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Everything posted by Trillseeker82

  1. Trillseeker82

    Add custom billboards server side

    Hello, Just wan't to share. i'm not the creator of this i just used it a while on my epoch server. With this you can add indestructible billboards server site. download the pbo file and un pbo it. Go to billboards.sqf in the mapcontant folder add the name of your picture file (i use .paa but you can use others to). Repack your pbo and place it in @exileserver\addons folder Go to your mission.pbo and add a new folder called textures and add your picture file. repack your pbo and your done Hope i could help someone with this. Didn't find a other topic about it. good luck and have fun! Download:!bp423QAa!Ux50_XthFw-PL2ma3KYFoH87sq9QEaiMQSSFk5IwUUc (pbo) Download: (map)
  2. Trillseeker82

    Exile continues!

    This is good news! gratz to the new team.
  3. Trillseeker82

    IMS - Development Paused

    Nice job can't wait to play it on a server!
  4. Trillseeker82

    Auction Mod pre-release demo video

    looks very nice dude.
  5. Trillseeker82

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    Here some stuff from the client rpt from a player from my server. player deposit 862 poptabs and the potabs from his bank are gone. This is the time the problem starts: 21:56:39 "ADVANCED BANKING: [onATMLoad] : ATM Opened" 21:56:45 "ADVANCED BANKING: [ATMDeposit] : Deposit request sent to sever. Package: 862" 21:56:45 "ADVANCED BANKING: [UpdateATMResponse] : Server sent a update ATM message: Package: ["0","862"]" 21:56:48 "ADVANCED BANKING: [onATMLoad] : ATM Opened" This is the last time the logs say something before the problem starts "ADVANCED BANKING: [UpdateBankStats] : Server sent an bank update request. Package: ["146103"]" I you need more info or the full logs i can send them by message. Thanxs
  6. Trillseeker82

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    no problems with moving money with infistar i wil check if i stil have my client rpt. otherwise i have to wait before this happens again. Thanks for the quik reply
  7. Trillseeker82

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    Nice. There also seems to be a problem with putting your money on the bank. Sometimes the money on the bank is gone and only the money that you put in it is still left. This happens a few tomes a day with around 15 players on the server This is the only error i can find: 15:16:10 Error in expression <ualTo _respect)||!(_ExileBank isEqualTo _bank))then { _x setVariable['PLA> 15:16:10 Error position: <_bank))then { _x setVariable['PLA> 15:16:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: _bank I hope you can help me !
  8. Trillseeker82

    Knife should be removed

    Don't get your problem. Go steal it back or go cry at your server admin. He can remove it from the server.
  9. Trillseeker82

    Collection of scripts ( Metal Farm / Hide Body )

    You can only farm objects that are placed with a editor or a other script. So not at a object that is placed by the map itself. Correct me if i'm wrong
  10. Trillseeker82

    [Obsolete - Check ExAd for new version]Halo and Parachute

    Good job sir!
  11. Trillseeker82

    Custom Signs

    Use a empty billboard not a exile sign
  12. Trillseeker82

    Vehicle Camo Pack (RELEASE)

    looking nice
  13. Trillseeker82

    [Release] Specific Item Build Restriction

    This is very nice good work! thanks for this.
  14. Trillseeker82

    THANK YOU Exile Team.

    yeah thanks a lot. Arma would be nothing without you guys.
  15. Trillseeker82

    Box's Crafting

    really nice dude. gonna use it on my server
  16. Trillseeker82

    M3Editor - 3DEN Edition

    Really nice thanks.
  17. Trillseeker82

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    yeah that was it! It was Gr8 kill message i totaly missed that one. I got it working again realy big thanks for your help and quick answers. And ofcourse this great script it adds a lot of gameplay to our server!
  18. Trillseeker82

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    Done RPT server RPT client
  19. Trillseeker82

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking here is my ExileServer_object_player_event_onMpKilled i will take a look at those errors thanks.
  20. Trillseeker82

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    lol my mistake posted a old one
  21. Trillseeker82

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    here is my client rpt i dit a fresh install and followed the instruktions more than ones.
  22. Trillseeker82

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    Hello, I like this script thanks for this. everything seems to work well. Banking is working great and saving to the database to. But the only problem is that i don't loose my money when i die and i don't have a wallet in my boddy. Or when i press exemine body the wallet cound = 0. I have it all working before the update. here is my RPT logs with debug true server and client. I hope somebody can help me
  23. Trillseeker82

    Capture points for Exile

    @McDaggart All the answers are here in this topic. This in no release from zupa so do your very best My files are changed to fit my server and can't be copy pasted. I have changed every thing with epoch in it. (even the pbo name) And you have to change every link to the new folders names where you put your files in. Good luck