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Everything posted by Artharon

  1. Artharon

    New DLC

    Around 20€.
  2. Artharon

    Dev looking for work. Updated

  3. Artharon

    BE Script Restriction #3

    Hello guys, after the update most of our players get a weird kick once they try to log in. If they reconnect after the kick, everything is fine again. Can you nonetheless help me with the be filter? script.log: 16.03.2017 22:10:40: InPanic ( 18da4ff178f5cebcc187f8d4b961c356 - #3 "imple without class;"; if (_autolog) then { "bi_Logger" callExtension format["_diagSimpleObjectPerformance.csv<<trunc<<%1",_csv" script.txt until callExtension: //new2 7 createUnit !="creategroup sidelogic;\nbis_functions_mainscope = _grpLogic createunit [\"Logic\",[9,9,9],[],0,\"none\"];\nbis_functions_mainscope set" !="\n\n\n\n\n_group = BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__group;\n\n_logic = _group createUnit [\"Logic\", [_attachPos select 0,_attachPos select 1,0], []," !="e {_veh emptypositions "cargo" > 0} do {\n_unit = _vehGroup createunit [_crewType,_pos,[],0,"none"];\n_unit assignascargo _veh;\n_u" 7 createTeam !="e {_veh emptypositions "cargo" > 0} do {\n_unit = _vehGroup createunit [_crewType,_pos,[],0,"none"];\n_unit assignascargo _veh;\n_u" 7 createAgent !=")\"];\n_center = if (_function == \"bis_fnc_arsenal\") then {\ncreateagent [typeof _centerOrig,position _centerOrig,[],0,\"none\"]\n} el" !="il];\n};\n\n\nif (isServer) then\n{\n\n\nbis_revive_ratioLethal = createAgent [\"Logic\", [10,10,0], [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\nbis_revive_rat" !="nil];\n};\n\nif (isServer) then\n{\n\n\nbis_revive_ratioLethal = createAgent [\"Logic\", [10,10,0], [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\nbis_revive_rat" !=nimviewer};\"];\n\n\n_logicPos = [1000,1000,10000];\n\n_logic = createagent [\"Logic\",_logicPos,[],0,\"none\"];\n_logic setpos _logicPos;\n" !="e {_veh emptypositions "cargo" > 0} do {\n_unit = _vehGroup createunit [_crewType,_pos,[],0,"none"];\n_unit assignascargo _veh;\n_u" 7 callExtension !"EADER MARK, FOR AUTOMATIC GENERATOR/////n";/n/n/n"bi_Logger" callExtension format["A3\macros_CfgVehicles_simpleObject_auto_A3.hpp<<t" I tryed adding the following version of the filter to line 5 ( 7 callExtension) but none of them worked: !"imple without class;\";\n\nif (_autolog) then\n{\n\"bi_Logger\" callExtension format[\"_diagSimpleObjectPerformance.csv<<t" !="imple without class;\";\n\nif (_autolog) then\n{\n\"bi_Logger\" callExtension format[\"_diagSimpleObjectPerformance.csv<<t" !"imple without class;\";\n\nif (_autolog) then\n{\n\"bi_Logger\" callExtension format[\"_diagSimpleObjectPerformance.csv< !="imple without class;\";\n\nif (_autolog) then\n{\n\"bi_Logger\" callExtension format[\"_diagSimpleObjectPerformance.csv< !="imple without class;" !"imple without class;" !imple without class; !imple without class !"imple without class;\";\n\nif (_autolog) then\n{\n\"bi_Logger\" callExtension format[\"_diagSimpleObjectPerformance.csv<<trunc<<%1",_csv" !="imple without class;\";\n\nif (_autolog) then\n{\n\"bi_Logger\" callExtension format[\"_diagSimpleObjectPerformance.csv<<trunc<<%1",_csv" I hope anybody can help me! Greetings Art Edit: I'm an idiot, trying !="imple without class;\";\n\nif (_autolog) then\n{\n\"bi_Logger\" callExtension format[\"_diagSimpleObjectPerformance.csv<<trunc<<%1\",_csv" now. Edit 2: Didn't work ....
  4. Artharon

