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Everything posted by WD-40

  1. Hi, I'm running Clementine server with R3F and DMS. I was reported that some bases has their walls disappeared, but after restart they were there in their last position. Did someone experienced such problem? How to fix it?
  2. WD-40

    Poszukiwany admin

    Witam, Poszukuję administratora Exile który potrafi obsługiwać infistar wie jak działa komputer i jest dojrzałą poważną (nie pozbawioną humoru) osobą. Proszę o pw
  3. WD-40

    Tak ten tego.

    Jeżeli jesteś polskim graczem to zapraszam do siebie na serwer - mcparadise.pl Jeżeli hostujesz serwer to zapraszam do wymiany doświadczeń i wzajemnej pomocy
  4. Hi, I set R3F LOG up to load crates in vehicle. I want waste dump trader to see these crates as vehicles and to allow players to sell their items from crates directly. How to set up crate class as available to sell cargo from? Cheers
  5. can you remove crosschair that way?
  6. Hi, Did you copy exad_vg.pbo file to addons? Did you put parts in exile.ini You can see how many poptabs you have in your EQ. See bottom part of your eq screen.
  7. @Janski How do hacking and grinding are supposed to work? I have laptop, character sits down and nothing happens. Grinding show a little bar but after using 50 batteries it doesnt get yellow in any part.
  8. Hi, I have a problem to get VG working. It's showing up in the XM8 but when I press the button just the title of the app changes. Nothing else. I still can click other apps etc. I followed all the steps, but as I have infistar I had to change other files. Can you tell me which file is responsible for clicking in xmate? Other apps work. Thanks in advance.
  9. WD-40

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    @eraser1 Thanks for reply. Yesterday after changing terrain steep settings from 0.9 to 0.7 missions spawn with alive bots. Cheers for tip.
  10. WD-40

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Hi, How can I prevent bots from dying on mission spawn? I'm not sure if vehicle driver runs them over or are they suffer from some ilness. I will change the terrain setting to see if they survive. Ta
  11. WD-40

    [Release]CUP + OCP Chernarus

    It still works. Just needs some more loot positions adding. Anyone has done roulette and cement mixers?
  12. WD-40

    R3F + DMS = Sell your crate at waste dump

    Hi, For example for wallmart it will be: // Create Crate _crate = ["Exile_Container_SupplyBox",_pos] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate; _wreck1 = createVehicle ["Land_i_Shop_01_V1_F",[(_pos select 0) - 10, (_pos select 1),-0.1],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _wreck2 = createVehicle ["Land_Sacks_goods_F",[(_pos select 0) - 2, (_pos select 1),-0.8],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _wreck3 = createVehicle ["Land_StallWater_F",[(_pos select 0) - 5, (_pos select 1),-0.8],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _wreck4 = createVehicle ["Land_WoodenCart_F",[(_pos select 0) - 16, (_pos select 1),-0.5],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _wreck5 = createVehicle ["Land_CratesWooden_F",[(_pos select 0) - 16, (_pos select 1),-0.3],[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; line 64 _crate. Just change the class of ammo box to exile crate. You need to edit all your mission files.
  13. WD-40

    R3F + DMS = Sell your crate at waste dump

    nah. My code doesnt work even when I set the variables correctly and added missing semicolons selling without crate. Not adding money to the car's price...
  14. WD-40

    R3F + DMS = Sell your crate at waste dump

    I tried - didn't work for zamak only one landed at the back. Didn't try other trucks/cars.
  15. WD-40

    R3F + DMS = Sell your crate at waste dump

    Sorry edited my code while you were writing BTW can you load multiple crates on one vehicle?
  16. WD-40

    R3F + DMS = Sell your crate at waste dump

    Wait Wait Wait. I changed DMS crates to Exile_Item_StorageCrate (afai remember) and now I can mount them on cars. Is it possible to sell items from crates now? @Eichi how will that work in ExileServer_system_trading_network_wasteDumpRequest? (I don't know about arma language but it seems logic for me. /////////////////////crate code _crate = attachedObjects _vehicleObject _cratecargo = _crate call ExileClient_util_containerCargo_list; //////////////////// _cargo = _vehicleObject call ExileClient_util_containerCargo_list; _sum = _containercargo + _cargo ///sum the cargo _revenue = _sum call ExileClient_util_gear_calculateTotalSellPrice; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _vehicleObject; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehicleObject; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehicleObject; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehicleObject; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _crate; clearItemCargoGlobal _crate; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _crate; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _crate; Spoiled file:
  17. Hi, May I use: _Flag = nearestObject 150 [player, "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"]; To search for flag within 150m radius? Or rather: _Flag = nearestObject [player, "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static", 150]; Which one is correct?
  18. Yeah but it's 2D only. What if somone has flag on the ground and this command is run from ex. 4th floor? I would have to mix them two.
  19. WD-40

