iTz D Say

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About iTz D Say

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  1. iTz D Say

    Set A3server path & Steam path help

    Your awesome that worked thank you so much
  2. iTz D Say

    Set A3server path & Steam path help

    this is what it shows when I do that. its like its not reading the x86 part
  3. iTz D Say

    Set A3server path & Steam path help

    this is were i am at
  4. iTz D Say

    Set A3server path & Steam path help

    will do tonight.
  5. iTz D Say

    Set A3server path & Steam path help

    Thanks I will try this. and I am a complete noob so I do not know what you meant about posting my batch , i thought I had enough info in op
  6. iTz D Say

    Set A3server path & Steam path help

    really nobody can help with this
  7. iTz D Say

    Set A3server path & Steam path help

    I think because my path is program files (x86) but its only reading program files in the cmd
  8. I am going through the guide provided on how to setup a exile server and i have run into a problem when editing the InstallA3Server.bat, when I try and set the path for a3server & steam then run the program it says ''B:\program is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
  9. I am having issues with step 3 i know but no matter what path i put in it says '' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
  10. iTz D Say

    @mas on vert

    okay so in the mpmissions do I have to add each individual weapon and ammo at a time?
  11. iTz D Say

    @mas on vert

    well iam eager to learn. thanks for your help
  12. iTz D Say

    @mas on vert

    I see Exile.Altis.pbo
  13. iTz D Say

    @mas on vert

    honestly I thought all I had to use was the control panel provided by the server hosting provider
  14. iTz D Say

    @mas on vert

    My mpmission folder is empty!! so i need to copy my mpmissions folder to my server via ftp?
  15. iTz D Say

    @mas on vert

    I am trying to add @mas and having trouble first time doing any of this