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I recently updated @kuplion Exile.Chernarus mission files. This is only compatible with CUP You can find this on my github: https://github.com/magn456/Exile-Chernarus If requested I can update the other files aswell Please notice that I only updated these files to Exile 1.0.4, and all credit goes to @kuplion PM me or reply to this thread if you have any issues EDIT: Added options for Winter and Summer, available on my github in the link above.
This file includes loot posistions for nearly all buildings in Chernarus 2035. This is not complete. Will do updates as time goes on. It is available here: https://github.com/magn456/Chernarus-2035-Loot-Building-Posistions The file is named "cfgBuildings.hpp", place it in "@exile_server_config\addons\exile_server_config" add this to "config.cpp" #include "cfgBuildings.hpp" If cfgBuildings is already present in "config.cpp" then copy the contents of "cfgBuildings.hpp" and replace it. THIS IS ONLY FOR Chernarus 2035! If you have any questions, please ask them
Hello Exile Server Owners that run Chernarus , I have something special for you The last couple of days I've been searching for Stary Traders and Bash traders, but there none to find. They may be in the corners of the Exile Forums. But look no futher! Today I've decided to release some files that may benefit us who run Chernarus servers. These files may not be perfect, but I'm trying my best. As of right now I have created to locations: Bash and Stary and one type to each of them. This is compatible with Chernarus Winter, Chernarus Summer and normal Chernarus. All of these require CUP. I have decided to put them into "modules" which means that you can merge them with your own! Already have a Bash Trader, and is looking for a Stary Trader? Then merge my Stary Traders with your Bash Trader! The files required are in their seperate folders, and should be easy to install. I wont be providing installation guides. If you need a guide check our this fine genteman's guide on how to install them. GitHub Link: https://github.com/magn456/Exile-Chernarus-Traders
This file has been taken down. I will no longer provide any support. Thank you for understanding.
This has been taken down. I will no longer provide any support. Thank you for understanding.
This file has been privated on my GitHub. I will no longer provide any support. Thank you for understanding.
Hello Exile Community! I made a small modification to Exile Grinding, so you need 5 batteries per door (changeable) 1. Download these two files from my GitHub Link: https://github.com/magn456/Exile_Grinding 2. Make a folder called "Custom" (or something else, just remember this) inside your mission file. 3. Move these files to "Custom" 4. Open config.cpp, find "CfgExileCustomCode and add these lines to it. If these two files are placed somewhere else, replace "Custom" to your wherever these files are. class CfgExileCustomCode { // Other Overrides above.. ExileServer_object_lock_network_grindLockRequest.sqf = "Custom\ExileServer_object_lock_network_grindLockRequest.sqf"; ExileClient_action_grindLock_condition.sqf = "Custom\ExileClient_action_grindLock_condition.sqf"; }; Optional Step Configure how many batteries you need to grind To do that, edit these files and find _requiredamount = 5; change 5 to your desired amount. In "ExileServer_object_lock_network_grindLockRequest.sqf" Add how many batteries should be removed if you changed "_requiredamount" by doing adding more of these to the file. _playerObject removeItem "Exile_Magazine_Battery";
- 1 reply
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These two files have been privated on my GitHub. I will no longer provide any support. Thank you for understanding.
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We have the following features on our server Loot+ FPS+ 64-Bit Virtual Garage XP System Missions Custom Missions Capture Points Semi-Militarized Grinding (Requires 5 batteries per door) Virtual Garage Hacking Safe Hacking Halo Jumping (Must be above 100m) Adjustable View Distance Slider Black Market Missile Warnings for air vehicles Vector Building Thermal (Binos only) Revive Deployable Quad through XM8 (Requires 1x Duct Tape) Re-Arming Crate Loading & selling Base Spawning (10 minute cooldown) Mods needed to join our server
- semi-militarized
- thermal
- (and 24 more)
AFAIK, there is no way to change planting time. Looked through the configs and the mod config, and saw that there is no file to change it.
It's weird. In my testing the DMS config should definitely work. Is the file in "map_configs"?
