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Everything posted by StokesMagee

  1. StokesMagee

    [FIX] Spawn in ground

    Well, after so many people are having the spawn in ground bug i decided to take a quick look at the cause, and I've figured it out. TLDR: Arma Long reason: I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE REASON JUST GIVE ME THE FIX.... ok ok... here is the fix: Make a file in your mission file called "ExileClient_gui_selectSpawnLocation_show.sqf" and add inside of it: then go to the config.cpp (or wherever your CfgExileCustomCode is) and find CfgExileCustomCode and add: ExileClient_gui_selectSpawnLocation_show = "ExileClient_gui_selectSpawnLocation_show.sqf"; NOTE: if you're using XS Spawn use this instead: WITH eXpoch base respawn:
  2. StokesMagee

    Help! Missing 'description.ext::Header'

    There is an error within your config.cpp somewhere that is making the mission file unable to be parsed and loaded. Also, don't use TADST
  3. ^^ CLICK THE IMAGE TO GO TO THE SITE ^^ I have finally manned up and I'm finally going to announce my website to everyone, as many know I've been around the community for awhile, I've had my ups and my downs, many people know me for the "great" work i do, and help i have provided, so... without further ado... Current scripts on my website (For more information on these scripts, please visit my website): SM_Paint v2 (Base painting) SM_SafeZonePlus (Anti-theft in safezones) SM_VectorBuilding (Allow players to build in all vectors) SM_SpawnSelect (Enhanced spawn select GUI (Territory spawning, and timers)) SM_TraderPlus (Enhanced trader GUI) SM_DynamicMenu (3D replacement for scrollwheel) SM_LoneVirtualGarage (1 vehicle garage to store a vehicle) SM_IncomingMissile (Sound / visual warning of incoming missile) SM_VehicleService (Repair / Refuel / Rearm) (And many more to come) Accepted payment methods: Paypal (Also allows Debit/Credit card) Stripe (Debit/Credit cards, and a few other things) (More may come in the future) You're able to add reviews to this thread, good or bad (MUST ABIDE BY EXILE FORUM RULES). Just because you're salty because I've done something bad to you (Like Ban you from my site (for reasons)) do not post on this thread.... Keep this thread for reviews only, please do not comment for support on scripts, or script suggestions etc... please do so by making a post on my forums.
  4. StokesMagee

    StokesMagee's Resort - Premium Scripts

    SM_LoneVirtualGarage has been updated: Fixed: Bug caused by extDB2 causing people to be unable to retrieve their vehicle. Fixed: extDB2 enabled servers were unable to open the GUI.
  5. StokesMagee

    Looking for HC server (first person only)
  6. StokesMagee

    Fix combat storing for Virtual Garage.

    ladies, both ways are the same, but if you really want to talk about what one is better, it's most definitely renaming the variable in the config, unless other files use that variable, but doubtful
  7. StokesMagee

    StokesMagee's Resort - Premium Scripts

    SM_LoneVirtualGarage has been updated: Fixed: Vehicles not getting deleted from the database when retrieved. (hopefully)
  8. StokesMagee

    StokesMagee's Resort - Premium Scripts

    SM_SpawnSelect has been updated: Fixed: error that was caused by a unscheduled enviroment. Probably some other things that I fixed, but completely forgot over time. SM_VehicleService has been updated: Fixed: whilst rearming, all the ammo would vanish, and be unable to rearm it Probably some other things that I fixed, but completely forgot over time.
  9. You rename the game-server itself via the config.cfg hostname="";
  10. StokesMagee

    How to setup / use Battleye RCON

    Well to start off: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A WORKING EXILE SERVER FIRST! IF THE PROBLEM IS NOT RELATED TO RCON PLEASE DO NOT POST HERE! if you have some problems look at notes (I'm going to use TUT as a replacement for what you use) *HOW TO: *Notes:
  11. StokesMagee

    Looking for modder
  12. StokesMagee

    StokesMagee's Resort - Premium Scripts It's where I got all the other textures.
  13. StokesMagee

    StokesMagee's Resort - Premium Scripts

    SM_VehicleService has been updated: Fixed: Repair all button not working when the vehicle is not local to the server
  14. StokesMagee

    Server error when connecting

    @kuplion solved
  15. StokesMagee

    Server error when connecting

    DO NOT USE TADST... as for the "error" it's because you're missing the .bikey for the mod in the keys folder, go to the mod folder, find the .bikey, and move it into the servers key folder.
  16. I quoted what he said in another forum post as well... so i don't have to repeat myself here: but anyways... for this you can just make an override for Exiles hud update, and add inside of there the update for your ammo stuff, it would save a loop, but honestly it's not doing anything at all so it's completely up to you.
  17. StokesMagee

    HELP "UISounds 2" MOD

    wrong... with your own mod.. like you can override ANY classes (weapons, vehicles, etc..) with just a simple requiredAddons[] = {"exile_client"}; making the PBO dependent on it, and allowing you to change the class settings. besides, this don't require any of that. you just add the sounds to the description.ext CfgSounds, add the sounds to the missionfile, and do some overrides, no need for the mod at all: ExileClient_object_player_event_onInventoryClosed add playSound "bagclose"; ExileClient_object_player_event_onInventoryOpened add playSound "bagopen"; ExileClient_object_player_event_onTake add playSound "pickup"; ExileClient_object_player_event_onPut add playSound "drop"; You can figure out the rest from there.... Sounds are local to the player but meh...
  18. StokesMagee

    [RELEASE] Missile warning for all vehicles

    There is nothing wrong with a 'while true loop'... the way his loop is "designed" is it's not running constantly... and it's not doing anything intensive at all. It will make little to no difference changing it to anything else. yeah there is a better way of doing it (for example onGetInMan, onFired, etc.. events).. FPS will not 'hit hard', this will have absolutely little to no impact.
  19. StokesMagee

    Datenbank error??

    your launch parameters need to be -serverMod="@ExileServer;"
  20. StokesMagee

    [RELEASE] Missile warning for all vehicles

    mine works for everything that can be locked on
  21. StokesMagee

    serverLag on item pickup and other similar actions

    @[PEPO] | Lunas | If removing battleye filters "fixes" the issue, then the problem is that the filters are set to log, and whenever someone does something that is not filtered, it will write to a log file. For example: I'm placing a construction object and it's not in the filter for setPos, every 0.01 seconds the objects position gets set, and every 0.01 seconds that gets logged to a file. Basically, look at the logs and add the logs to the filters. Also, infiSTAR is a layer ontop of battleye, infiSTAR stops what battleye was not designed to stop.
  22. StokesMagee

    serverLag on item pickup and other similar actions

    "ALL of those 'actions' are run thru the DB." Is what I'm saying wrong to
  23. StokesMagee

    serverLag on item pickup and other similar actions

    Wrong. @[PEPO] | Lunas | Try disabling battleye filters, see if that makes a difference.
  24. StokesMagee

    StokesMagee's Resort - Premium Scripts

    SM_TraderPlus has been updated: Fixed: Tool tips vanishing when selecting an Item. Fixed: Some items not being selectable after selecting another item Fixed: Tooltips popping up where there are no items. Fixed: Very first item not being displayed