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Everything posted by Mr.Pig

  1. Mr.Pig

    Track AI Kills

    Modify your "\@ExileServer\extDB\sql_custom_v2\exile.ini" with the following Find "[addAccountDeath]" and add this around there (can be anywhere really but to keep with the area on kills and deaths): [addAccountAiKill] SQL1_1 = UPDATE account SET ai_kills = ai_kills + 1 WHERE uid = ? Number Of Inputs = 1 SQL1_INPUTS = 1 Find "[getAccountStats]" make it: [getAccountStats] SQL1_1 = SELECT, a.score, a.kills, a.deaths, a.clan_id,, a.ai_kills FROM account a LEFT JOIN clan c ON = a.clan_id WHERE a.uid = ? Number of Inputs = 1 SQL1_INPUTS = 1 OUTPUT = 1,2,3,4,5,6-STRING,7 Find "[loadPlayer] and make it: [loadPlayer] SQL1_1 = SELECT, SQL1_2 =, SQL1_3 = p.account_uid, SQL1_4 = p.damage, SQL1_5 = p.hunger, SQL1_6 = p.thirst, SQL1_7 = p.alcohol, SQL1_8 = p.oxygen_remaining, SQL1_9 = p.bleeding_remaining, SQL1_10 = p.hitpoints, SQL1_11 = p.direction, SQL1_12 = p.position_x, SQL1_13 = p.position_y, SQL1_14 = p.position_z, SQL1_15 = p.assigned_items, SQL1_16 = p.backpack, SQL1_17 = p.backpack_items, SQL1_18 = p.backpack_magazines, SQL1_19 = p.backpack_weapons, SQL1_20 = p.current_weapon, SQL1_21 = p.goggles, SQL1_22 = p.handgun_items, SQL1_23 = p.handgun_weapon, SQL1_24 = p.headgear, SQL1_25 = p.binocular, SQL1_26 = p.loaded_magazines, SQL1_27 = p.primary_weapon, SQL1_28 = p.primary_weapon_items, SQL1_29 = p.secondary_weapon, SQL1_30 = p.secondary_weapon_items, SQL1_31 = p.uniform, SQL1_32 = p.uniform_items, SQL1_33 = p.uniform_magazines, SQL1_34 = p.uniform_weapons, SQL1_35 = p.vest, SQL1_36 = p.vest_items, SQL1_37 = p.vest_magazines, SQL1_38 = p.vest_weapons, SQL1_39 =, SQL1_40 = a.score, SQL1_41 = a.kills, SQL1_42 = a.deaths, SQL1_43 =, SQL1_44 =, SQL1_45 = a.ai_kills SQL1_46 = FROM player p SQL1_47 = INNER JOIN account a SQL1_48 = ON a.uid = p.account_uid SQL1_49 = LEFT JOIN clan c SQL1_50 = ON = a.clan_id SQL1_51 = WHERE p.account_uid = ? Number of Inputs = 1 SQL1_INPUTS = 1 OUTPUT = 1,2-STRING,3-STRING,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16-STRING,17,18,19,20-STRING,21-STRING,22,23-STRING,24-STRING,25-STRING,26,27-STRING,28,29-STRING,30,31-STRING,32,33,34,35-STRING,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44-STRING,45 SAVE AND CLOSE In file "ExileServer_object_player_createBambi.sqf" add after "_bambiPlayer setVariable ["ExileDeaths", (_accountData select 3)];" _bambiPlayer setVariable ["AiKills", (_accountData select 6)]; In file "ExileServer_object_player_database_load.sqf" add after "_player setVariable ["ExileDeaths", (_data select 41)];" _player setVariable ["AiKills", (_data select 44)]; You will now need to make a new field inside the account table to be called "ai_kills" type "int" length "11" default "0" or run this ALTER TABLE account ADD ai_kills int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; Ok, that should be it. Now to send an ai kill to database add the following to your fn_aikilled or the appropriate file inside your missions that kill ai or give respect or tabs. If you find inside your fn_aikilled "ExileKills" then you can replace that with "AiKills" instead. This will now add ai kills to "AiKills" variable instead of just ExileKills. If it is not there then do the following: (You may need to change _killer to the correct variable used inside your mission to define the player who killed ai) _aikillerFrags = _killer getVariable ["AiKills", 0]; _killer setVariable ["AiKills", _aikillerFrags + 1]; format["addAccountAiKill:%1", (getPlayerUID _killer)] call ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget; Hope I didn't miss anything... Have fun! Updated February 7 2016
  2. Mr.Pig

