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About Repentz

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  1. Repentz

    [Release] (Bounties) Most Wanted

    Thanks, forgot to add it in.
  2. Repentz

    [Release] (Bounties) Most Wanted

    Getting this for some reason. I am on Apex preview.
  3. Repentz

    [XM8 App] Apoc's Airdrop Assistance

    Any reason the actual airdrop would not come in on tanoa? I call in the drop, it says 90 seconds, nothing shows up.
  4. I'm trying to make a seatbelt script, if you go inside and scrollwheel to put it on it enables seatbelt, you scrollwheel to take it off aswell, but my problem is when players jump out and back in they still have it. here's what is supposed to fix it: I need it to call when a player is outside a vehicle to turn the variable to false. while {true} do { if (!(vehicle player) isKindOf "Car" && ex_seatbelt) then { ex_seatbelt = false; }; };
  5. Repentz

    "Arma 3 Forsaken Mod" ???

    He never created Desolation, Optix did and he did advertisement for it. Did he say he developed for it or? I was talking to optix when he was in early development of DayZero which he changed the name to desolation later on, but he recently told me he gave the mod up to infistar and MGT.
  6. I'm getting connecting failed when players try to join? only when i set up my rcon to run it doesn't load properly and kicks anyone who tries to join, when rcon isn't running it does not.
  7. Repentz

    Car wheel salvage

    You can remove tires off vehicles in safezones, and they don't disappear, then you can sell them. Thank my players for finding this.
  8. Repentz

    [RELEASE] Spawn Restriction Based On Corpse Location

    You can actually die in one location, spawn in another, die there, and spawn back in the first location. Unfortunately people abuse this.
  9. Repentz

    [Release] XM8 Repair Mate

    Any feedback on this script so far?
  10. Repentz

    Possible hacker, or not?

    I went on the server and used my custom key 2 to set a marker, then it kicked me, same as they had. There is 44 people on our server now so it doesn't make sense really, and it's not like im hacking on my own server.
  11. Repentz

    Possible hacker, or not?

    Yeah i have no clue why it was catching this, oh well.
  12. Repentz

    Possible hacker, or not?

    Fuck if i know lol, but I'm not running any hacks, yet when i go ingame and press Q (my custom key 2 for 3d markers) it kicks me for this error.
  13. Repentz

    strange line in log that didn't result in kick

    Had same problem, it was the set 3d marker from exile with custom control 2. I would recommend not banning people for this, unless somehow I'm wrong even though i tested it several times.
  14. Repentz

    Possible hacker, or not?

    Update: My players who had this told me they changed their custom control key 2 (the 3d waypoint thing) and when they press it that happens. Update 2: This proved to be true, it was the set 3d marker from exile with custom control 2.
  15. Repentz

    Possible hacker, or not?

    Yes i use infistar, but this doesn't really make sense that it's a cheat since the two people who had this log are more or less idiots and have played with us for awhile.