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About Thooom

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  1. Thooom

    Rep/PopTabs transferred on death

    I agree, we absolutely wrecked some people yesterday. Bagging 6 kills, looting everything they had in their base, including all crates and tents, blowing up their cars with their own explosives etc. If they have money in the bank they need to spend a tonne now to replace it all
  2. Thooom

    Locking vehicles.

    Bad idea as people have stated above. Could work with keys if the body fell out, but not with code locks.
  3. Thooom

    Safe Cracking

    Thermal Scanner has helped me once or twice. Found one base where we scanned their helicopter and found the code to it. They had the same code for 2 helis, 2 safes, all doors and a car