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  1. donniepcgames

    Paying protection money

    I really enjoy playing the Exile mod. It's a lot of fun. However, I must say that the paying protection money system is a bit flawed. The money is due too frequently and for whatever reason it will not let me go ahead and pay ahead of time. I just lost a base, some safes, code locks and several valuables inside over this. Protection money should be like rent. You should have to pay it once a month. I think I went two weeks or something like that and my base was completely gone. It's not worth bothering to spend all this time building a base if it can just completely disappear so easily. I think the time frame for paying protection money due is too short. And I also think that I should be able to go ahead and pay my protection money back to back to cover me for longer term. For example, if I pay the first fee, I should be able to go ahead and pay the second and third fee back to back. That way I am covered for a longer period of time. I would rather not play Exile at all, than have to worry about having to pay so frequently. The pop tab prices are not even expensive. That's the easy part. The difficult and annoying part is having to go back and forth and constantly check when it is due.
  2. donniepcgames

    Do we need health, hunger and food on the central bar?

    I really like the standard hunger thirst indicator on the bottom left corner where I can hit the grave key and switch between health and hunger/thirst. I strongly dislike the central bar at the bottom of the screen that lists several things, including pop tab total, respect levels, hunger, thirst, health, and in some cases bearing position, time left before server reset, FPS counter, etc. Just too much information on the screen for my liking. I'm completely fine with the small indicator on the bottom left corner giving me the basics. As far as I'm concerned everything else should be provided by looking at your tablet. There's no reason why I need to know exactly how many pop tabs or how much respect I have at all times, if I can quickly obtain that info by pushing 6.
  3. donniepcgames

    Respect should not be a currency

    I agree with the original post. It seems like paying pop tabs would make more sense when upgrading your base. You already have to do that when you pay protection money. I personally believe that respect points should be used as a form of "experience" points on servers, as a scoring system. It does not really make a lot of sense that I use respect points to upgrade my base. Further thoughts on respect and in particular kill points and losses... I would really enjoy a system where you gain the same amount of respect points that someone else loses when you kill them. For example, if I shoot another player and they lose 200 points for the death, I would gain those points. I would gain more or less points depending on how far away they were, if it was a headshot, etc.
  4. The central bar at the bottom of most Exile servers have various things, such as hunger, thirst, health, etc. Since there is an icon to the left that can be switched with the grave key showing these same three items, why do most Exile servers I have seen have this displayed twice? Three times if you consider that all that info is available on your tablet. I'm not sure if this is an Exile mod issue or if most of the servers are just modding this information in. I'm just the kind of player who prefers to have as clear of a screen as possible. I also broadcast on twitch fairly regularly and do not like just anyone seeing all of the information displayed.
  5. donniepcgames

    Vehicles are pointless if they cannot be hidden

    This worked. I had never seen this advice previously. Thank you!
  6. donniepcgames

    Vehicles are pointless if they cannot be hidden

    This is a good point. Even worse... I can't buy explosives or launchers to combat the chopper. I need to find a new server.
  7. I have noticed that vehicles can no longer be parked inside of bases. For a long time while playing Exile, I was able to buy a vehicle and park it inside my base. Now... every time I play Exile, I leave the server and when I come back my vehicle is gone. I discovered that a few trolls on the server are just flying armed helicopters around and blowing up every vehicle they see. This has made the concept of purchasing vehicles entirely pointless. If I can't secure my purchased vehicle inside of my base, there's no point in even bothering to own one. I might as well just wander around and find a spawned vehicle and use it until server reset.
  8. donniepcgames

    Car Keys and Locking

    There are quite a few basic bugs in Exile as we speak. Why focus on something like this? I thought it was obvious from the way that the question was asked that the devs wanted to implement keys, for some reason. I personally do not believe that players want to bother having something else to carry around with them, just like the can openers. Ever since they implemented can openers, I just no longer bother picking up or buying canned products. I only use MRE's or whatever else I can find. (by the way, in real life you can open a can with multiple methods other than having a can opener). I'm willing to bet that canned products in the game has become fairly worthless since the last update. Meanwhile I'm having constant issues with equipment and vehicles randomly disappearing. I can nail a moving player at 1200m's but can't land a parachute without dying any time the wind is blowing. And we're focusing on car keys? As for vehicle repairs... the base game of Arma 3 has this function and it seems to work great, using a toolkit. Same thing with medkits... you can't immediately help heal a team mate, but for whatever reason Exile does not use this popular function of Arma 3. I was playing on a server recently that modded their server. You had to have junk metal AND duct tape in order to repair your vehicle, and your player went into a motion similar to the base game motion of repairing a vehicle. Just a suggestion.
  9. A perfect server... Just EXILE, ESSEKER (either AIA terrain pack or CUP Terrains, since you need it for Esseker) 30-45 player max AI missions No more than three traders and five spawn points
  10. As a server hopper, I have been on many EXILE servers over the last six months. I have been searching for a decent EXILE server for a while. An ideal server would be one that just uses EXILE and uses any map other than Altis or Stratis. There are way too many servers out there that use MAS or CUP. The more mods that run on servers, it seems that the FPS fails or the servers start having database problems. I also would love to find a server that maxes player counts at somewhere between 30 and 45. In my opinion, 50 or more people on one EXILE server can be troubling, unless you are on a massive map like Australia or Altis. Why can't I find a decent EXILE server that is just EXILE? Why do server owners demand so many other mods run? I'm completely fine with everything that the base game of Arma 3 offers.
  11. donniepcgames

    Car Keys and Locking

    I think this is possibly the worst idea I have seen. As if players need another thing to carry around with them while trying to play the game. It's bad enough we now have to carry "can openers" just to be able to eat canned food (even though it's quite possible to open cans of food in the real world without a can opener). This could be GAME breaking.
  12. donniepcgames

    Status of Zombies & Demons mod use?

    I completely agree. Ryan's zombies are glitchy and annoying and in my opinion are a bit ridiculous with the way they move. If you take away the blood stains on their clothes, they do not even look like zombies. I do not even enjoy the sounds they make. Everyone praises this mod and I have no idea why. It's honestly not that good of a mod. I do not understand how no one has made another zombie mod. Surely there has to be a better option?
  13. donniepcgames

    Multiple issues with code locks

    I couldn't put a lock on my gate at my base. It said something like "no can do". I then relogged and when I came back my uniform with the code lock disappeared. I then obtained another code lock and went to lock my gate. It assigned a generic code 1234. I tried to put that code in and it didn't work. I then tried 0000 and it opened. It would not let me change the lock code.
  14. donniepcgames

    Stuck in "Receiving Server Version"

    I have the new exile mod. Can't join any servers with the mod. I get all the way to the "Receiving Server Version" screen and it just locks. Same issue on multiple servers. On one server I'm getting this error message attached below as well. To sum, ever since the new exile update, I can no longer play exile. I have attached screen shots of the two different problems.