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  1. modster101

    What Makes Exile so Special ?

    To bad frankies videos are scripted
  2. modster101

    RIP 3rd party A3 launchers

    So how does this change mod downloading at all? cause im confused to high hell now.
  3. modster101

    What Makes Exile so Special ?

    Its also different from Breaking Point. I have played breaking point for almost a year now and where BP brings in heavy point gain and class interaction Exile brings in heavy emphasis on items. in BP it didnt really matter what items you had when you die as long as you progressed. (excluding of course M107's and czechs) but in Exile those items you have actually matter really make the game.
  4. modster101

    What Makes Exile so Special ?

    well i suppose base building but for me its a not crap team system.
  5. modster101

    [WIP] Liqu1dShadow is Making Map Content! - Requests/Ideas

    Woah this looks really amazing! i only have 1 small issue of the lighting looking a bit strange. as for suggestions its always cool to have some ambience, it could be wind or maybe far off gunshots. Also it might be cool to have more bushes and make the grass a bit higher.
  6. modster101

    Branch Out... Use different map!

    while its a real puny reason i like maps where ghillie suits actually work and blend in like esseker and lingo.
  7. modster101

    A3 downloaded

    oh and try forcing it to HTTP but you will have to delete corrupted mods and redownload them. Sometimes seeding is super quick other times its incredibly slow
  8. modster101

    A3 downloaded

    After a whole lot of testing and ranting, (i even posted a rage thread) you have to download each mod individually and if your computer goes to sleep while its downloading it crashes. I tried downloading from armaholic but the one mod i don't have is the all in terrain pack of 7 GB. for some reason it downloads so slow.
  9. modster101

    how the fuck do i install this mod

    Do you know of any base Exile servers? also thanks for your help so far.
  10. modster101

    how the fuck do i install this mod

    Every server i try says i need CUP weapons, do i do the same thing for them as well?
  11. So i have been trying a whole day with the A3 launcher and its broken, no clue how to manually install this mod. can anyone help me.