    Battleye Filter Tool

    Please update the link in your main post, my AntiVirus told me it's a "malicious redirection"....
  5. Artharon

    NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel

    It was BE for me. Try to disable it in your config and start your server and see if the problem continues.
  6. Artharon

    Satchel explosives detonate in safe zones

    There is no viable solution regarding key/mousebutton eventhandler since the code for mousebuttons are handled very differently than keys. Just go with my first solution and the bad guys firstly have to figure out how to go around the script and secondly 1 guy dies at least from them.
  7. Artharon

    {SOLVED} Drone Range

    Could you provide a more detailed solution please?! @Lenzh | 11thAMB
  8. Lad DMS nochmal neu runter, scheint ja irgendwie nicht vollständig zu sein.
  9. Artharon

    Satchel explosives detonate in safe zones

    Gonna try one last thing since „Put“ Eventhandler isn‘t working in Exile (or I am retarded) , that would be an eventhandler which always checks for mines 2 meters around a player if he presses „Spacebar“ and is in a SafeZone. Not really satisfying but this could be at least without exploits if it works correctly. Animationeventhandlers were always too late or too early with deleting.=/ Will post my results here.
  10. Artharon

    Satchel explosives detonate in safe zones

    You could also add this to ExileClient_object_player_thread_safeZone.sqf but I don't think this is a good idea.... _minetypes= ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo","ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Ammo","DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo","ATMine_Range_Ammo","APERSMine_Range_Ammo","APERSBoundingMine_Range_Ammo","SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Ammo","APERSTripMine_Wire_Ammo","APERSMineDispenser_Ammo"]; { _mine = _x; { if(typeOf _mine == _x)then { deleteVehicle _mine; }; }forEach _minetypes; }forEach (player nearObjects 2); Edit: Tryed it, doesn't even work fast enough to not be able to touch off the bomb....
  11. Artharon

    Satchel explosives detonate in safe zones

    Me too. I have added this into ExileClient_object_player_event_onEnterSafezone.sqf wdy_no_mines = player addEventHandler ["InventoryClosed", { _mines = ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag","ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Mag","DemoCharge_Remote_Mag","ATMine_Range_Mag","APERSMine_Range_Mag","APERSBoundingMine_Range_Mag","SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag","APERSTripMine_Wire_Mag","APERSMineDispenser_Mag"]; _minetypes = ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo","ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Ammo","DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo","ATMine_Range_Ammo","APERSMine_Range_Ammo","APERSBoundingMine_Range_Ammo","SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Ammo","APERSTripMine_Wire_Ammo","APERSMineDispenser_Ammo"]; _holder = nearestObject [position player, "GroundWeaponHolder"]; { _mine = _x; { if(typeOf _mine == _x)then { deleteVehicle _mine; }; }forEach _minetypes; }forEach (player nearObjects 2); _cargomag = getMagazineCargo _holder; _keyMag = _cargomag select 0; _keyMag2 = _cargomag select 1; _minecheck = false; { if(_x in _keyMag)then { _index = _keyMag find _x; _keyMag deleteAt _index; _keyMag2 deleteAt _index; _minecheck = true; }; }forEach _mines; if(_minecheck)then { _cargoWeap = getWeaponCargo _holder; _cargoitem = getItemCargo _holder; _cargopos = getPos _holder; _cargoposATL = getPosATL _holder; deleteVehicle _holder; _keyWeap = _cargoWeap select 0; _keyWeap2 = _cargoWeap select 1; _keyItem = _cargoItem select 0; _keyItem2 = _cargoItem select 1; _weaponHolder = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder", _cargopos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _weaponHolder setPosATL _cargoposATL; { _indexkeyMag = _keyMag find _x; _keyMagnum = _keyMag2 select _indexkeyMag; _weaponHolder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,_keyMagnum]; }forEach _keyMag; { _indexkeyWeap = _keyWeap find _x; _keyWeapnum = _keyWeap2 select _indexkeyWeap; _weaponHolder addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,_keyWeapnum]; }forEach _keyWeap; { _indexkeyItem = _keyItem find _x; _keyItemnum = _keyItem2 select _indexkeyItem; _weaponHolder addItemCargoGlobal [_x,_keyItemnum]; }forEach _keyItem; ["ErrorTitleAndText", ["Explosive Deleted", "You cannot place an explosive this close to a trader!"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; }; }];; and player removeEventHandler ["InventoryClosed",wdy_no_mines]; into ExileClient_object_player_event_onLeaveSafezone.sqf. But there is still an exploit possible. I am not sure if my code makes sense or if there are better eventHandlers, commands, or ways to solve this problem. Any input would be appreciated.
  12. Artharon

