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Everything posted by F1Schu

  1. F1Schu

    Custom Loading Screen

    Any of you clever chaps on here know of a way to replace the loading screen map image? I know you can change the small box picture but I want to get rid of the box and the background map image (Altis in my case) and replace it with my own custom loading screen with a few server rules etc.. Any help with this would be very much appreciated.
  2. Hey John great work on this addon buddy, been away from Exile for a while so glad to see you're still at it! Any chance you can incorporate just cup weapons & NIARMS into this or if I can add it in myself? Love Reborn & its just how i want it but am really missing some of the weapons from these 2 mod packs like my trusty old as50. Would love to have them as really rare loot/mission reward weapons like we had on our old Arma 2 dayz server. Also I noticed on your forum someone mentioned that dogs will be coming soon. You know how much I loved your old dog mod so am looking forward to having them in reborn
  3. F1Schu

    Exile Price Balancing Worksheet

    It doesn't do anything except change the colour of the text shown for the item in the trader/inventory.
  4. F1Schu

    CUP issues

    Will take a look when im home mate in the mean time you could try opening a support ticket with GD and get them to take a look. Dont forget you're paying for support when needed also Are you 100% sure everything is the same as the test server? Double, even tripple check your edits.
  5. F1Schu

    CUP issues

    Try it without @extDB2 in the start up and see if it still happens, not sure why you need that there, as far as I know its not needed as Exile already uses it. You're deffo loading the mods correctly now so there is another issue somewhere. I'm out atm so will take a look when I get home.
  6. @Slim Never suggested for him not to try it, I just said it doesn't really matter which way you do it. You told him he 'Shouldn't' have it there , I was just saying it actually doesn't matter is all. Also I've never had an issue with too many -servermod parameters causing an issue but there you go...
  7. F1Schu

    CUP issues

    Nice one buddy glad you're all sorted.
  8. F1Schu

    CUP issues

    My test server is exactly the same and works fine so its not that. only difference is I don't have @extDB2 in mine. EDIT: in your post above you have a ':' instead of a ';' check you haven't done that in your start up config
  9. Makes no difference if you load Enigma via addons or an @Mod file, works either way
  10. F1Schu

    CUP issues

    Here ya go mate should look like this for those mods. A3AXI goes under -servermod not -mod and also better to load JR before CUP weapons as CUP weapons is dependent on JR not the other way round (not that it will make much of a difference). Also just put the a3_DMS.pbo in your @ExileServer/addons folder. It doesn't need to be in an @Mods folder so you don't need to add it to either -mod or -servermod as it will load automatically. -mod=@Exile;@Namalsk;@ASDG_JR;@CUP_Weapons -servermod=@ExileServer;@infiSTAR_Exile;@A3AXI Note that you can also just put the a3_infiSTAR_Exile pbo straight into your server addons folder like Dms in which case you no longer need to add it under your -servermod parameter either. Edit: GhostTown, BTW thx for your NAPF loot spawns bro they saved me a lot of time. Cheers!
  11. F1Schu

    CUP issues

    Lol my bad bro was gonna say about that but presumed you'd done that already. Yeah servers dont like spaces in there dont need to change the client one tho only the one on the server. Anyways glad you got it sorted buddy!
  12. F1Schu

    CUP issues

    CBA will work but you need to override a file to make it work with exile or you get database issues, so if you're just using CUP Weapons just stick with JR stand alone as it doesn't have any extra issues to deal with.
  13. F1Schu

    CUP issues

    Remove CBA and add just Joint Rails to your server -mod section, don't pay any attention to the warning about needing CBA, you don't unless you are using CUP Units & Vehicles or some other mod that requires it. CUP weapons runs fine stand alone with Joint rails, if you add both CBA and JR you will be running JR twice as its already part of CBA.
  14. Yeah reinstall and follow happys instructions. The only issue I had was BE filters. Apart from that it worked flawlessly with 0.9.6. This is why I have 2 test servers . I have one totally default and then another that mirrors my main live server. I install all new scripts/mods on the default test server first then if they work okay I add it to the other and then to my main. This way if there is an error when I add it to test server 2 I can easily work out if its a mod conflict or install error
  15. Lots of people have asked about this same black screen error. Happy has tested it more than once and can't find an issue and lots of us have it running perfectly fine on our servers so there is nothing wrong with the script itself. Either you guys are running a mod that is conflicting with revive or you have installed it wrong.
  16. F1Schu

    ExileZ 2

    Just a thought by the looks of that picture above you have not commented out the default Altis triggers. You need to do that and then un comment the Namalsk ones.
  17. F1Schu

    ExileZ 2

    You guys must be doing something wrong, works fine on Namalsk. Install as default, updated safezones and Zed settings and turn off the two triggers as Patrix said to. Will post up my config and Namalsk triggers when im on my pc shortly.
  18. F1Schu

    CUP issues

    Also you don't need both Joint Rails and CBA as CBA already contains JR included in it
  19. F1Schu

    [Release] Purchased vehicles spawn at specific location

    Same mate, was totally clueless about running a server, let alone editing files and making things in the editor. Doesn't take long to learn just lots of reading and listening to the scripting pros of our community here add in half a brain. Simples once you know how
  20. F1Schu

    ExileZ 2

    [14996.1875,50,8015.1343],175] Delete the second set of numbers the '50' in your case. They need to be like this 14996.1875,8015.1343 You can also round them off so you end up with. [14996,8015],175] The 175 is the radius of the safezone/trigger
  21. F1Schu

    [Release] Purchased vehicles spawn at specific location

    You need to place one using the editor and then use the code provided by BDTZ.
  22. F1Schu

    Statusbar Script?

    Had the same issue with an earlier build of infiSTAR. Are you running the latest version?
  23. F1Schu

    Help making a custom status bar.

    I'm running on a 3440 x 1440p UltraWidescreeen which is also 21:9 and I had the same issue. Change your interface size, mine was on small and the status bar was not centred. Changed my interface size to normal and problem solved
  24. F1Schu

    ExileZ 2

    This how I installed mine buddy. D/L Ryan Zombies and Demons and add the @ folder to your arma3 root directory. Then open up your mission.sqm and add the following to your addons at the top of the file. mine looks like this.. addOns[]= { "exile_client", "Ryanzombies", "ryanzombiesfunctions", "Ryanzombiesanims", "Ryanzombiesfaces", "namalsk" Then add the @ folder to your -mod section of your start line. Next D/L ExileZ and configure it for your required map/settings and repack the exilez.pbo and add it to your @ExileServer\addons folder Then just fix any script restrictions you may encounter. think that's about it really mate.