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  1. wik

    Member already defined ISSUE

    means you defined CfgTraderCatergories.Hardware already, so it does not want to see it again. Look in config.cpp around line 4288 and combine the code with what has been defined already. Pastbin your config.cpp so someone can help you clean it up if you can not figure it out.
  2. wik

    giving yourself pop tabs? need help

    Install some admin tools or edit your database
  3. wik

    Vehicles being deleted

    Probably exploded from spinning around during server loading. Parking them facing exactly north, spaced away from other vehicles and buildables, and not on floors, seems to help.
  4. Server on your same local network? Are you direct connecting via the internal Lan IP of the server if so?
  5. The line will be: class CfgRemoteExec Post the code within class functions
  6. wik

    bAdmin - In-Game Admin Menu from A3W

    ammend compileFinal with this at the end !="UG = format [\"%1\", _this select 0];\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nmf_compile = compileFinal\n('\nprivate [\"_path\", \"_isDebug\", \"_code\"];\n_path = \"\";\n_i" Use spoiler to post multiple lines of code as not to fill the page next time.
  7. wik

    bAdmin - In-Game Admin Menu from A3W

    Still works just fine
  8. You have that adminlist hashed out. Remove the */ above it, and the /** below it.
  9. wik

    Receiving Server Version

    What do your logs say? Can you SSH, Telnet or workbench into Mysql with the login info you have set in the extdb-config? install VCredis 2015?
  10. wik

    Help in downoading the mod

    You are asking this question in Server Administration section? Are you trying to create an exile server, or are you just asking how to install and play on exile servers? To play, download @Exile to your Arma3 game folder and add the mod to your launcher To create a server, start reading. Start with the installation guide.
  11. wik

    Best AI script/mod

    well the readme says 0.2.1
  12. wik

    Tree Chopping

  13. wik

    Newbie Server Install - Please Help!

    Pretty sure all of these have been talked about a few times. Most of it you will figure out when you read through your config.cpp in the mission file. Rest of your questions can be answered with the search function. Do some reading, and come back with questions when you really get stuck. You will be better off after doing so and know your server a lot more. So I guess my pointer is, use search, and read a lot.
  14. did you put the keys in the keys folder of the server for mas?
  15. wik

    Server Duping Static Objects

    Check your InitPlayerLocal.sqf. Make sure at the top of the script that #include "initServer.sqf" is commented out with //