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Everything posted by respawnjunkie

  1. respawnjunkie

    [Release] XM8 Repair Mate

    i tried to load this as i liked the demo i followed everything to the letter but i get an error message script anyxm8_apps\xm8_apps_config.sqf not found do you have any ideas?
  2. respawnjunkie

    Collection of scripts ( Metal Farm / Hide Body )

    taking it a step further could you loot the grave after it has been made and not the body before it is buried and can this be extended to zombies just throwing in ideas
  3. respawnjunkie

    collecting stones

    I have raw meat on my server but has anyone had any idea about gathering rocks/stones
  4. respawnjunkie

    collecting stones

    i cant mod and don't know how to write scripts so i need help from those who can Is it possible to collect stones from rocks and have a random chance of getting metal the idea obviously from other games but it would be good if you could collect stones to make walls that are in donkeypunched addon also has anyone managed to put raw meat into exile yet i know this is a big ask but there are great guys in this forum thanks in advance
  5. respawnjunkie

    getting raw meat into exile

    i found this by scorch i can put items into exile as gutting animal and getting raw meat but then the problem comes when i make up a recipe including any of these items they show in backpack but not able to use them in crafting obviously i am missing a lot out so... is there anyone who can help with this? and If you dbl click on the item on the floor it drops the xm8 to the floor and puts item in that slot
  6. respawnjunkie

    First Person Only Zones.

    Camerachick did you manage to sort this out as it is also not working for me
  7. respawnjunkie

    help needed by modders

    hi guys i need help with an idea i have but thing is i dont know how to write mods. What i need is some one who will be willing to spend some time writing scripts mods to fit into the game that is in my head (of course it will be explained) i can make the map/terrain etc but i need help to do other things like mods to pick berries and much more cant pay but the developing game/mod will be both of ours and both have credit for it
  8. respawnjunkie

    here is a new map

    i am new to making maps but here is my first posting on a new map it is called OAP Island so far i have made some roads and added trees i have not added any buildings i am leaving that up to who ever want this map they can make their own towns and cities, this is my first attempt but it is usable as i get more practice i will update the map if you have any suggestions i would like to hear them. you can get the map from here put into a folder @OAPisland then put into your arma3 root folder thanks to wasti who helped me get started
  9. respawnjunkie

    First Person Only Zones.

    Is it possible to set this up so as you are in a vehicle you are in first person only The idea is to stop people driving around in 3rd person and looking over walls then knocking over walls and killing you many thanks in advance
  10. respawnjunkie

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    many thanks will try out later
  11. respawnjunkie

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    i followed instructions but still must have gone wrong somewhere i get the menu up but cant spawn any thing also cant see my name in players list and here is a copy of my rpt file y executed 16:23:17 Error: Object(3 : 3) not found 16:23:32 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:23:37 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:23:39 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:23:42 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:23:55 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:24:07 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:25:12 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:25:16 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:25:19 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:25:57 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:26:05 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:26:06 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:26:07 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:26:07 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:26:07 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:26:08 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:26:08 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:26:08 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:26:08 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:26:09 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:26:10 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:26:15 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:26:18 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:26:25 Scripting function 'admintoolkit_network_receivere...' is not allowed to be remotely executed 16:27:02 Client: Remote object 3:0 not found 16:27:02 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:769 not found 16:27:03 Warning: Cleanup player - person 2:769 not found 16:36:27 "ExileServer - Spawning ExileServer_system_event_supplyBox_start..." 16:46:27 Error: Bone sphere63 doesn't exist in skeleton Parachute_02 16:46:27 Error: Bone sphere62 doesn't exist in skeleton Parachute_02 16:46:27 Error: Bone sphere63 doesn't exist in skeleton Parachute_02 16:46:27 Error: Bone sphere62 doesn't exist in skeleton Parachute_02 could anyone please help
  12. respawnjunkie


    i am working on a new map called NewIsland i have terrain as i want it and have now finished working on the forests and next i will be putting in new roads i will include some pics of map so far, If anyone has any suggestions on additions i would like to hear them
  13. respawnjunkie

    looking for modders developers etc

    At OAP we have an Exile server which is working well with donkey punched, hvp, a3xai and other scripts and addons running Chernarus map what we are after are anyone who has scripting/modding knowledge as the server is run as OAP Community we just need anyone with any level of knowledge to join us and make a great server you can contact me thanks for reading
  14. respawnjunkie

    looking for older aged players

    we are looking for older aged players to join our OAP community we rent servers with arma 3 wasteland Exile for Arma and others if you are interested contact me on steam
  15. respawnjunkie

    Enigma Exile Revive - v0.80 [UPDATED 08/09/16] 1.02 Compatible

    sorry forget last post i reinstalled on to a spare server i have at home and all worked well so it is something i missed thanks for this it is a great script
  16. respawnjunkie

    Enigma Exile Revive - v0.80 [UPDATED 08/09/16] 1.02 Compatible

    no i now have the problem click on perform cpr works and it goes through the actions but no revive i can check the player and everything else just not the revive
  17. respawnjunkie

    Exile and Namalsk Public Test

    you can count me in
  18. respawnjunkie

    Enigma Exile Revive - v0.80 [UPDATED 08/09/16] 1.02 Compatible

    I am also having the same problem
  19. respawnjunkie

    [CLOSED] Default Website Theme?

    i do with going blind the white gets my eyes very tired but with the dark i can read and learn for hours
  20. respawnjunkie

    Safe Zone Death

    you could try and set markers to ExileSpawnZone e.g. class Item0 { position[]={4984.3872,345.85376,9532.1982}; name="NwAir"; text="NwAir"; type="ExileSpawnZone"; };
  21. respawnjunkie

    Project Chernarus

    very interesting. if you need any help give me a shout i am not a scripter but willing to help out
  22. respawnjunkie

    ETG Helicrash and Drop Script

    here is the center 10887.825, 11084.657
  23. respawnjunkie

    ETG Helicrash and Drop Script

    I have a small problem that is every thing works great but at the crashes after a short while the item spread about on the floor disappear as if they are cleaned up by exile the boxes and AI stay there but loot dissapears. any of you peeps know how to fix this? thanks in advance for any help
  24. respawnjunkie

    Dynamic Traders

    no i run script only once i followed instructions and they was produced twice sometimes more
  25. respawnjunkie

    Dynamic Traders

    I get 1 set of traders and all is good but there is a duplicate set which do not spawn the traders e.g. 2 fast food markers but only one trader will be there but container and other items are hope this helps