    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 01385138

    Same here. Maybe the Arma Hotfix fixed it.
  13. Artharon


    Richtig, du brauchst aber noch eine weitere. Komm einfach mal auf unser TS, sonst dauert diese Konversation noch 2 Wochen.:D
  14. Artharon


    Ansonsten komm einfach mal auf unser TS und frag nach Woody. oder
  15. Artharon


    @Whitey Hast du schon die Dateien gefunden, die relevant für das Vorhaben sind?
  16. Artharon


    Das ist ganz simpel, ich bin mir sicher, dass du das hinbekommst!:D Ansonsten meld dich nochmal, falls du einen Tipp brauchst. @Whitey
  17. Artharon

    Hosting 2 svrs from same ip

    Then you are using the same db for both server. Just rename your existing one, run the exile.sql again and change your db settings in the extdb-settings.ini to the renamed db and the other server should still be able to connect to the new db. Make a backup of your db first obviously.
  18. Artharon


    Ja, ich meine wer von CDAH war das, meiner Erinnerung nach aber nur für Custom gesetzte Container (kann falsch liegen). Hab's auf jeden Fall so gelöst, dass das. Metall am Fuß der Spieler spawnt, der Container ist danach zwar nicht weg, aber wenn einer versucht weiterhin drauf zuhauen, bekommt er eine Meldung, dass der Container schon abgefarmt wurde.
  19. Artharon


    Das Metall klopfen funkt noch genauso wie vorher, nur dass der Container nur "optisch" nicht zerstört wird, Schaden bekommt er immer noch und "sterben" (Damage = 1) tut er auch pflichtbewusst. Man kann das Skript also wieder ziemlich simpel zum Laufen bekommen.
  20. Artharon


    Was wollt ihr denn genau machen? Man kann schon sehr viel über die Debug-Konsole machen, ohne Zeus.
  21. Artharon

    Billboards XXX meter über boden platzieren?

    Schon mal probiert die Position der Billboards manuell in der DB zu ändern? Du kannst Infistar oder ein getPos Skript verwenden, um deine genauen Koordinaten zu bestimmen. Ist zwar keine schöne Lösung, aber erstmal ausreichend denke ich. Edit: Sollte auch genauso gehen, wenn du es über ein Skript einfügst, ohne DB Eintrag.
  22. Artharon

    Stationäre waffen in Exile bauen/verwenden (CUP)

    Es gab mal irgendwo in der englischen Abteilung eine lange Diskussion darüber. Am Ende kam glaube ich raus, dass es aufgrund von Arma nicht möglich ist, würde also nicht allzuviel Kraft in die Lösung stecken. In Arma sind alle Objekte Fahrzeuge btw.^^ Kann aber auch falsch liegen.
  23. Artharon

    Easy Fix for Harvesting Shipping Containers

    Thanks for this tip, didn't notice that. Working with a workaround now.;)
  24. Artharon

    there is a script sell crate Waste Dump + Igiload ?

    Take a look in your config.cpp and make sure you don't have the wastedump anti-dupe still activated via ExileCustomCode.