    Rocket Launchers

    Hi, I think I fixed this, but it doesnt show the info about buying. Takes money etc but no info on it. Basically I read the primary attachments and give them back after giving launcher. /** * ExileClient_util_playerEquipment_add * * Exile Mod * exile.majormittens.co.uk * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/. */ private["_player","_itemClassName","_bulletCount","_itemInformation","_itemCategory","_itemType","_added","_compatibleWeaponItems"]; _player = _this select 0; _itemClassName = toLower (_this select 1); _bulletCount = [_this, 2, -1] call BIS_fnc_param; _itemInformation = [_itemClassName] call BIS_fnc_itemType; _itemCategory = _itemInformation select 0; _itemType = _itemInformation select 1; _added = false; _attachments = primaryWeaponItems _player; if (_itemCategory isEqualTo "Magazine") then { { if !(_x isEqualTo "") then { switch (_forEachIndex) do { case 0: { if ((primaryWeaponMagazine _player) isEqualTo []) then { _compatibleWeaponItems = _x call ExileClient_util_gear_getCompatibleWeaponItems; if (_itemClassName in _compatibleWeaponItems) then { if (_bulletCount isEqualTo -1) then { _player addPrimaryWeaponItem _itemClassName; } else { _player addWeaponItem [_x, [_itemClassName, _bulletCount]]; }; _added = true; }; }; }; case 1: { if ((secondaryWeaponMagazine _player) isEqualTo []) then { _compatibleWeaponItems = _x call ExileClient_util_gear_getCompatibleWeaponItems; if (_itemClassName in _compatibleWeaponItems) then { if (_bulletCount isEqualTo -1) then { _player addSecondaryWeaponItem _itemClassName; } else { _player addWeaponItem [_x, [_itemClassName, _bulletCount]]; }; _added = true; }; }; }; case 2: { if ((handgunMagazine _player) isEqualTo []) then { _compatibleWeaponItems = _x call ExileClient_util_gear_getCompatibleWeaponItems; if (_itemClassName in _compatibleWeaponItems) then { if (_bulletCount isEqualTo -1) then { _player addHandgunItem _itemClassName; } else { _player addWeaponItem [_x, [_itemClassName, _bulletCount]]; }; _added = true; }; }; }; }; }; if (_added) exitWith {}; } forEach [primaryWeapon _player, secondaryWeapon _player, handgunWeapon _player]; } else { switch (_itemType) do { case "AssaultRifle", case "Rifle", case "SniperRifle", case "SubmachineGun", case "MachineGun": { _player addWeaponGlobal _itemClassName; removeAllPrimaryWeaponItems _player; _added = true; }; case "Launcher", case "RocketLauncher", case "MissileLauncher", case "GrenadeLauncher": { _player addWeaponGlobal _itemClassName; _player addPrimaryWeaponItem _attachments; _added = true; }; case "Handgun": { _player addWeaponGlobal _itemClassName; _added = true; }; case "LaserDesignator", case "Throw", case "Binocular": { _player addWeaponGlobal _itemClassName; _added = true; }; case "GPS", case "Map", case "Radio", case "UAVTerminal", case "Watch", case "Compass", case "NVGoggles", case "Glasses": { _player linkItem _itemClassName; _added = true; }; case "Headgear": { _player addHeadgear _itemClassName; _added = true; }; case "Backpack": { _player addBackpackGlobal _itemClassName; _added = true; }; case "Uniform": { _player forceAddUniform _itemClassName; _added = true; }; case "Vest": { _player addVest _itemClassName; _added = true; }; case "AccessorySights", case "AccessoryPointer", case "AccessoryMuzzle", case "AccessoryBipod": { { if !(_x isEqualTo "") then { _compatibleWeaponItems = _x call ExileClient_util_gear_getCompatibleWeaponItems; if (_itemClassName in _compatibleWeaponItems) exitWith { switch (_forEachIndex) do { case 0: { _player addPrimaryWeaponItem _itemClassName; _added = true; }; case 1: { _player addSecondaryWeaponItem _itemClassName; _added = true; }; case 2: { _player addHandgunItem _itemClassName; _added = true; }; }; }; }; if (_added) exitWith {}; } forEach [primaryWeapon _player, secondaryWeapon _player, handgunWeapon _player]; }; }; }; _added Can someone make it show info?
  20. My players were laughing at this occupations for not having enough bots. If you had the same I'd suggest you to change these values in scripts/occupation.sqf lines:83-85: if(_locationType isEqualTo "NameCityCapital") then { _aiCount = 15; _groupRadius = 300; }; if(_locationType isEqualTo "NameCity") then { _aiCount = 2 + (round (random 10)); _groupRadius = 200; }; if(_locationType isEqualTo "NameVillage") then { _aiCount = 1 + (round (random 5)); _groupRadius = 100; };