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About Mjolnir

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  1. Mjolnir

    [SOLVED] No E-Mail's recieved

    I also am not receiving any of the emails from them for the login tokens. I have checked the spam and junk folder in gmail as well. Most of the pages are returning 500 errors today. I have checked in IE , firefox and chrome with the same results. Hopefully it gets resolved.
  2. Mjolnir

    Exile and Namalsk Public Test

    Just like everyone else, I would love to test this. =)
  3. Mjolnir

    GTX issues?

    Much nicer. I was still looking for the preset amounts.
  4. Mjolnir

    GTX issues?

    I manually installed it on my GTXt server without issue. The only issue I have is there no longer seems to be an option to grant or take away tabs and respect. in the past tabs have been needed to refund for blown vehicles and the like since spawned in vehicles did not seem persistent, Not sure if this was intentionally removed.
  5. Mjolnir

    Where did A3XAI go?

    Truly unfortunate. I always add this to the server to make the environment more dynamic. Static missions with safe travel everywhere else is just not that exciting.
  6. Mjolnir

    Vanilla Chernarus mission file

    How is it this can be posted but Esseker ones get censored right away?
  7. Mjolnir

    StatusBar kick #0

    Adding "Land_" did not seem to work. Time to disable the statusbar again.
  8. Mjolnir

    StatusBar kick #0

    As soon as I disabled Status bar by removing it from my pbo the errors went away. Why it is linked to this issue I cannot say. I hope to find a fix. It looks like it is throwing exceptions for all of the exile items in the safe zones. as I exclude on another becomes the cause of the crash. I can try the "Land_" exclusion in createVehicle.txt to see if it works.
  9. Mjolnir

    Statusbar Script?

    I can finally reply here. I am seeing the same issue as above. I tried adding these items to createVehicle.txt, but after 4 exceptions being added I just keep seeing more and dont think this is the best way to fix the issue. every fix leads to a new item showing up in CreatVehicle.log. Thus far I have seen the following. #0 "Land_CarService_F" 3:2 [20,0,-184] #0 "Land_cargo_addon02_V2_F" 3:3 [0,0,-185] #0 "Land_cargo_addon02_V1_F" 3:4 [0,3,-185] #0 "Land_ScrapHeap_1_F" 3:5 [0,0,-185] -----update----- And as soon as I remove the status bar from the pbo the server works fine.
  10. Mjolnir

    StatusBar kick #0

    Tried posting to the old thread (http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/387-statusbar-script/?do=findComment&comment=25856) But there is no reply option. I am guessing it is locked to encourage discussion in this new section. I am seeing the same issue as [GGZC]PhY$iO# in his post. When I fix one another just pops up to replace it. I have a feeling I would be adding the exceptions to createvehicle.txt all day before I got through them all. There has to be an easy fix. "After installation, the statusbar I get the following error message: CreateVehicle Log: #0 PhYSiO - #0 "Land_CarService_F" 6:2 [0,-2,-184] Player #0 PhYSiO has been kicked by BattlEye: CreateVehicle Restriction #0"
  11. Mjolnir

    Esseker PBO

    Many are looking for this. One suggestion was to use the pbo from an exile esseker server you connect to. This requires #1 taking somebody work without permission and #2 Stripping out whatever modifications they made so you can make your own or possibly installing all of the add-ins they had just right so it just might work. Still hopeing to find a vanilla exile.esseker file , but trying to work on one at the same time. Would be a great option from a host to be able to change maps with a click. would save a lot of us trouble.
  12. Mjolnir

    Esseker Missionfile 0 roles

    Whenever I open a Exile.Esseker file in the editor all I see is the blank map. There must be some missed step.
  13. Mjolnir

    Esseker mission file?

    Once you have a file and it is unpacked I copy it to the folder I have seen listed. I can see a mission when I click load in the editor but there are no items shown on the map. I am not sure what else I need to do to be able moved things around.
  14. Mjolnir

    How do you install Esseker

    All I get is "530 Sorry, no ANONYMOUS access allowed." with GrossFTP and FileZilla.
  15. Mjolnir


    The only one I found seems to be one with all of the items and AI traders placed for the Altis map.which places many off the edge of the map. I am trying to figure out where to move everything, but it even still has the Spawn locations from Altis. This is the first time I have tried changing out maps so it is pretty slow going on my end. Many people seem to be protective of their working exile.esseker.pbo file. best chance is probably finding somebody willing to link one your way.