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About KampExile

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  1. KampExile

    A reason to kill people.

    well i played exile for a long time (it is still a team deathmatch game) money has no value.
  2. KampExile

    a3launcher error

    yup your not the only one annoying errors all the f%cking time.
  3. KampExile

    [Outdated] Exilemod launcher

    i agree
  4. KampExile

    [Outdated] Exilemod launcher

    i only use free items if i like it ill donate. Not gonna pay for a program that i don't know. Make a trail version for people to check out if your done.
  5. KampExile


    what server? what mods? which versions? could be serversided
  6. KampExile

    0.9.4: Add LMGs back in

    arma has updated yesterday i think: Arma 3 - Change Log Arma 3 - 1.54.133741 (Released 2015-12-16) ========================================== - 0026729: [Multiplayer] BIS_fnc_setTask not working in MP (Adam) - resolved. - 0017932: [Anims] FIXED: No healing animation plays if the player with pistol equipped gives first aid to another unit - resolved. - 0026727: [Engine] Players still affected by fatigue/stamina even though its disabled (Adam) - resolved. - 0026743: [Scripting] BIS_fnc_MP not firing when passed 'playableUnits + switchableUnits' as objects (Adam) - resolved. - 0019487: [Movement] Glitching into everything because of the rotation point. (oukej) - resolved. - 0021222: [AI Pathfinding / Motion] AI team mates fall behind in running because of raised weapons (oukej) - resolved. - 0026691: [Error Message] My game crash everytime (Adam) - resolved. - 0026630: [Game Crash] Game Crash Every Time I Spawn In (Referenced Memory) (Adam) - resolved. - 0026590: [Game Crash] RC branch: Showcase supports cause ACCESS_VIOLATION crash (Adam) - resolved. - 0025982: [Game Crash] STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (Adam) - resolved. - 0026568: [Dedicated Server] Clients crashing on Dedicated Server Dev Branch (Adam) - resolved. - 0026520: [Game Crash] Game crash when I close the game (Adam) - resolved. - 0025949: [Game Crash] ArmA 3 Crashes since 1.50 on Spawn with Modded Content (Adam) - resolved. - 0026539: [Launcher] In arma3launcher v.1.52 and in v.1.54CR not the correct font. (BIS Wizard) - resolved. - 0026422: [Launcher] Arma3launcher created by Game Updater mod management does not initialise (BIS Wizard) - resolved. - 0024727: [Feature Request] Please Give the option fully to turn off hexagon frames, which have soldiers in the squad. (Adam) - resolved. - 0021104: [Ingame UI] No way to turn off squad leader diamond in certain vehicles via difficulty settings (oukej) - resolved. - 0026220: [Game Crash] Game crashes in the single or multiplayer senario sections of the development branch version. (Adam) - resolved. - 0024584: [Sound] playMusic will repeat on TAB-Out (Adam) - resolved. - 0026286: [Game Crash] Status_Access_Violation Error In Arma 3 Editor. (Adam) - resolved. - 0025470: [Error Message] Game Crash STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (Adam) - resolved. - 0026128: [General] Game crash (Adam) - resolved. - 0026159: [Launcher] Steam overlay and steam FPS meter runs over launcher (BIS Wizard) - resolved. - 0023345: [AI Spotting / Detection] Turning your character alerts nearby enemies. (oukej) - resolved. - 0023090: [AI Issues] AI Goes Into Combat Mode On Mission Start (oukej) - resolved. - 0026077: [Launcher] [DEV:1.53] Launcher loses commandline after change of MOD directory (BIS Wizard) - resolved. - 0025948: [Eden Editor] Error loading scenario, "Wrong color Format" (Adam) - resolved. - 0019420: [Visual-GUI] scrollbar of tree control doesn't move when the control is moved (Adam) - closed. - 0024220: [Game Physics] Rock formation without collision (Adam) - closed. - 0013352: [Visual-Environment] Altis road glitches (Maxell) - closed. - 0021854: [Visual-Environment] Invisible rock, Altis, [22387.3,14217.1,0.271047] + no collision with visible +... (Maxell) - closed. - 0026238: [Game Crash] joinString with empty selector crashes the game (Adam) - closed. - 0003200: [Visual-Environment] Invisible rock (Maxell) - closed. - 0024341: [Visual-Structures] Stratis Base Training Area, misplaced ramp / movement glitch (Adam) - closed. - 0025147: [Visual-Environment] Rock glitch (Adam) - closed. - 0013020: [Visual-Environment] Bridges are still usable after they have been destroyed (can be driven, walked and landed on) (Maxell) - closed. - 0010986: [Visual-Environment] Rock has disappear (Maxell) - closed. - 0025748: [Visual-Environment] Tree Duplicate in Stratis (Maxell) - closed. - 0017148: [Visual-Environment] Disappearing rock on Stratis (Maxell) - closed. - 0006087: [Visual-Environment] Seabed floor not modeled/textured (Maxell) - closed. - 0013662: [Visual-Environment] You can walk right through giant rock at 8596.71, 25377.3 (Maxell) - closed. - 0018103: [Visual-Environment] Able to walk inside rocks/bad collision detection for rocks. (Maxell) - closed. - 0013641: [Visual-Environment] [minor] Bomos rock vanishing (Maxell) - closed. - 0019160: [Visual-Environment] No collision with rock on Stratis (Maxell) - closed. - 0013763: [Visual-Environment] Stretched textures on Altis at 8967.77, 11041.4 (Maxell) - closed. - 0018381: [Visual-Environment] Flying stones (again) (Maxell) - closed. - 0018620: [Visual-Environment] Floating bush on Altis (Maxell) - closed. - 0019074: [Visual-Environment] 216077 Building Clipping (Maxell) - closed. - 0018675: [Visual-Environment] Cannot move on top of the rocks near the mine. (Maxell) - closed. - 0022739: [Visual-Environment] Roof of adjacent building pierces wall in Syrta (Maxell) - closed. - 0016504: [Visual-Structures] bridge disappears (Maxell) - closed. - 0016845: [Visual-Environment] Multiple floating bushes and small trees west of Abdera (Altis) (Maxell) - closed. - 0021762: [Visual-Environment] Floating trash heap at [6602.96,20067.5,0.00134277] (Iceman) - closed. - 0020325: [Visual-Environment] BREAKING NEWS... Floating tree spotted on the island of Altis... (Iceman) - closed. - 0020369: [Visual-Environment] Rock Without Collision on Altis (Iceman) - closed. [55 issues] Arma 3 - 1.56 (Not Yet Released) [ View Issues ] ================================ - 0012839: [Game Settings] Difficulty option "HUD show group" does not work (oukej) - resolved. - 0017046: [Ingame UI] Enemy and Friendly TAGs are shown when disabled (oukej) - resolved. - 0026618: [Game Crash] RC 1.54.133479 - Graphics driver crash (Adam) - resolved. - 0026543: [Eden Editor] After Preview all objects/units gone (Adam) - resolved.
  7. KampExile

