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About champagnepapi

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  1. champagnepapi

    TDZ | Exile Altis

    Come check it out!
  2. champagnepapi

    DMS Mission addon Contents page

    I think I figured it out. Must just be some code I messed up
  3. champagnepapi

    DMS Mission addon Contents page

    Is there a limit as to how many static missions you can run? Right now I have salt flats, slums and AI island running and then went to add my own custom static mission. Put the objects in the object folder and put the mission in the static folder, and then changed my DMS_StaticMissionTypes and DMS_BasesToImportOnServerStart to include them However, when I do this, not only does DMS not spawn any missions, but the new base I added does not load in, yet the others do. Do i need to change another config somewhere when going over 3? Edit: Just added a 4th mission from above "op. blackout" and DMS missions don't spawn. Is there something I need to do when I go over 3 static missions? Edit: Seems that it just took DMS a long time to spawn missions in on my last try
  4. champagnepapi

    Developing Missions with AI

    Thanks everyone! That's what I ended up doing. Built new missions in M3Editor and am now working on the AI via DMS. Also, @second_coming you are totally right. We made that switch last night and saw server FPS jump by 15-20.
  5. champagnepapi

    Developing Missions with AI

    Hey everyone, I've recently started to dabble in the M3Editor because I wanted to create a new trader zone for the server I run, and my ambitions are growing. I want to soon move into developing new missions for my server, such as a new AI base etc. How would I go about adding AI? I know I can just create the base rather easily, but in terms of implementing AI, could anyone provide some insight? Thanks a bunch!
  6. champagnepapi

    Server Hosting

    I'd recommend Vert Hosting. Got a great deal on a 40-slot server; hardware is great; fast and good support as well. Beforehand, we were renting from FPSPlayers and it was all fine and dandy until they unexpectedly terminated my service. No warning, no email--nothing. Got into contact with them and they said it was because of a payment dispute, meanwhile I paid in full. After a couple hours of emailing back and forth, they claimed I was issued a refund (which I was not) and stopped contacting me. So, I put in a dispute with PayPal and got my money back that way.