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About Crizyz

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  1. Crizyz

    New Weapons & Pop Tab Pouch

    The sights are removed, does that also mean the AK-107 and DMR can only be used with A3 scopes, meaning, no Kobra (and whatever the scope is that's on the DMR)? Assuming a non modded server of course.
  2. Crizyz

    Visual Bug with Optics at Night

    Happens with the ACO as well (not sure about both versions, but I noticed it with one version).
  3. Crizyz

    "X files are not signed by a key"

    It might not not be an issue with those files, but with the .bikey which signs the files. I don't use A3Laucnher myself, but you might try redownloading Exile to be sure to have the right key.
  4. Crizyz

    'Throwable' HUD item seems bugged

    Same, for me it only shows the number for Zip Tie, if it's any other form of throwable it shows the number 0. I have seen it for a second with RGO or so when I had no Zip Ties on me, but that changed right away to Zip Ties. Can't tell what circumstance on that exactly as I didn't really realize this issue yet at that moment. But it is quite a difference to throw a frag or a smoke, especially if you intend to use a smoke close to yourself to get out of a pinned down situation...
  5. Crizyz

    Camping Lantern

    That's actually quite neat! Never liked those floodlights, way too much light for trying to stay a bit low profile.
  6. Crizyz

    Locking vehicles.

    Not that logical. Sure, it might stop the safezone trolling. But right now, killing someone while he's inside a vehicle, is pretty much the only certain way of gaining access to a vehicle, as he will lock it the moment he jumps out. If he can lock it while he's inside, the car (and his gear) are pretty much unobtainable. You kill him, well, cannot access the car, nor his body. He comes back after spawning, unlocks the car, loots his body, jumps back in and is right at where he was before he got killed.
  7. Crizyz

    Don't always spawn full magazines

    Individual bullets, holy crap no. I don't want to go though half an hour of crafting options when I find all items needed to fire a gun. Random amount of bullets would be very interesting on the other hand though. Grabbing a weapon and magazines can still have the surprise of not having that many bullets.
  8. Crizyz

    [Event] The Purge

    I think you overestimate what makes people be friendly to each other. The one thing that makes people more friendly, is if you need each other. To get back to your point about the big groups vs small groups, big groups often tend to have enough people to usually have at least one member online, which will of course be available to defend the base during, or notify the others of, the purge. A small group is more likely to miss to purge, and find out next time they log in. Also, since bigger groups are with more people and have more means, they will find other bases relatively easier (using helicopters, just having more people thus a higher chance to discover other bases). So I think it will actually play out in favor of bigger groups. But it is a whole new experience of course, makes that people will think twice about building a 'sniper base' with valuable weapons in safes there.