Even though this is not the ZCP thread, but incase you want ZCP config aswell Paste this into "fn_startZCP.sqf" in "@ExileServer\addons\a3_zcp_exile" case "chernarus_2035": { ZCP_MapCenterPos = [8000,8000]; ZCP_MapRadius = 6000; }; Paste this under case "altis": // [16000,16000] w/ radius of 16000 works well for Altis { ZCP_MapCenterPos = [16000,16000]; ZCP_MapRadius = 16000; }; so it looks like this: switch (toLower worldName) do { case "altis": // [16000,16000] w/ radius of 16000 works well for Altis { ZCP_MapCenterPos = [16000,16000]; ZCP_MapRadius = 16000; }; case "chernarus_2035": { ZCP_MapCenterPos = [8000,8000]; ZCP_MapRadius = 6000; };
make a file named "chernarus_2035_config.sqf" in a3_dms\map_configs then paste this into "chernarus_2035_config.sqf" /* Custom configs for Chernarus 2035. Created by [JG] Magn */ // Making these configs below as strict as possible will help in reducing the number of attempts taken to find a valid position, and as a result, improve performance. DMS_MinDistFromWestBorder = 750; DMS_MinDistFromEastBorder = 6500; DMS_MinDistFromSouthBorder = 3500; DMS_MinDistFromNorthBorder = 1000; In my testing, this only seem to spawn them on the main island and not on the Utes island or any other island.
@Bones51 Thanks for the headsup
I kinda noticed the same as the post above, except it actually remove the whole gun. This is especially happening with RHS and FFAA helicopters. It will remove nearly all weapons from them. It will remove the rockets pods upon retrieving the heli from the VG. It does not seem to happen when the server loads all vehicles on the map, but when the player retrieves the helicopters from VG.
You need CUP Terrains Maps to make it work with Chernarus, also from what the looks of it, it looks like CUP Terrains Maps isnt being loaded. Check that @CUP Terrains - Maps is the same as the folder.
I am using the wastedump to sell vehicles, which is normal? As I said, I am using the default script here aswell as the included PBO which is placed in @ExileServer\addons This only happens when the crate has been sold. If you sell the vehicle before, there is no issues. If you sell the crate before the vehicle, you get minus respect, as you see in the pictures.
@Monkeynutz Hello Monkey! I have a little problem. When selling a crate its normally fine, but when selling a vehicle via the wastedump right after says "+ -1500" (1500 is just an example) and it removes 1500 respect from the player. I've had this problem for a while, and I've been trying to fix it myself, but to no avail ): Attached pictures. I have not modified the script, and I am using extDB3. Getting this in my client RPT files 18:17:22 Error in expression <{ _itemClassName = _x select 0; }; if !(_itemClassName isEqualTo "") then { _lis> 18:17:22 Error position: <_itemClassName isEqualTo "") then { _lis> 18:17:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: _itemclassname 18:17:22 File exile_client\code\ExileClient_util_containerCargo_list.sqf, line 39
@chrispools You have gonna have to create it yourself, or find someone elses. This only includes loot posistions. Should be easy to do, you could try and rename the current PBO to "Exile.Chernarus_2035.pbo" it is not guarenteed to work though. Remember to install Chernarus 2035 from the workshop.
@chrispools There is a folder called "@Chernaros 2035" copy that to your root server folder where "arma3server.exe" or "arma3server_x64.exe" are. Add "@Chernarus 2035" to your parameters in "-servermod" Eg: mod: "-mod=@Exile;CUP Terrains - Core;@Chernarus 2035" Add ";" if there are more client side mods If you have any server mod files like infiSTAR Exile Add that to servermod Eg: servermod: "-servermod=@infiSTAR_Exile" same thing if ";"
@Brunk I see that you made another thread. extDB3 is not officially supported by Exile. In your extDB logs I see that you are using Version 1.027. Have you tried using Version 1.031? https://bitbucket.org/torndeco/extdb3/downloads/ Saying "Please help" doesnt really get you anywhere. People will help you whenever they can and want to.
So you are running extDB3 without running that file? I thought that was absolutely neccesary.
I noticed that you can use extDB3 on a 32-bit server, but Im sure that wouldnt help, as it uses the same code. I appriciate the input. We will most likely move to extDB2 again as Exile is mainly developed for that. A wipe isnt bad, as it brings new players in, but I would like to avoid of possible though.
True that. Is there any benefit going from 64-bit to 32 on the server? 64-bit, allows you to go beyond the 2GB Ram limit (I believe) and has performance benefits. Do you need to do anything if I want to change to 32-bit? This is already on a live server, and I would like to avoid a wipe unless completely neccesary.
Hello, I seem to have the same problem as Razor. The flag gets deleted, but the contruction and containers remain. I also seem to be getting Deadlocks. I get these errors in the extDB3 logs: [00:20:30:390063 +02:00] [Thread 4596] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction [00:20:30:390077 +02:00] [Thread 4596] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Input: deleteUnpaidTerritories:2 [00:20:30:390163 +02:00] [Thread 1836] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction [00:20:30:390171 +02:00] [Thread 1836] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Input: markDeleteUnpaidTerritories:7 [00:20:30:390273 +02:00] [Thread 4448] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction [00:20:30:390280 +02:00] [Thread 4448] extDB3: SQL: Error MariaDBStatementException1: Input: deleteBaseFlagStolen:3 What does this mean and how do we fix this?