    0.9.4: Add LMGs back in

    MMG_01_hex_F Navid 9.3mm (Hex) Medium Machine Gun Caliber: 9.3x64mm 150Rnd_93x64_Mag MMG_01_tan_F Navid 9.3mm (Tan) Medium Machine Gun Caliber: 9.3x64mm 150Rnd_93x64_Mag MMG_02_camo_F SPMG .338 (MTP) Medium Machine Gun Caliber: .338 Norma Magnum 130Rnd_338_Mag MMG_02_black_F SPMG .338 (Black) Medium Machine Gun Caliber: .338 Norma Magnum 130Rnd_338_Mag MMG_02_sand_F SPMG .338 (Sand) Medium Machine Gun Caliber: .338 Norma Magnum 130Rnd_338_Mag https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Weapons
  8. KampExile

    A3 Launcher problem

    oops i got it maybe i have mas vehicles 1.0 lol it is outdated
  9. KampExile

    Crafting Vehicles?

    it is because you can't hold a bike on your body.... http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/5898-spawning-bikequadbike-etc/?page=1
  10. KampExile

    Grenade count missing/wrong

    It is bugged Preview Changelog of 0.9.41 Changed: Replaced "KNOCKED OUT" with more fancy messages Changed: Enabled unlocking of vehicles in safe zones after restart by default Removed: Obsolete " visualThreshold" from server config Fixed: Players could handcuff others while being tie up Fixed: Boats were spawning on sea ground instead of water surface Fixed: Fly sound not always de-spawning when de-spawning a corpse Fixed: Grinder was missing in loot tables and traders (sorry!) Fixed: Grenade HUD showing wrong names and values
  11. KampExile

    Eine Fragen zum Spiel

    you get more help if you type in English i don't understand German.
  12. KampExile

    [SOLVED] Protection payment time

    Unpack your exile_server_config.pbo go to config.ccp and open it with notepad++ change language to c++ for better understanding. and then between LINE ***2705****2723*** in config.cpp sorry already adjusted mine. class Database { // Remove all territories (and contructions + containers in it) that were not paid after X days territoryLifeTime = 14; // Remove all containers outside of territories that have not been used for X days // Example: Tents containerLifeTime = 14; // Remove all constructions outside of territories that are older than X days or not moved for X days // Example: Work Benches constructionLifeTime = 5; // Remove all vehicles that were not moved/used for X days vehicleLifeTime = 14; }; };
  13. KampExile

    A3 Launcher problem

    -mod=@Exile;@mas;@masvehicles;@Ryanzombies; -servermod=@ExileServer;@infiSTAR_Exile I don't know why it doesnt show on A3Launcher and yes everything is updated. I looked on google in this forum can't find a sollution. Oh snap! It looks like the server is offline. And the server works fine @maca134
  14. KampExile

    [Solved] Battleye Restriction #18

    soon iff you touch a gun or vehicle it will kick ya because you did not add it to battleye. i hope somebody on the forum has a better explanation then me.