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Everything posted by zEhrubyE

  1. zEhrubyE

    Custom skins

    Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone knows how to add custom vehicle skins for example inside your vehicle customs shop. I have heard that the exile devs said that it was impossible to do it client side, but i have seen it different on a german server. On the german server was no need to download any mod packs or what so ever only had to download the mission file. So if anyone knows how to do this? Would be great to let me know. Greetings rubyE
  2. zEhrubyE

    Surrender action

    Hello Everyone, I was wondering if there is a chance we can add the surrender action + zipties so you can be restraind. I know this is officially from Altis life made by Tonic and i do know this is a different kind of scripting he uses Life and we use BIS. But if there is anyone willing to help me out that would be really nice. cuz its getting a bit boring you can only kill people and not make it a little bit of roleplay. Greetings rubyE,
  3. zEhrubyE

    Surrender action

    Does anyone have more suggestions or maybe willing to help me get it working? Ill pay 25 euro's if needed for they work someone as provided.
  4. zEhrubyE

    Pitch black nights

    Admin console than typ in SkipTime 12 for example
  5. zEhrubyE

    Custom skins

    ty have been working on those skins for a long time have a lot more but those where from altis life at the time. but i want this to work for exile aswell. i have seen servers with custom skins tho i hope someone knows how this works
  6. Hello everyone, First of all my name is Joery aka rubyE i am one of the owners of Jointheforce Exile server and we are searching 1 or 2 Developers that are willing to make this server/community bigger. I am one of the members of Jointheforce Gaming Community for about 7 a 8 years and i started off with playing Arma 2 for a long time and now we are playing Arma 3 almost every day and that is why we started a Arma 3 server. First i started a Arma 3 Altis Life server and now we are running a Exile server. The gaming community is not only about Arma 3 but in every game you can think off but we are the ones that focus the most on Arma 3. We are interested in people that have the time and know how to build up a server and the community of course. Our Team of admins is 5 in total but i am currently the only person that knows how to develop a server. So to have an extra pair of hands would be great. So are you interested, active, friendly, mature and good in developing? Than you are the right person we need in our team. How can you contact us: - steam: n1kezr - teamspeak: ts.jointheforce.net in arma series channels. -Our Exile Server Website: www.jointheforce-gaming.enjin.com - Ingame: We hope to see you around. May the force be with you. Greetings, rubyE
  7. zEhrubyE

    Custom skins

    Is there nobody that could help me with this ?
  8. zEhrubyE

    Surrender action

    I think i need someone to help me with this idea to implement it in my server or at least make the script for everybody that likes this idea.
  9. zEhrubyE

    Surrender action

    Im not sure if i want to make it like Exile.Life but just shooting randomly all the time is not fun either sometimes a bit of roleplay can be fun to.
  10. zEhrubyE

    Using Notepad ++ and Compare plugin

    oke yeh that is fine by me aswell
  11. zEhrubyE

    Surrender action

    that i know but what you said the path has to be right but the paths are totally different from the one exile uses. That i just have to figure out
  12. zEhrubyE

    RCON Tool?

    Battleye has to be enabled to if im not wrong.
  13. zEhrubyE

    Using Notepad ++ and Compare plugin

    nice i think this is what i need:) does it read wrong writing aswell? Mis spell or something like that?
  14. zEhrubyE

    Using Notepad ++ and Compare plugin

    What i need is a program or plugin that let you see if you did something wrong onside your script for example forgot a , at the end of a line.
  15. zEhrubyE

    Using Notepad ++ and Compare plugin

    I think this is already in notepad++
  16. zEhrubyE

    Custom skins

    what i mean is skins like these http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/39751630880749106/D60794418A8429C942FF9D125A789A93204C7656/ Skins i made myself i want to add them in my server so people can use them
  17. zEhrubyE

    Pay You for Server Setup

    I might help when i have time. I will setup esseker map on your server together with clean exile mod. But i will only do it if you watch so you can learn it aswell otherwise it will never work Add me on steam: zEhrubyE Or visit my website: www.jointheforce-gaming.enjin.com.
  18. zEhrubyE

    Surrender action

    i think what i am going to try is change the life_fnc to BIS_fnc and a view tweeks but that may take time. If someone already has different suggestions let me know please.
  19. zEhrubyE

    Surrender action

    Has someone ever tried some of these inside exile?
  20. zEhrubyE

    Surrender action

    ty i will look into this when i am home from work
  21. zEhrubyE

    Surrender action

    would be nice if we or someone can work it out with us?
  22. zEhrubyE

    Looking for people to start a group with

    join us if you like www.jointheforce-gaming.enjin.com You can fill out an application and we will look into it.
  23. zEhrubyE

    Looking for some guys to play with!

    See if you are interested in this You can make a application on the website
  24. zEhrubyE

    Mas vehicles and weapons
