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  1. Moffasa

    Memory Alocator issue

    I dont think you need a memory alocator any more as of the last Arma update, i had it on mine for a while after the update and it caused all sorts of issues, so removed them and issues gone.
  2. Moffasa

    [Updated V4]EVR Blowout for Exile

    Ok a bit more testing has revealed another revelation, i have managed to fix the building issue by specifying the type of building in the, fn_isInsideBuilding.sqf, In my case i wanted to use a pod, specifically this one = Land_Pod_Heli_Transport_04_medevac_F, but i am pretty sure if you new the class name for what type of building you wanted to use then your good to go. My next headache is my headless client gets hammered during the storm, pretty sure fixing that wont be a walk in the park. Hope the above helps someone else.
  3. Moffasa

    [Updated V4]EVR Blowout for Exile

    Ok guys, done a little 1 on 1 testing this evening, i could not figure out that when in the open damage was only 10%,-- in vehicle was 80% we new that, so i changed the ns_blow_damage_invehicle = to 0.50, and viola in open damage is now 50%, I dont know if its because i am using the Chernarus map or not, But i thought that was interesting and thought i would share. Update, I done some more testing this morning, and found that setting the outside damage is actually setting the vehicle damage, and vice versa, However the In-building damage is totally random from what i can gather, some times 80% some times 90%, some times death, at least we have the power to set vehicle damage now, so all is not lost. Sorry @Xtortion i see you had discovered same as above, i have managed to get the buildings working, well sort of, read bellow.
  4. Moffasa

    [Updated V4]EVR Blowout for Exile

    Your the man, worked like a charm thank you. Was wondering do you think it would be possible to have, lets say-- a Taru pod medic as the safe vehicle, was thinking about something like that, but not sure if its possible, thanks again for your help.
  5. Moffasa

    [Updated V4]EVR Blowout for Exile

    Hi @SadBoy1981 I used your download above thanks for that, been trying to make this work properly for a while now, when I use your method, My description.ext throws back the following error, File mpmissions\_cur_mp.Chernarus\description.ext,line 200:/EscTitles/RSCAPSI_h1/controls.APSI:Undefined base class'Rsc TextNS', I know this is prob more than likely a syntax error, but i cant find it, i will post my description.ext here, Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work guys.
  6. Moffasa

    R3F Exile

    Sorry @☠ Skull & Bones ☠, took long time to answer this, quite simply there is no other way, if you read the very first post of this thread you will see battleye filters from @Shepster you can download them and reference them against your own, there has been quite a few updates as well as infistar updates since then so i doubt that all of the filters will still apply, but you will get an idea of the permissions need to make this run properly, i hope you have got it sorted mate, cause this thing gave me a headache too.
  7. Moffasa

    R3F Exile

    This is what is in my setvariableval.txt I doubt very much on a 60 slot server that will do much harm, besides how else do you get it to work, i tried everything, i got this info from the battleye scripts posted at the beginning of this thread.
  8. Moffasa

    R3F Exile

    Dude, change that 7 to a 1 in your setvariableval.txt, i think anybody who has this or the igiload script has to do that, it will then log but not kick.
  9. Moffasa

    R3F Exile

    Hi man, try changing the 7 to a 1 in your setvariableval.txt, i had this problem, took me ages to figure it out, good luck, report back
  10. Moffasa

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Not sure if this has been asked before, but i am trying to set up 2 Hc's on my TS, now is there any way in which to specify what HC fumes connects to and if so can you tell me how, I understand there is an option for all 1 or 2 ect, but i am pretty sure this is turned based and any one of my 2 Hc's could be second in the list to connect, and if number 2 where to fail will the AI be transferred to number 1 ect. Thanks in advance.
  11. Moffasa

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    @Horbin Thanks for the update, A friend and i have been messing about on my test server the past couple of nights, and i happened to take a look at the Hc rpt logs this evening and noticed 3 Mb of this in tonight and last nights logs, 23:19:02 Error position: <_moveTo distance _unit < 10) ) }; i> 23:19:02 Error Undefined variable in expression: _moveto 23:19:02 File FuMS\HC\AI\Logic\Captured.sqf, line 258 23:19:02 Error in expression <_var select 1 != _action select 1) or (_moveTo distance _unit < 10) ) have you any idea what could be happening here, we have been particularly interested in the zombie missions both nights as i was testing why the satchels where not spawning, I have not changed anything in the above file. Thanks again in advance.
  12. Moffasa

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    @Horbin, thanks for clearing that up, and i am sorry to be a pain but i have noticed that every time the HC connects to the database it does so with a new Id, is there any way to specify a static id for the HC, cause i have quite a few connections building up, Thanks In Advance.
  13. Moffasa

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    @Horbin excellent job on this i am currently testing the new release on my Ts, however the above did not work for me, it only picks up []execVM "HC\init.sqf"; from the missions init.sqf. do you know if this is compatible with ACD_SZ-ACiDy spawn and trade zones? as i am getting a lot of Client Object Type not found in the RPT and if so, do you know how to minimize this, On the zombie missions it takes at least 2 players to trigger the spawning of the satchel charges, is there a fix for this?. Now last but not least, is the admin menu working yet, since the new release i now have a scroll wheel option but no menu, you can set things using the space bar on and off but you will not know what the option will be, all you can see is a round reticle as a target, i am sorry if i am missing something very simple here, but i have no other experience with this mod on epoch so i do not know my way around, also i use infistar, Thanks in advance, and keep up the excellent work.
  14. Moffasa

    Memory Alocator issue

    Yes no problem i will try it on the test server.
  15. Moffasa

    Where did A3XAI go?

    My opinion, A3xai has some of the most best put together instructions i have ever seen, if you cant understand those then maybe running a server is not for you, i think the dev team has done an excellent job of putting it all together, and i feel very disappointed that they have been forced to withdraw support for it because of lazy people who could not be bothered to debug and read a log or 2.