9]*" !="[0-9]:[0-9]*e\+[0-9]*" In?
  8. tkcjesse

    DeleteVehicle Restriction #0

    FragZ has a point.. Posting your filters would be nice.
  9. tkcjesse

    Trading Prevented Due To Item Space Bug?

    It's due to your overall Arma 3.. Watch the big bar at the bottom of your inventory screen. Once it's completely full getting even the Exile items in your inventory is impossible from traders. Has to do with the latest arma fatigue system and how the items are inventory items instead of say like a virtual item like how Life servers are and such.
  10. tkcjesse

    Anger Inducing Config.bin Error

    Do you run that many mods that you just can't go through and start plucking one by one to see when the issue is resolved? Or maybe if you list your mods here people could help you...
  11. tkcjesse

    infiSTAR Installed but...

    Did you pack the server files into a .pbo? and then add them to your start parms? So should be : -servermod=@exileserver;@infiSTAR_Exile; And dirrectory should be \@infiSTAR_Exile\addons\a3_infiSTAR_Exile.pbo
  12. tkcjesse

    Exile Chernarus Script Restriction #6

    Put this on line 8 !="=\n[\n \n];\n \n{\nprivate ["_object"];\n\n_object = (_x select 0) createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];\n_object setDir (_x select 2);\n_object setPo" Be sure to either restart the server or reload scripts.txt
  13. tkcjesse

    infiSTAR Installed but...

    Type !admin in chat? Then hit F1 once you're in the game. Otherwise did you specify your UID in the config file?
  14. tkcjesse

    Installing Australia

    20:17:30 "ExileServer - MySQL connection error!"20:17:30 "ExileServer - Please have a look at @ExileServer/extDB/logs/ to find out what went wrong."20:17:30 "ExileServer - MySQL Error: Failed to initialize database protocol: [0,"Error Invalid Format"]"
  15. tkcjesse

    Support for cba a3

    Yeah. I was having the account creation error. Did this, removed the @CBA_A3 from the server and it worked great. Thanks man.