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About simon1603

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  1. simon1603

    Database does NOT update in last hour

    I have noticed this issue also, I actually thought it was just a problem at my side.
  2. simon1603

    Looking for New Host

    I changed to swifnode a few months ago after having similar issues with other hosters, they have servers in USA, Canada and France, and I would never change to anyone else, friendly and helpfull does not cover the support they give. One guy apologised for making me wait 6 minutes for a reply to a ticket!!!!!! But its all personal preference.
  3. simon1603

    Simple Player Marker System

    Many thanks xtr3m3, that is basically what I had except i did not have it in a custom folder, but it works perfect now, Maybe I had a one of those moments lol. Again much appreciated
  4. simon1603

    Simple Player Marker System

    Hi, sorry I too have to ask, tried a few ways to add this but not getting any markers, any possibility that you could explain what you did, normally dont have any issues, but I can't get it working.
  5. simon1603

    New Crafting Stuff

    Grerat addition, many thanks for the share.
  6. simon1603

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    @beo, for the life of me I can not remember what setting I had to change, I read it in the old forum, it was a bambi setting -2000 or something like that, unfortunately I cant remember what file it was, hopefully someone will know which one it was.
  7. simon1603

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    And I think I can say that everyone who uses it now, owes you a debt of at least, gratitude.
  8. simon1603

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Fantastic work as always IT07, I look forward (hint) to all your releases. Everything takes time, patience is always needed.