    Russian Roulette - Enable/Disable

    @Vishpala Can you add an enable/disable for Russian Roulette for those that choose not to build one on different maps to prevent the following error in server rpt. <3 3:34:53 Error in expression <ir setPosWorld (_x select 0); } forEach ExileRouletteChairPositions; "Russian Ro> 3:34:53 Error position: <ExileRouletteChairPositions; "Russian Ro> 3:34:53 Error Undefined variable in expression: exileroulettechairpositions 3:34:53 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_russianRoulette_initialize.sqf, line 30
  3. Mr.Pig

    New errors [XEH]

    Thanks for reporting this. It was an error on our side. I will release an update later today with a fix. Thank you
  4. Mr.Pig

    CPU Almost Maxed + Server FPS Dropping

    How many objects do you have in your database? (Vehicles, containers, Construction) How many objects loaded from map edits? (Traders, extra buildings)
  5. Mr.Pig

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    True... but items like first aid kits, titan rocket launchers and rocket and others are getting into peoples servers from creating vehicles that have predefined gear in them. I am not 100% sure which all do this, but some mas vehicles have been the cause of this. Not sure on others.
  6. Mr.Pig

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Hey @eraser1 Can you consider adding the following to fn_SpawnAIVehicle.sqf around line 57, I have had people come to me asking why some vehicles have gear in that AI are driving. I have told them to add this, as some mods add gear to vehicle. THANKS <3 clearBackpackCargoGlobal _veh; clearItemCargoGlobal _veh; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _veh; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _veh;
  7. Mr.Pig

    I am a very angry player

    I hope the server owner put 1 or 2 too many 0's on the end of that respect requirement. But as Eichi stated... new server... there are lots out there with easier faster paced setting for players that don't have the time to grind it out.
  8. Mr.Pig

    Database Issue -

    @Vishpala In the exile_server_config has the following declared... class Database { // Remove all deleted items from the database after X days _permanentlyDeleteTime = 3; should be: (Needs the _ removed from permanentlyDeleteTime) class Database { // Remove all deleted items from the database after X days permanentlyDeleteTime = 3; <3
  9. Mr.Pig

    0.9.8 Changes for Server Owners

  10. Mr.Pig

    0.9.8 - Waiting for Server to Load...

    Make sure you import the "upgrade-0.9.60-to-0.9.80.sql" file into your database. And the following... ALTER TABLE `container` ADD COLUMN `money` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE `vehicle` ADD COLUMN `money` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
  11. Mr.Pig

    0.9.8 on dev build

    I have a Tanoa Dev Build server up running fine. Check your server RPT and extdb log.
  12. Mr.Pig

    Regroup Chat Messages 0.9.8

    This is due to Exile placing all Bambi's into one group together(until the host a party). So if a server has 50 players and all 50 do not create individual parties, then you get those messages from all players.
  13. Mr.Pig

    Adding nonConstructionZones

    You are welcome Keep up the great work
  14. Mr.Pig

    Adding nonConstructionZones

    The Config.cpp asks for the following. // A list of {position, radius} where building is not allowed at all However, The file it references "ExileClient_util_world_isInNonConstructionZone" uses the following coding. private["_position","_result","_distance"]; _position = _this; _result = false; { _distance = (_x select 0) distance _position; if (_distance < (_x select 2)) exitWith { _result = true; }; } forEach ExileNonConstructionZones; _result Meaning in the Config.cpp would need to be. {{position},0,radius} The file "ExileClient_util_world_isInNonConstructionZone" should change line if (_distance < (_x select 2)) exitWith with if (_distance < (_x select 1)) exitWith For now server admins can just use the following format. {{position},0,radius}
  15. Mr.Pig

    [SOLVED] TP with vehicle infistar 0050B

    Confirmed. Also, when alt-tp in vehicle it is logged in the admin log file... if on foot it is not logged.
  16. Everyone needs to keep their cool... Exile Dev's got this under control!!!
  17. Mr.Pig


    There is one real question here.... What got blurred out on the xm8 in the bottom left corner next to respect? Dev's are hiding a secret....
  18. Mr.Pig


    Wouldn't be Arma Mod Dev's without this
  19. Mr.Pig


    AHAHA.. That is awesome. Nice Work, Exile Team!
  20. Mr.Pig

    Concrete Constructions - Part 4

    OMG! I see no end... Great work Exile Team!!!
  21. Mr.Pig

    Locker (Private Stash)

    Beautiful, absolutely beautiful! Great job!
  22. Mr.Pig

    Concrete Constructions - Part 2

    AMAZING work Exile Team!!! No matter what flack you get smacked with on the forums, you are all creating something incredible here and none of you get enough credit!
  23. @Hollow I assume you are changing the correct profile and you do not have multiple. Maybe just in case... define your profile in the command-line or batch file for starting your server
  24. the first update was v0 v1 is the second update